[WIP] The Catalyst (updated Oct/5/2024)

It should be fixed!

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Im so slow…

I read that part about the dark champion talking about the catalyst (us) and the first thing that came out of my mouth was, “so you just gonna kill me?”. Forgetting what the story was already.:skull::joy:

Not even finished but out of the newer wips this is very interesting so far premise wise.

And making the dark champion a ro has so much prime real estate for angst, love triangles,etc. Cough cough.:eyes:


To be honest, my first thought was I hope the Dark Champion can be redeemed.
I just love that trope.
If it doesn’t work for the story, don’t feel pressured to make a RO out of him.
A strong platonic bond that makes an antagonist question orders is awesome to read.
(Though the idea of an angsty romance does tempt me.)


So, I’ve finished one round of rudimentary editing, mainly to smooth out some choppy scenes and fix the errors mentioned above. In the next few days, I might still make minor adjustments to this chapter, but they won’t be the focus. But if you find any errors or have any suggestions (writing style, the use of words, pacing…), let me know! Also, feel free to share your impressions on the characters.

The current focus will be finishing the route of going with T’s suggestion. If you have gone for C’s idea, you can skip the next update (which will ideally be the end of the month, since I’ve written out the majority of it. But there still might be some unforeseeable delays).

The third update will be the aftermath of C’s proposal. It will lead to Z’s introduction, and if I have time, I might also include what happens after you three meet Z (a certain Dark Champion may come by and say hi). That should conclude the first arc of the plot, and our adventure can begin properly.



Dear god yes make the dark lord an RO. I don’t wanna die. Better kill off this world if it means I get to live. We can be his new lover. :hot_face::weary:

Edit: Think I would do shit like that in real life too. What does that make me?


Another wip book add to my collection

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Got hooked in, will keep an eye on it.

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This is a great story so far! As for the Dark Champion being a RO, I really don’t understand the desire. And I don’t think it would work with the plot. And how are we even going to be around him enough for that to happen?

Here’s a little advice: don’t do something just because the audience wants it. Really think about the decision and the implications of it. Maybe it can work, but maybe it can’t. Don’t rush into any decisions


Love it!!


Thank you for adding in the new reactions ! I particularly loved this one, especially the last part ( I noticed that these choices were not tracked, does that mean whatever MC initial feelings about the prophecy’s revelation won’t matter in the long run or is it because it’s only chapter 1 for now ? ).

Also, I think due to trying to fix C’s gender, now he is mentioned as a woman when male.

And i came across a typo.

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Really really good. I can’t wait to see reactions to MC needing to die especially T. The idea is awesome. I really like T. I also like that we aren’t hopeless even though we aren’t the chosen one. We can fight. The drama this could to is crazy especially with a T romance and a MC okay with sacrificing themselves. Can’t wait for more.


The dark champion isn’t completely evil since even he understands how it feels to lose someone important to you. Bad things seem to happen whenever those priests are involved in something. I’m looking forward to our first meeting with DC.


@Anna_B Thank you for the advice. To be honest, adding the Dark Champion’s romance may work, but I am concerned about the increase of scope. And even if that it is included, the romance probably happen pretty late in the game (after the half-way mark at least) and may not have as much content as the main three ROs. I wonder if people still want that.

But I will think on what you said!

@Mumble about the tracking, I am still in the stage of planning out the global variables, so the code for that part may change later. It’s sort of a pet peeves of mine to have too many variables cluttering about.

Will fix the errors later!

On an unrelated note, may I ask if I update the startup page, do all of your save files corrupt? I try to avoid this happening by planning out all the variables first, but admittedly, I am terrible at it. I understand it is probably frustrating to have your save files broken for every update.


Yes, changes that impact the startup file tend to break saves. It’s because the saves are like a snapshot picture of the status of everything. Even just changing a tag’s name, but not adding, or removing will mess with this picture of the last save state.

I wouldn’t worry too much about breaking saves so early into your project, though. You’re working out your design plan for the potential final build state. Major adjustments that break things is normal.


Literally Harley Queen :wink:
No shame tho, Harley’s fun


There are two choices confronted to us when Darren realized he’s not the Chosen One, and I picked the one where the Catalyst killed him. It was sooo satisfying :grin:

The other choice makes Trist kills Darren, but it was not as good because Trist regrets it and freaked tf out. Sigh. Trist, I love you but please open your eyes, these priests are mad!


Please blur spoilers like that. But the priests are crazy and maybe part of the reason why the prophecy hasn’t happened yet. At least they lost the power and influence they used to have


Right :+1:

Just learned how to blur the spoiler btw, I’m still unfamiliar with the technicalities of this forum, but it seems pretty simple, if a bit awkward on the phone


I know what u mean since I still struggle blurring things on my phone.