Zombie Exodus: Stronghold (Chapters 1-5 test version)

Can I make a suggestion?

When you release the game just like in safe Haven you allow readers to purchase more skill points or maybe even give them a purchase to allow them to remove a Flaw or two but still have here perks be the amount they choose or vice versa. Or other separate purchases that can add on to the game for people.


No, but I would personally recommend doing so because itā€™s a great game on its own.

It took a while, but Stronghold has been updated. Chapter 4 was the longest at around 46,000 words, which is why it took so long.

Iā€™ve also included a new table of contents, so you can choose which chapter to start with.



Is not being able to see stats like wellbeing and personality stats a bug? Cause after using your skill levels in the first chapter the information just is unviewable.

I just checked and it is showing for me. You should be able to continue to see stat changes if you have Gamemaster mode on.


I meant like how the stats like personality and well being wonā€™t show up in the profile

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Thank you! You are absolutely right.

I have fixed it. Iā€™ve also fixed a few other issues and uploaded an original piece of artwork for Harmony.


Hello Iā€™ve tested it and I found out that after picking weapon opening stats page will come out as error.

I forgot to screenshot but itā€™s says something about line 55 if I remember right.

That scripted zombie bite in chapter 1 sucked. Special forces dude with a pipe and mercenary perk canā€™t even take one zombie.

@JimD Is MC like Devlin I wonderā€¦ Devlin was unique he is in Zombie Exodus the first, can MC develop antibody over time fighting the Zeta within their bodies, making them Carrier of virus but not turning? Making MC the key for developing cure seems like new interesting angle rather than itā€™s MC that develop the cure themselves

Neither drug addiction nor uncontrollable murderous urges (which is not what psychopathy means, btw) would really work with the setting, considering that Stronghold employees were subjected to a rigorous screening process before being offered the job.


I canā€™t see any errors on that line but I will keep checking. Thank you for reporting it.

Thatā€™s pretty much the point where the game picks up. Everyone is going to be infected. If you think that scene needs to be adjusted, so itā€™s more believable from a soldierā€™s vantage, I can work on that. I also thought about telling everyone in the write up of the game that you become infected. Other readers have said that people will figure it out and that itā€™s better as a surprise in the first chapter.

That is an interesting idea. You will have to see :slight_smile:

Yes, I have to agree. It would be hard to get in with those kinds of addictions or urges, and I think it would be difficult for gameplay because the timeline is so short.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s because the infection detector is a number, while in the stats screen it needs to be true or false


Thank you! Itā€™s now fixed.


Yea, Iā€™d appreciate it if you made it believable. That scripted scene was immersion breaking and left a very poor first impression. I wouldā€™ve bought the scene if the special forces dude was intoxicated and encountered the zombie on his way back from celebrating his b-day.

That being said, I enjoyed your previous games a ton. Looking forward to seeing where this one goes


i love the traits and flaw options in the intro, wish we could have the same in ZE: safe haven

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The think i miss about this game is the character pictures. I hope there a way to insert the character picture so we can see it when we open the game character info

Iā€™ve read this before and know itā€™s moving to choice script! Thatā€™s great. I actually prefer this version and am so used to it.

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Someone would have to create new character art, since the StoryLoom version of the game used AI-generated images.

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I commissioned an artist to create artwork for each of the main characters. So far, she has finished with Harmony and Julian. I posted the art in the first post of this thread and am in the process of updating the demo.

Next up is Siena and Aldor.

This version of Stronghold will only have original artwork.