For those not wanting to read this potential wall of text, a summary is provided at the bottom.
Hello everyone, I’m relatively new to ChoiceScript and Choice of Games, but I have been writing fiction for the past ten years, and coding for the past two.
When I stumbled upon this awesome website and the ChoiceScript language, I was trying to develop a zombie apocalypse game with a focus on characters and human drama (I have been reading, watching and playing The Walking Dead for a while now, and I quite love Robert Kirkman’s take on zombie fiction, as well as Telltale’s video game adaptation and the TV series). To that end, I’ve been working away for a little while now (when I can - I’m not always consistent about it).
However, as I have read more and more about the state of zombie fiction in modern times, the more I hear that people are getting tired of it, that it is everywhere and that it is over-saturating. Plus, it has its limitations. You can only do so much with zombies and humans in a zombie world. I’m sure anything I have written so far and will write has no doubt been covered in some shape or form in other media.
But still, I am passionate. In the end though, what matters most is what you, the gamers, the readers - the audience, wants. And I am nothing if not flexible. I have written narratives in fantasy, science fiction and somewhat realistic settings.
A few years ago, I came up with an idea for a science fiction crime mystery story. I tried to write it both as an ordinary novel and as a text-based Role-Playing Game, but it didn’t quite work out how I wanted it.
But with ChoiceScript, I see new potential for that story. It is certainly the next idea on my list for a ChoiceScript game.
My question for you all is, what kind of game would you prefer? A zombie-apocalypse human drama in the vein of The Walking Dead? Or a science-fiction crime mystery about…well, it’s hard to talk about without giving things away about the mystery!
Is there room for a third zombie game in this community? Or should I try something different?
Thanks to anyone who offers their input on the matter.