That cool
Chapter 5 has been added to the test version. This is a chance for you to get to know more about your companions and also explore Zone 2.
I also have included new artwork in the game.
Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback so far.
Very excited for the next development! My MC is having a great time dying and carrying the team at the same time! : )
First I’d like to say I’m totally enamored with your work, especially Safe Heaven. First time I tried IF, even if I’m already fond of other interactive games such as Detroit : Become human, Cooking Companions and all, it was the first “all words” IF I played and now I’m playing several.
I’ll try to help despite English not being my mother tongue. In chapter two (I think), there is a little misprint. The text says “The must be something you can take to slow […]”, seems like it would be “There must be something[…]” ? Here is a link to what I’m referring to : Capture-d-cran-2024-12-17-204448 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB.
I appreciate the story so far. Something I’d like to suggest if I may ? Having the possibility to stay quiet more often, having some more body language options ? Also, and it’s more like a personal request really, but having depression as a flaw option ?
Thank you for your work, good luck.
Thank you for trying out this game and pointing out that error.
I will definitely work on adding more passive options. Thanks for the suggestion!
I think I have mentioned it before but is it possible to add external purchases that allow you to get more traits and less flaws ( or make it harder by doing vice versa) or other separate purchases, similar to what you did with Safe Haven.
Hey, faced a possible bug at the beginning of Ch4, I tell everyone in my group that I was bitten when I can but they still got mad at me and said I didnt tell them the truth after the call with the Captain(I think?). I’m playing a soldier with basically no social skills.