[WIP] Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents [NEW UPDATE]

As a big Tesla (the inventor not he company) nerd, you certainly have my attention :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I just started the demo and I’m enjoying it so far, can’t wait to play the rest!

On Dashingdon you only need to put the *sm_init command in startup file after all of the *create commands and check the “Check to use smPluginMenuAddon save plugin by CJW” box in the game’s settings, Dashingdon will take care of the rest.

As for a save function in the final game, there are a few ways to accomplish this. A checkpoint save system seem like the easiest to me, as it can be entirely done within ChoiceScript without the need of additional tools. There are a few threads around on how to do this, I found this one helpful:

Anyway, keep up the good work!