What is the right step to make HG or COG games?

For the author of HG or CoG games. But everyone is free to tell their opinion.
So I’ve been studying ChoiceScript, for the past 2 days now, and thanks to all of the tutorial by Wiki and all other tutorial site that I can find on the forum.
(The one that @Lglasser created is the one that help me the most.) So thank you for that.
I finally feel like I’ve got the hang of it.

But before I want to make any interative novels or anything, I would like to know if there’s a proper step to do it.

So is there any proper way to do it? Or your guys are just like, do it your own style, and start wherever you want.


Hello! Welcome to the forums :smile: I’m not really qualified, since I’m neither an HG or CoG author, but I’m working on a WiP now and I’m quite determined to get it published as a HG.

I would say that all the authors have their own styles and mannerisms, and there’s really no “cookie-cutter” approach to this. However, there are a ton of helpful guides to onboard aspiring writers like yourself!

This link is especially helpful: (wish I read this when I started heh)

The advice I would have is not to focus so much on the publishing of the game, for one, its a huge effort and once you start, it might be discouraging to constantly look at the big picture and keep yourself motivated. Instead, I think it would be great to focus on “small wins”, churn out chapter 1, and then chapter 2, and slowly build up from there.

Another thing would be to always leverage on the wonderful community here, curated by our super enthusiatic mods. There are a ton of amazing writers and experienced players here, so ask questions and trawl the forums extensively! Lots of answers here so just go check them out :slight_smile:

So for all I’ve said, just bite the bullet and do it! It’s going to be a crazy roller coaster, love hate relationship, sometimes you’ll question yourself like crazy, and sometimes you’ll be super proud of what you’re doing. Most importantly, focus on the small things and take it one step at a time!

All the best and I look forward to seeing your work! :smile:


Thanks, you already makes me feel better about all of this, and I will certainly take your advice to heart.

That being said, thank you so much… once again
And goodluck with your WIP, Im sure you’ll nailed it and make a great game.


Well, I believe our “work cycle” follows a pattern like this.

Write games in CScript > Ask feedback from community > Polish the game > Host a beta test > Submit to HG label

Keep in mind that I said “HG label,” as writing in CoG is entirely different where you have a deadline to pursue and editor ready to review your work at anytime.

Writing for HG is basically like amateur writing or “freelance writing.” We did 99% of the work and submit it to CoG company, to let them publish our game/story under HG label.

Pretty simple than you might think.


What I’m trying to say is, if there’s any praticualr order to create an interactive novel.
So its more about how to write the game properly.
And if there’s any way or step to do it properly, I would like to know how.

But from the recent feedback it seems like there isn’t, so i guess we are supposed to make our stories however we want.

But I still appreciate how you’re trying to clear things up for me.


I would say that there isn’t. Every author writes and codes differently, whether we are talking about his process, rhythm of work, methodology, or final product. Everyone does things differently, even to code the exact same things there are differences in how people construct their code and story.

I would say to just go ahead with how you feel better doing things, that is the best way to finish your story and get pleasure out of the whole process.

If you find yourself facing some issue (coding or writing-wise) just post it in the forum, there is always someone willing and able to lend a hand.

If I may suggest, taking a peek at other games’ code is a good way to learn how you can do some stuff that you might not realize from the start.

Good luck :wink:


Thank you, the point of this post is that I just wanna know if there’s any general idea of how to do it properly, so know after I know that there isn’t I might just go make my own Interactive novel, wish me luck :grin:

And also your idea about seeing other people code? Where can you get to do that can you give me a link, or something, that’d be most useful.

Terima kasih.

You forgot a few steps :wink:

Write games in CScript > Decide it needs more editing > Rewrite sections > Re-edit > Write some more > Ask feedback from community > Realise there's still heaps that needs changing > Edit more > Write more > Procrastinate (Extra points for starting another project during this phase) Write more > Host a "final" beta test > More editing and polishing > host a final, final beta > Polish > Submit to HG :D (Ok maybe that's just me?)

