3-day game jam in a shared 50s scifi world

The MC is basically a “blank” character, formed by his/her/their choices.

Startup file (for everyone to copy and paste, then add to as needed).

*title 1950s SciFi Collaborative Game Jam
*author Doctor, Felicity Banks, Adrao, Jacic, Moreau, Juums, Nahim


*create pc_is_male false
*create pc_is_female false

*create he “”
*create him “”
*create his “”

*create name “”
*create first_name “”
*create last_name “”

*create reputation 50
*create curiosity 50
*create wealth 50
*create health 50
*create idealism 50

*create lazer_pistol 50
*create flying 50

Assisted By
TechDragon 610

Copyright 2015.

The authors license this file to you under the
ChoiceScript License, Version 1.0 (the “License”); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

*link http://www.choiceofgames.com/LICENSE-1.0.txt

See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
either express or implied.

choicescript_stats file, for everyone’s use (not properly formatted sorry)

Name: $!{name}

opposed_pair idealism
percent reputation Reputation
percent curiosity Curiosity
percent wealth Wealth
percent health Health
percent lazer_pistol Lazer Pistol Skill
percent flying Flying Skill

My own outline (subject to change as lack of sleep and/or inspiration hits):

Plot: Due to mechanical failure (possibly sabotage by Joe, but if so the MC won’t know), MC is forced to land on Xenphuth IV, a planet even the Zork consider uninhabitable because of the large array of unusual and man-eating vegetation covering its surface. Our hero takes the robot Hint and plunges into the killer wilderness to find the elusive Gakjox vine in order to repair the ship. A plant so useful is worth a lot of money if the MC can get more than the single strand required to survive. Of course, survival would be nice too.

Stats gained: Every stat will have at least one chance to grow.
Stats tested: None, since it’s the first “chapter”.

Other info: Hint will spend some time being all-knowing, indestructible, and overly literal.
Gender (he/she/they) and name will be chosen.

Hey @Felicity_Banks Could I just check, is the whole story set on this planet or will they be back in the air by the next chapter?

(Also I will try to get something in but this might be subject to how much free time I can get together over the next few days).

They’ll definitely be back in the air by the next chapter. Our stories will be like episodes of a TV series.

Good luck scraping out a draft this weekend!!

I’ll go start a WIP thread for this.

cools, ok thanks :smile:

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Ok so my own outline

Plot: while on a bar at a space station the MC is contacted by Xargos, an exile from the planet of Lautus. The MC is told that, while in the last stages to transcend into the next plane of existance, the cleaning robots employed by the Lautians became sentient and have now enslaved the Lautians. The MC is hired to go to the planet and attempt to activate the transcend machine, a large artefact that will extract the souls of the Lautians from their body into the next plane. If the MC accepts the mission he will go to the planet, attempt to land and try to find this machine, and then try to come out alive.

Stats gained: mostly fighting stats and knowledge stats, plus wealth can increase
Stats tested: fighting and knowledge

Other info: still thinking about the details…

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Plot: while in deep space, the crew runs out of fuel and is set adrift. When going down to get more fuel from storage, they discovered a giant Space Bat had clawed it’s way into the ship through the gas tank. Lazer Pistols seem use-less against it, they must figure out how to remove it from the ship.

Stats gained: intellectual mostly, fighting

Other info: not yet

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Was just thinking a bit more about the story etc… Looking at the stats, we might need something for hit points or health -in whatever way- also maybe some stat to keep track if the MC is idealistic or not? (Like if he is trying to generally be good or just looking for personal self-gain). What you think?


Health - usually as a temp stat (although a major injury due to epic failure makes sense) in each game (?)

And an opposed stat of Idealism VS Cynicism (?)

So idealism is good for making friends, and cynicism for spotting liars (?)

I’ll go add these to the top and to the startup file. They can always change if someone objects.

Actually as you say health can be a temp stay but an opposed idealism/cynism would be nice (sort of started thinking about it for my story, and whether the MC takes on a mission out of altruism or just to make money…)

Ok hope you are all geared up for this! I’ve already started to work on my chapter (already the 6th in japan!.. Not sure how all this works in terms if time zones as I’ll be travelling to holland during weekend, and will continue working on it on the plane…)

Ok I had started to write stuff in word, but have already partially coded some stuff


Let me know what you think so far… one thing is that we might have to talk about the units of currency, basically what are they? how much is a lot for a mission? Like, I have so far placed 1000 for buying some trading commodity, how much should the MC be paid for doing a mission? (if he is choosing to get paid?)


I just discovered that to use public folders on dropbox new users have to pay a monthly fee (which explains why I couldn’t make it work).

There’s a beautiful site set up just for CS which you can read all about at Dashingdon: Free ChoiceScript Game Hosting - #30 by Sashira

If people don’t mind emailing me their “finished” games as they’re done (then edits later, I imagine - although it might be interesting to keep a “this is what our 72 hours seriously produced” file for comparison to the polished final product) I can put them up at the dashingdon site.

fellissimo@hotmail.com is me.

Money-wise…yes. Gotta sort that out.
Shall we call them “Zork dollars” for easy reference (and a hand-wave for inflation suddenly reversing)? And use small numbers, as if it’s the 50s. So a general rule of thumb is that $1 now is worth $10 then.
$50 was a normal non-skilled weekly wage.
$100 bought a decent used car (so $500 for a small used spaceship like ours I think, given that there’s a lot of flying around places happening, so the tech is plentiful).

This is a great site for lazy researchers - short and sweet with some great details.

Here in Canberra it’s 8pm on Thursday night. I start writing in four hours! In preparation I’ve dosed myself with chocolate so I know I’ll be too hopped up on caffeine to sleep anyway :smile: Wheeee!


Hope it’s okay to mention in passing that Hint (our robot crew member) is an early Lautus model? I can always cut the reference if not.

Hi, yes that could be, I would have to modify some of the stuff I wrote today slightly, but would actually greatly add to my part of the story and make the entire thing more cohesive! Regarding the prices Im ok with Zork dollars and the price ranges you indicate, though probably the spaceship would be more on the truck price range (a car would be the same thing as a small shuttle), so maybe the spaceship would be like $5000 or $10000, even if used? (anyway maybe not a central point, but the $10-$1 conversion seems good to me!

Otherwise, how many people are actually participating in the end?

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I’m participating with what little time I have

I have to work all this weekend and friday night, so unfortunately my time is going to be pretty limited :frowning: So only a very hesitant maybe from me at the moment, probably not unless I get more time than I’m anticipating

Good luck, all of you (especially Jacic, at this point).

My game is going well although staying up late was SUCH a bad idea. Heh.

I think we have about four reliable participants and the same number of maybes. Plus an editor standing by (not counting me).