Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven General Discussion (Part 3 beta coming in December)

Question, I have only done one playthrough as a teenager/hacker, Rachel ended up being our group leader. I was curious though if I had high enough leadership and intimidation would it be possible for me to be the leader ? Or because I’m teenager I would not get the votes ?

Nah you can be leader as a teen even without high leadership. I think amount of supplies you bring + your relationships with our characters factor in. Generally none of my character have high leadership :man_shrugging:t5:


will we meet the chick that we met before the Apocalypse again somehow?

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Can you tell us her name so we have a better understanding


I think @Crow meant those dates from dating.com , which i don’t think is part of the main story plot, there were so many of them… not fair for @JimD to write story about them one by one, there are already so many RO and adding them is not cost effective


Those dates are just there to give a contextual base to people that plays with custom background and so the pre set jobs origins have no sense for instance Imagine I create Yoga trainer profession and a Character for it. None of profession starting points have sense so I am just a character that know Jaime and my reason to go out is the date tickets. Then outbreaks happened. There is no plot necessity of them. The volume of romance option and people that could be alive or not is giant already. So have track any of options that most people don’t even know at all and then find a way to them being included in group and portrait any of their personalities and pets etc… would be insane in a already insanely big game. Mostly because casuals are complaining that I ONLY PLAY THIS ONCE THERE IS NO CONTENT I GIVE A SHIT REPLAY VALUE… THIS IS A SCAM…

In fact two months ago here in forum where a entire thread created to accuse @JimD of being a scam and a bastard for make parts paid content. And a common meme is THERE IS NO ENOUGH CONTENT…

When all of us know the content is insane as you almost can create infinite characters with many differences. But casuals give a shit about that they only care ONE playthrough that has to be length as hell due they give a shit if choices matter or not.
So my advice to @JimD is basically give them what they want a far more linear next part focus in the narrative and characters already in and less in addition of even more branches and variables.
Casuals are 90% of market. And they are being annoying and whining about how this game has no content. I have even fighting people in other forums about it. I mean Is not Jim fault most people think role playing is a kinky fetishism or something. lol There’s people that believe games have ONE only real choice and only one way for instance people believe Lopez can’t die or Dante can’t be saved etc etc…

I am tired as hell to people calling me liar because that’s not true…


Basically the new rule of choice games is that if you name a character, people will ask for a romantic relationship with them. With 12 ROs already, adding even one more is unrealistic. My life is basically a struggle of keeping pace to finish this game before people grow bored of it, while making it simple enough to appeal to casual players and complex for dedicated fans.

I feel like I’m doing an okay job.


You are doing great Jim. I will try to be the casual evil tester thinking how cutting content and make them notice the big amounts content is there . Think we have to improved as for many of them is not clear what choice branching is used to only fake choice one response games. Maybe we should think how wording and how give hints to casuals that game has more options and save or not is not fixed in base of what you have played once…


Mate your doing more than just okay. Authors like you and Eric have created something beyond what I imagine even the COG staff thought possible by making an entire universe as opposed to a one of game that will be played once and then forgotten as well as setting the bar for creativity and quality that truly defines what it means to be the best COG authors. I’ve used your example in the thread before as a guide for others to look at for when they are thinking of a system that could help their game as I truly believe that you are one of the best authors I have ever read and I don’t just mean in a COG game either. We all value what you have sacrificed to give us this experience and I just want you to know that your fans will always be grateful.


For what its worth, I think you’re doing a good job. And I can also say this is pretty much the same rule with visual novels and rpgs which include romances as well.

Some of this did come from the days when you might get a token romance, and more of the others…such as the original Baldur’s Gate 2 with 3 romanceable females, and only 1 romanceable male.

Thankfully, most players understand there is a limit, especially when one person or two is the one trying to make it.


I am a pessimist person by nature. And dealing with Casuals has make me even grumpier. I have heard ever entitled user… I mean probably all of you are American or from a civic country where comunity are more or less polite.

I am Spanish and If you consider me rude I am the most polite you will have in a Spanish forum. And most people have very very very very very very unrealistic perception of what a cog author can make.

i won’t comment the disaster it was choice o dragons in Spanish where no one did the supposed success. Because that people don’t understand the working needed to translate this game that would make wording goes triple the English with the nightmare of edit all the gendered vocabulary. They also won’t pay for games period they moaning but at the end they piracy everything. And they don’t get that any authors here are Rockefeller or EA they’re working hard and have other jobs they deserve each penny they get they work really hard and probably they will earn far more doing other stuff however are passionate about writing.

Then they are entitled to Everyone can make a triple A game with millions of features for free and Right now. THEY CAN’T WAIT… The amount of variables and situation that jim had to code for each character in any moment in any scene and in base who are alive and who you are and your stats are higher than many triple A games. No kidding and he is a damn only guy married and with other job. He has helping like @Eiwynn and @Lys Still he is not a super hero.

