I’ve read quite a few WIPs on COG (I am, in fact, addicted) and I can definitely say that there are a few abandoned pieces that I would kill to see finished:
The Eye of Westerhollow – I don’t know the exact status on this WIP because I don’t follow the Tumblr, but I’m assuming it’s either abandoned or going through some serious planning because the last update was in 2019 (I think?). Anyways, the WIP is just the prologue and a sliver of chapter one but the premise is so interesting and I was immediately hooked.
From Ashes We Rise – The author states on her post that she hasn’t abandoned the WIP but it hasn’t been updated since 2016 and has been locked since 2017 sooo – do with that what you will. It is a really interesting WIP though and I still have a lot of fun replaying it.
A Wolf and I – I actually got really invested in this one. Very interesting and I was curious to see where it was going but its been a while since it has been updated. Hopefully I just missed some word on whether it’s abandoned or going through replanning/writing because I’m honestly too stubborn to give up on half of these.
Spellbound: A Ghost Story – Don’t know if you would consider this one abandoned rather than on hiatus since its only been a little over a year since it was updated, but I figured I’d mention it here just because I really like it and if it’s not, other people who haven’t read it will get a chance to.
I could probably keep on going but I think I’m going to leave it there since I wrote this in place of doing economics work that really needs to be done.