A Witch's Path (WIP)

In choice based games the illusion of control is often better than actual control. A fake choice that has the same outcome but with different flavour text will break up the story, give you choice over why your character chose to do what they did while not adding significant branching burden to the developer.


Also should I put a backstory for their titles or not?


Sure the more info the better :slight_smile:

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Alright I doubt that they will be good backstory’s or even cohesive but whatever!

Her Eminence Eliza the Silent Destruction story begins, When Eliza was three years old she was kidnapped by a human/witch trafficking organisation it is unknown what they did to her in the 10 years that they had her but when she finally escaped she was already a very powerfull witch When she finally joined a (insert a coven here) she spent all of her time increasing her power and influence after another 3 years she was the top of her class (she was still technically student even with her immense power) and she was ready to destroy the ring of human/witch trafficking you might expect her to rush all in killing everyone involved but no she got names,places, and dates and slowly but surely used her influence to destroy the lives of everyone involved one by one day by day year by year at the end they were all at her feet begging for death (to dark? also not that good is it?)

Her Radiance Lailah the Fox Fire got her title, When she was at age 2 (note she was immensely powerful for her age also insert reason here) when she conjured a powerful burning 9 tailed fox whitch allowed her to control any fire or plasma (also pretty much any magic fire as long as the person who conjured it is weaker then her) you know the stuff the sun is mostly made of and in theory she can create a second mini sun pretty much anywhere.

Her Magnificence Tatiana The Ice Queen got her title, at age 16 to a trip to the arctic (why they went to the arctic who knows) she and her class got stuck in a large blizzard (-45 F) this is when she and her ice wraith familar created a small ice castle in the snow (which she now lives in tho much bigger) to survive she was later called a hero for saving her class of 35

I dont really have a backstory for the last two (also tell me if the backstory’s are crap I will make better ones if you want)


I would solely play just for the anime club option… Just kidding, that just an added bonus! This sounds like a lot of fun to play. Definitely, can’t wait for this.

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Casually peruses the WIPs area, sees “A Witch’s Path”.
“Huh, this looks interesting.”
Sees thread turn into: spell making class, a pet shop, a fashion magazine.
2000 comments later (I know I have a problem)
giggles in barely contained excitement
“Holy motherfu***** fu** ! I can’t wait to play this!”


White Coven MC

Secret Coven MC

Night Coven MC


Your heterochromia on a white coven bugs me… Night Coven should always stand out.

The magic of the secret coven was ruined for me…

I always have heterochromia when I can :sweat_smile: I find it way too beautiful. Btw Night Coven MC has as well, you can’t see it bc the pic is black and white and hair blocks one of the eyes :wink: :joy:


I think both covens are silly. I would rather destroy them both and start again from scratch. :pensive:

I retract my previous statement.[quote=“Ylva, post:2286, topic:20209”]
I find it way too beautiful.

Agreed, eyes are one of the most important features for me.

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Life goal: Enslave everyone, Witch, human, doesn’t matter.


Life goal: Have fun, that means death and devastation on an epic scale. :hugging: I just hope they would put up a fight, there is no fun if it ends too quickly.


To protect the world from devastation
To unite all peoples within our nat- screw it Unlimited powa! Advancha! Fun times!


Those are definitely extravagant back story’s lol. I’ll consider it but will see if it works for witches born like 800 years ago :sweat_smile:

To unite all people within our nation!!
Jessie!! James!! And Meowth too!! Team rocket is coming at you!!


Oh wow you read the whole thread!? Amazing lol. What did you think of the female MC formal clothes options???

Is it cuz you would be a slave to a demon??

Maybe that’s possible lol.

Lol when you unlock your full power even if every witch in the world attacked you at once the damage would equal the pain of stubbing your toe :yum:. And if all the humans attacked… that would be like someone poking you lol.

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