Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 4 Public Beta - updated 1/28/2025, 708,000+ words

Also I’ve been mean to ask what exactly determines carry weight. Like what is the measurement for everything I know like the duffel bag and the backpack does something but what skills changed that as well and at what point. Cuz I remember playing through the game and at one point I had for some reason 18 slots and I’m like “what did this come from?”

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Practicality reasons, mainly, it would be an unnecessary addition to an already massive workload

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scanvenger skill maybe ?? or a big bagpack ??

scavenging only provides more choices to take from, duffle bag is best for more items, and a bigger vehicle


Ohh i forgot that they were vehicle, that why.

@JimD hope this time u let the players take time and explore all the option without rushing the story, like a good survival.
If i don’t mistaken 3 game and in a game isn’t even a 1year events, that really fast, poor characters :grin:

I forgot to say thank you for listing all of these issues. I’m in the process of fixing them now.

it sounds like you are talking about the first Zombie Exodus.

I just want to confirm that Jillian and Gina are a poly couple with the MC. I’m going to add a way in Part 4 where you can convince Jaime and Lopez to be in a poly relationship. I am also considering others, such as Monica and Anders, and also possibly Lopez and Tommy, and Gina and Monica. I can’t confirm the last group, because I have to see if I can fit in that amount of content.

That is definitely going to happen.

You are very much in line with what I’m already thinking. :slight_smile:

I don’t want to spoil much, but if I was a player, I would think that shooting him or poisoning him when you visit in chapter 12 probably killed him. :man_shrugging:

I would really like to add Billie as a romantic option, but I am already at my limit. If the game continues to do well, I may eventually go back and add more content. I have been asked about Billie numerous times. People have also asked a lot about Elsie and Mel becoming ROs.

I have plans to do Parts 5 and 6. If interest continues, I will keep going. It’s hard to say how things will be in 5-7 years. I’m thrilled that people keep enjoying this game, but I also know that there are so many good games out there that interest will likely die out on ZE:SH at some point.


I dunno, Zesh is already up there in terms of age, is STILL booming. Even when zombie themese aren’t popular, they’re still popular, not to mention you do the genre very well.

Even if other zombie survival titles came out, i feel like Zesh would still take the #1 spot among them. You’ve honestly set the bar reeeeally high for new titles.

Not to mention, every time you write parts, you always take opinions to heart and add stuff or alter it, so every update appeals to old fans and new. Just goes to show all the hard work and effort you’ve put into it.


Interest in ZE:SH isn’t going anywhere boss. Every person I’ve shown it to, and gotten to DL the demo, has bought the full game, all but one bought all the additional content too. I had played one or two COG games before ZE:SH, but none of them had even half the character development, and actual consequential choices. I’m not downing any other content creators, there are some truly excellent titles out there, just saying you’re a cut above. In the immortal words of Stan Lee 'Nuff said.

As for Mel, space cadet (I always use the full title) I don’t care if she’s a RO, I just want her to live, preferably as a member of my ZE:SH family. Even the characters with supporting roles, are memorable enough that you can care about them. That’s why this game will have all the longevity you want to invest in it boss.


@GhostofGrief @Geralt thanks for the support.

I really try to listen, because I truly believe we are in this together. I’m a fan of the genre and want to build a game/story that others will enjoy.

I really appreciate that.

I’m sure the junkyard is going to expand, and I have some ideas on how to handle that. There are quite a few people roaming out there in the world: Jasmine, Murphy, survivors of the museum, etc.


Jasmine? Did I miss someone, or are you talking about Laurel, from DBARC? Or maybe Julianne from LEGIT? Perhaps Fern from outside Lancelot? I just finished another part 1-3 playthrough, and never have I met a Jasmine.
One quick question boss, I’m fairly sure I know the answer, and I’m dreading it… What happened to Samir and Anaya? Did the STs kill them?
Also had a suggestion for a junkyard upgrade, bunkhouse. Someplace for the parking lot people to sleep indoors for the winter.
Also, once you have the farm and chicken coop, there kind of needs to be a job like farmer, or animal keeper. Have the food income from farm plot be tied to having someone on that job, possibly have chicken coop and veggie plot require a second farmer. Although Billie could probably do both, would make sense with her background. That food income really shouldn’t be free after building.


I meant to say Laurel. I’m writing Stronghold and was working on the new character, Jasmine, and I totally spaced out on the names.

Do you mean Sharif and Ayana? They could potentially be with the Silverthornes. It’s possible to find them in chapter 12.

Could you explain that a little more? It’s

Yes, I have been thinking about assigning people to different roles like mechanics, farmers, crafters, etc. Obviously, some people will have benefits to each of those roles.


When you talk to Fred at the beginning of chapter twelve, and ask him how you could make the junkyard feel more like home, he says he’s in a tent in the parking lot, like many of the junkyard crew. Tents aren’t going to cut it in a Colorado winter. There should be an option to build a shelter for people who aren’t in the pre built housing at the junkyard. Something like a barracks, or bunkhouse. Having it built should remove morale penalties for tents. Not having it built should result in illness or worse during winter.

On the Laurel issue, awesome. That girl’s got style.

Also, just checked out Stronghold. Can’t wait for the release.


You know, if you limit the number of people allowed in a relationship to only three in total (including the MC), this idea becomes a lot more manageable for Jim Dattilo down the line for a potential future project (he could make people pay extra to have this input; it’s only fair, to be honest).

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You can do multiple paths at once. For example military, zeta, survnet are in my play-through. Obviously you can’t be a teenager and military but you can do the others the same.

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FYI @JimD this still seems to be an issue. No solar generator options or power supply.

I see the code for allowing multiple buildings but I don’t see how it adds duplicate buildings worth of benefits. For example, having two farms doesn’t appear to add any more food than 2. I haven’t tested this yet but will soon.

We have solar panels allready not sure on the farm issue coding wise but when i last played i had a crap ton of food and most of the buildings built up before that time of a demos end.

I always thought of it as a situation where his ex-wife came over after the world went to shit out of blind panic (trying to go somewhere familiar), having already been bitten, and her turning is why he ran off.

Poor Fred in a tent and my mc and his LI get a whole apartment to themselves. :laughing: I’m still waiting for my leader MC to be called out on it.

In all reality though, with a 2-3 bedroom house, an apartment, and a camper there’s no reason anybody should be sleeping outdoors-unless they prefer to. Survivors could also set up in the living room and attic.

Not everyone would get a bed, but we could rotate out.


I’ve mentioned this before too. I put a bullet through his neck and blew up the tower and somehow he’s STILL alive lol.

Forget plot armor, dude is an immortal apparently. :flushed:

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JimD in a post said that if you poison or shoot him, he’s probably dead, whether the code acknowledges it or not. Makes sense, a bullet wound in the neck, is usually fatal, an assault rifle shot to the neck, is almost always fatal. Even with optimal medical facilities, which I highly doubt is available in the zeta infested world. I’m starting to think that Keith’s death might be a bad thing, at least if you are on the vaccine path, his antibodies as an immune individual, would be almost irreplaceable, and Keith states the ST doctors said it might be a 1 in 10k trait, maybe rarer. I still want Keith dead, but a bullet to the neck is too quick for my liking. I’m leaning to burning him alive, or breaking him in stages, maybe even forcing Keith to self cannibalize. I want the STs to suffer, and Keith is right behind Benton on the list of individuals I want to make feel that suffering.