And hear all those people who never wrote shit calling him scam and lazy… bringing me mad. Because I know how many working and how worried he is about his content and quality.
I mean criticism of content is very useful and that. But just calling names without bring any coherent reason and offer alternatives . that’s not criticism that’s just trolling.


From a gamer’s perspective, you are doing more than o.k. In fact, I think you have done very well and have accomplished a few things with this title.

From a writer’s standpoint, you have done an amazing job - you not only have met your self-made obligations, you also have gone over the top in accommodating fan requests.

I am not sure why you are under attack for your work here; trolling and uninformed and non-actionable feedback should not impact you - entitled fanbases aside, with regards to relationships and romances, your game is among the top two percent in what it offers.

If someone would point me to the feedback or discussion that says otherwise, I’d appreciate it- I want to see firsthand what was said.

This accommodation that has been the trend among Hosted Games and CoG titles has about reached its limits. An author/developer has a vision for their game and ultimately, they need to understand that they should adhere to that vision when it comes time to make development decisions.

Each project has a set limit to the time given over to it and the fans need to understand that sometimes features may need to be left out of a game in order for the game to be actually made. Fans have the option of adding fan fiction if they desire and that is a gift you allow them so they can develop relationships and romance outside of that which the official development cycle allowed.

With the Episodic nature of your Zombie Exodus games, most people do not understand the benefits you give them - the same can be said about your characters options and customability.

What they see you accomplished, they assume can be easily translated over to relationships and romance. In fact, these systems are all separate and unique and what works for one may not work for the other.

The regular fans should help educate those that don’t recognize this fact of game development and not leave the burden on Jim alone.


Well… i would think , in all honesty we could all help up in “explaining” and “reasoning” with fans (whether new or old) who are "confused " about the game / story development , but sometimes even with Good will and intention , Regulars / non-regulars fans who respond to various issues of the forum thread would be “misunderstood” or "misrepresented " , in the sense that i had been reading in some other thread , regulars who post a gentle / kind response towards a perceived issue had been replied with “hostile” reception , such as "if we are having problem with a poster’s comment / inquiry , we should keep quiet or ignore it since we are not the author " :slight_smile: or they will said an author doesn’t require his/her fans to speak on their behalf …

But i would agree that in the end, we will all try to help up in however we can … but not all help would be appreciated :slight_smile:


I directly stopped posting 90% of forum as everything is taken with hostility and make i ended called toxic atmosphere and directly end insulted in other forums. That makes me impossible access to regular status. Discussion aren’t perceived as something good always are civil and with respect. Now everything is taken as a personal attack.

I mean take you and i for instance we play very different most of time are polar opposites. However we respect each other and are friends. Not agreeing doesn’t mean hostility. Internet is making everyone believe different opinions from the popular trend means trolling. And constructive criticism is trolling.

Myself as a pessimistic person has stopped trying to explain people stuff and decided directly give up posting far more practical solution. Still not being able being regular suck.


That’s true… sometimes, we argue just because we want to experience different perspective or alternative route towards a path or interpretation , which could be fun if we take it with open heart :slight_smile:

There are still lots of new WIP with friendly author and discussion which you could post , not only it will help these WIP to gain more exposure , you can also promote more discussion in these WIP :slight_smile:

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Yeah well except someone like you @Eiwynn or better the author told me to participate I won’t. I don’t want angering people and create a toxic atmosphere. I totally love chat with people that think different that is a good addition to life and to games.

Like this game allows so much different play styles talking about how we play and what we like could be useful to players discovering new options and give @JimD ideas.


Each author has the ability to run their thread in the manner they wish.

With that said, of course every poster should reply to each other with proper etiquette. That includes ignoring rude and inappropriate demands about ignoring comments.

As to the claim that an author doesn’t require people to speak on their behalf - well, that is demonstrable as false, just by what has happened here. Sometimes an author/developer does need people to speak up for them.

Never be disrespectful on an author’s behalf but you can always be factual, informative and helpful.


Puh have been absent for a while and look what I missed. As a short close Up, in all my playthroughs Kelly never got kidnapped, did not realize that this might even happen. I am almost always answering Keith that I have to talk with my group about their offer, no relationship decrease and no kidnapping.

@JimD you are doing a marvellous Job. Your game is one of the few I play again and again, just for having fun.

@poison_mara feel free to come in every thread I make, I love having you and your opinion around.


Oh thanks I will certainly will I love chat with you. And the game is so dense in content that is difficult make casuals notice the possibilities and play differences.


Fair enough just wanted to know if i should pick the date over getting guns from the army base and seeing that i won’t get the girl gun it is then…