Seriously though, there’s no right or wrong way to set up a choice game. There are a few things that might be worth keeping in mind (especially with recommened playthough length, when and how to branch in particular, don’t have the links on hand but they should turn up in a search, there’s also some useful premade code around for things like gender flipping the MC) but basically pick something you enjoy writing and go from there. I’d strongly recommend asking the forums when you’ve got something up and running, you can get some good feedback there :slight_smile:

Here you go (How to see code) How To See Other Games' Code (current info posted in OP and Post 146 on 6/18/19)


I am not sure how can you do it concerning already released games, at least if you buy and read them in an android. But you can try it with the different WIP in this forum. When you open one of those games, they open in a different browser window, right?

Ok, you take the link of the game (fake example: https://dashingdon.com/play/author/wip/mygame/index.php?cb=11111), delete the last part of the location and write “scenes” in its place (so that you might end up with something like this: https://dashingdon.com/play/author/wip/mygame/scenes/).

And you will get access to the directory of the files that are part of the game, if you open them you can see the code. Most authors don’t mind you doing that, but unless you are doing to provide better feedback on the beta test (it’s easier than to actually play the different paths in an infinite amount of playthroughs).

There is a thread discussing it in more detail (and I think they address the problem of how to see already released games’ code), here goes the link: How to see other games’ code

(Edit: Oh, @Jacic beat me to it, but I am still leaving my reply up, as something like a very condensed version of how that can be done regarding WIP, just in case you are as lazy as I am :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

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No thx.

I’ll go

Open laptop > Open Notepad++ > Open forum > Comment on other ppl's WIP > peek at their code > count the word count > compare to mine > cry at the corner

I don’t know but… wrong language, bruh?


@TeamYennefer, have you written a conventional novel before? Or a regular short story? I think it would be helpful to know your writing background.

I say that because I think an experienced writer (of “regular” novels) who wanted to pick up CS and try writing an interactive novel would struggle mostly with the coding aspects, but they would understand basic elements of writing fiction.

Someone new to BOTH: 1) writing a novel AND 2) coding/providing interactivity for the reader has to learn both skill sets at the same time.

Many “regular” writers are “pantsers” who write by the seat of their pants. I think it’s harder (not impossible) to be a “pantser” writing interactive novels because they are just so complex. I’d highly recommend writing an outline, even if your outline is not as complex as the one CoG has developed. Know what you want your endings to be so you can develop paths for the reader to reach them.’

I’d also recommend settling on a story idea that you think would be interesting to read even if it was written as a regular story. I’d recommend putting lots of thought into your setting, character development, plot twists, dialogue, foreshadowing, etc., all the tools writers use to make exciting/compelling novels, tv shows, movies, etc. Even the most balanced of choices means little to a reader who isn’t invested in the main character or the plot.


So yeah, I think we can all agree now that it all depends on the writer, but its really glad to know, and yeah, so far it has really been an enjoyment that everyone here is so friendly and constructive.

And thanks for the link, I really appreciate it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hoho yeah… Silly me.


Now that you bring it up, I have never actually written nor code anything before, so its both a new experience for me, Im just glad of how they made it easy for CS that even someone that didn’t have any experience like me can learn it with ease, and I never thought coding would be so much fun, I actually surprised about that.

So no, I have never actually, write anything or code anything and that fact sometimes bothers me, I actually have thought about that before to myself, what if I can’t write a story, what if the games suck, what if I didn’t do this properly, etc etc.

But I know you gotta start somewhere, so I do it anyway.

So I’ll definitely will keep your advice to mind. Keep the story interesting, think abot the settings, as for dialogue I find it a little bit hard, foreshadowing etc etc…

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Most of the good advice is already taken, ya punks.

But I will say I am writing first and then coding afterwards by retyping into the text program from my Google Doc. I have 22,000 words written but am only now coding the 1000-word intro. Then my retype for coding is also serving as a second draft to let me punch things up or catch errors. Your mileage may vary, though, and I imagine there are many other ways to proceed that are more popular or efficient.

No matter how you do it, good luck!