WiP: Invicto (UPDATE: 11/12/2022)

Wait there’s no link lol

Lol fixed! Thank you for catching!


I don’t think we’re orientation-locked, since the ROs are all playersexual, but the game feels like it assumes we’re attracted to Caroline. I haven’t met any of the other ROs yet, so far, maybe the game just thinks we’re RO-sexual?

Also a much more specific question, what is the MC’s age when we meet Mike? EDIT: Seems like we’re still 16?

That latest update just keeps looping to chapter 2


Really interesting, really interested in learning more about the characters and seeing where this is going. Really awesome writing and it’s really different, I like it.

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I love caroline

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Hi-- I just did a speedrun and got to chapter 4 on Dashingdon. Can you show me where it loops to chapter 2? It may be a specific choice option where the game code was funky.

I don’t think we’re orientation-locked, since the ROs are all playersexual, but the game feels like it assumes we’re attracted to Caroline. I haven’t met any of the other ROs yet, so far, maybe the game just thinks we’re RO-sexual?

@geldar Hi, can you elaborate on the game assuming MC likes Caroline? I included an explicit option in the latest update for the MC to have a small crush on her, but it was intended to be optional, and nothing explicitly romantic was supposed to be elaborated on without that variable being chosen.

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These choices are the last ones before it loops


Is using a heck ton of scene files and *goto_scene instead of *goto and *label a deliberate choice…?
That and using *choice instead of *fake_choice.

I’m giving the benefit of doubt because I know someone who deliberately uses a double *line_break instead of just pressing enter. But if it’s because you don’t know there are easier options, definitely do check out *goto *label and *fake_choice.

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The chapter looping at the end of chapter 4 should be fixed now.

@Sel_Lee When I first started programming Choicescript, I was not as knowledgeable in easier ways to do it, but when I have a great deal of free time I want to rewrite it and put it into an easier format for sure. Thank you!


Will we see more of Mila? I really like her character and it’s in a way very cathartic to have her there because of the shared traumatic ordeal that both her and the MC went through together. It’s something they can look back on and know they aren’t alone in their grief as Caroline was someone who was close to both of them


Yes, I ended up using Mila a lot more than I thought that I would. She will have a larger role in the story, though it will be a while before we see her in person again.


All of the options when we find out Caroline is dating someone sound like we wish she were dating us. Even the option to “be mature” about it. Like, what’s there to be mature about if we just don’t even care?

I was thinking about it more along the lines of how Caroline is doing an extracurricular mostly to impress her crush, and how some friends will tease each other for doing stuff to impress their crushes and others don’t mention it because they don’t want to embarrass their friend. That said, I can definitely include another option for MCs who may not have noticed or cared at all.


I… have literally never in my life heard of anyone teasing their friends about trying to impress their crush, either in real life or in media. But maybe I just didn’t notice that’s what was happening, just like I couldn’t tell in this game. Is that a common thing?

I’ve never seen friends doing that either, but as I played I can tell Caroline and Mila have something going on, and I don’t think I’m the only one thinking that.

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Oh, yeah, that’s pretty clearly stated. I just thought the MC’s possible responses were all pretty weird and honestly rather toxic.

I mean, it was/is certainly common (in a good-natured way) in my friend group both now and when I was a teenager. Good-natured teasing is obviously different from actually shaming them for having a crush, but either way in my experience, yes.

That said, when I find the time I can definitely go back and add more #choice options for that particular scene. :o


Oi @Tuunetoon if MC dodges the water/waiter when walking around with Mila’ back pack it’s all one hell of a messy loop… Also if MC goes to the diner with Mila and then takes the backpack it’ll still go to the professor at the stand and he’ll still ask if the backpack is theirs…

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Hi, thank you for letting me know. I’ve been looking through the code to see where this happens. On CSIDE these don’t seem to occur when I play through with those options, so if it’s possible could you tell me which options you were choosing and at what point the glitch occurred?