[WiP] The Golden Eagle

Ahoy, it’s an Announcement!

On (this upcoming) Wednesday - the 29th of June - I will be doing an experiment and I invite all of you fine folks to join me.

I am setting aside a few hours to work on my summary for Lords of Aswick, and shape up some plans I have for the sequel. As I concentrate on other stories, Inevitably I will start losing track of all the names and character traits that were so very important in First of His Blood, and I want to make sure that the world stays consistent for as high of a degree as I can make it. So while I am scrolling through the raw files of Lords of Aswick trying to find all the significant characters, I might as well host a bit of an AMA to coincide and talk about the future.

This will happen between 5pm and 8pm (Times in GMT) on the 29th of June over on twitch.tv/dgoshman, and I hope that many of you are able to pop in and say hello, and maybe ask a few questions. Even if you cannot, the video will remain on Twitch for as long as the service allows, which is about a month I believe.

I am ambivalent at best about streaming, and more importantly Twitch Creative, but I feel like it is worth the shot as a medium for conducting an AMA while also showing all of you some neat things about released stories, upcoming stories, and even stories I have planned for far down the line.

So, come and pop in if you can and I might show you a snippet of my plans for the Lords of Aswick series. I will also be taking on any questions about Best of Us or The Golden Eagle, even Runner’s Shadow. Seriously, the floor will be open.