[WIP] The Catalyst (updated Oct/5/2024)

Log: 27/6/2024

  • Stat update: renamed combat to physicality so that it can include more functions, such as pushing heavy things away; Added Kind/Pragmatic scale;
  • Errors: fixed the errors mentioned in Mumble’s posts
  • A little survey, because personality stats (the opposite pairs under Demeanor) are the bane of my life. If I figure this out, I won’t need to constantly update the startup page and break the saves, sigh

What do you think about the current state of Personality Stats?

  • The personality stats are fine
  • The personality stats are lacking (if you can, please indicate what needs to be added)
  • The personality stats are confusing (if you can, please indicate which pair(s) are confusing)
  • There are too many personality stats (if you can, suggest which pair(s) to remove)
  • Others (if you can, please elaborate in the comment)
0 voters

Most of the stats are good, but “pragmatic” and “kind” aren’t really a good pairing. If you like “kind” then I’d suggest going with something like “harsh.” Or if that’s too rude, something like “cold.” But if you like “pragmatic”, you could use “passionate” or “impractical”. You could even use “head vs heart.” I think either works, and they could even both work if you really wanted to. But they don’t really work together


That’s exactly why I opt to let him deal with them. I let him kill him, and I’m going to let him see the consequences of blindly trusting them. I can’t wait to see the outcome of that.


Thanks for the suggestion! The idea behind Kind/Pragmatic is to gauge if the MC is altruistic & trusting in nature, or do they think about themselves and/or actively do evil deeds. I admit I couldn’t find the right words to summarize that (maybe just good/evil? hmm, I am not sure).


Hmm… selfless vs selfish? Or altruistic vs self interest? Something like that?


Yeah, those might work! Thank you.


Sounds interesting

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if the story permits i wish the dark queen as a romance option, but feel free to follow the direction you’ve set for yourself!


Very interesting start! I look forward to future updates!

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Small update:

  • Added a banner.
  • You can now choose the gender of the Dark Champion. I put it there to test if a female Dark Champion will work- and if she does, maybe I’ll implement the romance.

Also, I think I have accidentally uploaded my draft once. If you saw it, just pretend you did not read that ><




Hm, my understanding of self-fulfilling prophecies would push me to have my character ignore the role of a Catalyst entirely. If Trist gets on my nerve, I’ll leave her. If the Dark Champion is sufficiently compelling, I’ll join them. Vice versa. It may sound egocentric but there just isn’t much tying my character to Trist or any God.
Still, a very good start. I look forward to seeing more of your work. :grinning:


I understand that pov as a reader, but in story that’s not the case. MC is the one who found T and took them to the orphanage. So MC as written likely feels some sort of responsibility to or for T, even though the text hasn’t expressed that much yet. I’m pretty certain the pre-established relationship is going to show up as we get more from the author.


For now the MC definitely feels responsible for T. But there will probably be a chance at some point to reject our role later in the story. The role isn’t forced unlike other story’s like this.


Yep maybe the MC just wants to live. After all it’s gonna take a lot of convincing to to be a sacrificial lamb and some of us don’t want to for obvious reasons.

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No even if my sacrifice will save the world I refuse to die, that’s totally red line for me.


Dying to save the world? Questionable. Dying to guarantee that Tristan lives? Or better yet, to guarantee that the Dark Goddess loses? Now we’re talking.


I’m not gonna do it if nothing changes anyway since there will probably be another war like this one with a new DC in the future with gods fighting. The priests helped this one with their dumb actions.


Update: Full Prologue

First of all, I didn’t expect the prologue to blow up to 31k words, but here we are. In this chapter, you can:

  • Meet all of the ROs (and yeah, the Dark Champion gets promoted, but their route will not start until the middle point of the story)
  • Learn more about the Order of Heptra- and maybe discover the problems within
  • Attempt to save Emberfall, or flee for your life

This chapter is mainly to determine your stats, so it can be a bit railroady and action-packed. The next chapter will have more “reflection” scenes and perhaps a new way for you to master your fate (if you choose to). Some part may not be polished, and I will try to iron them out in the next few days.

Also, based on your first impression(s), who will you romance? (This won’t affect anything- I am just curious)

  • Tristan/Trista
  • Cassius/Cassia
  • Zareb/Zaria
  • Sekhriu/Sekhria
  • None
0 voters

the save slots have error