Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven General Discussion (Part 3 beta coming in December)

Gina & Woody are the designated builders/engineers of the group, but since they can’t build everything the camp needs by themselves, other group members do pitch in even if it isn’t their specialty.

I’ve seen some characters request for blankets, and sleeping bags, when the MC is going on supply runs in part 2-2 so I think it’s safe to say that having enough of those things does matter.

I don’t believe the allegiance stat has really been or become a huge factor in game-play so far, but the morale stat can be negatively impacted if you don’t have enough building materials to create camp defenses( or just choose not to) which can result in the death of group members because they get killed by a roaming group of zombies.


If I have all the bonus stats and skill points, is it better to specialize in order to find a cure (science, medical profession), or can I still branch out? So far I’ve been playing hybrid characters, so I’m wondering if specializing is better…

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@felz I don’t believe there’s an answer to your question because the storyline hasn’t been completed yet. So no one can say what’s the best way to achieve your goal of curing, manipulating or weaponizing the virus because no one has seen what the outcome of what your own choices are. However, you can check to see what the skill requirements are needed to make progress in game(pretty sure it’s science). But like I said, don’t believe there’s an actual answer about which hybrid skill being better than single specialization.


Riight, I was ambivalent about this because I don’t know what skill will lead to what outcome in part 3 and 4.

So far being a combatant / scavenger (with high empathy) makes for a smooth journey in pt 1 and 2. So I’m wondering if other skills will play a bigger role in the next parts.


Odd question but is there a way for your cat to survive the zombie battle on the hill? I played with a cat a while ago and it was eaten by the zombies.


It is possible (I haven’t done it yet, but other people have).
@poison_mara managed it in the past.


The question is How much you care about everyone else. You can save everyone and if you choose all right combos to save the cat. But most times as in rl, you have to choose between priorities. But the happiness when your fluffy ball of perception is alive well deserved one or two deaths.


Do money become practically useless in next update ?, since as far as i know, the only place i can use them is at Thelma Convenient Store.

And, is theres a way to delete save file?, i have a lot of save in zombie exodus, and fall of daria games. And at this point, honestly, i cant tell which is whichp

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I think not at all useless. We can’t say for sure since the next part isn’t already out, but if it’s a feature in the game, then we can expect it to be utilized in some way or another.

Saves, as far as I know, can’t be deleted yet…


People are still trying to delude themselves into believing that everyone will be able to return to their normal lives and the apocalypse will be behind them, because the government or someone else will save them. Since those people still exist and enough time hasn’t passed for them to realize that money is going to become a useless way to buy goods and bartering will be the law of the apocalypse. @felz is right that money still has some use as it relates to dealing with people clinging on the notion of being saved, but once enough time passes and less and less people have or even bother using money, they’d eventually need to adapt.


If it’s bills, maybe it can be used as TP (if one doesn’t start paper-making in their base or scavenge for newspapers, magazines, or actual toilet paper).
If it’s coins or plastic, maybe it can be melted down and recycled.

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Is that Chapter 8 livestream still to come or did it already happen? I only saw the announcement now :face_with_head_bandage:


Unfortunately, there isn’t. I think most people are in the same situation (me included) and I know this is one of the more frequently asked for features.

Hard to say, but I know I’d love to play in a different game something where money became worthless, so you decide to use it to stuff pillows, burn for a fire, make paper layered armor, etc.


yes, there is a way to do it that I discovered how to delete the saves

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Would you kindly inform the rest of the class please !?


enter this file with notepad or whatever you want and delete the oldest to newest saves
I don’t know if it explains well I hope it works for you!!


How do I enter the file? I’ve never done anything like this so could you please give me a detailed walk-through. Also, I’m a steam player so how is the process different(if it is different).

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i play zombie exododus sesh in steam, so is possible, enter the file with notepad (is free)

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I think it didn’t happen yet. :slight_smile:
At least as far as I know.

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Hi just wanted to show a glitch I found on the stat creation page that actually resulted in me having negative points to put into character creation I have no idea what I did but this was the result

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