Werewolves 2: Pack Mentality – Overpower the Human Sovereignty Movement!

So far, I’m particularly enjoying the downtime at the camp with my fellow werewolves.


The threesome with Bly and Jolon doesn’t seem to be working.


Whatttt its out already!!! Omg I gotta have it right now!!~~


It happens in one of the later chapters several chapters after it was first mentioned when Bly asks you. What happened when you went for it? Any way you can help me narrow down the problem? Did you get the wrong scene, or where did it cut out and what did you get instead? I’ll take a look at it.

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Right, I’m sorry, I should have been more specific.
After Bly nearly becomes feral, I made things up with her in the training ring and had the scene where she says “I missed you”
After this, she brings up the subject again. When I tried to go for it, it sent me to Maker giving everyone vaccinations.

Hi Jason have a problem I need some help with I bought the game earlier today and it’s on Android and I I’m experiencing the chapter 4 bug too I’ve tried resetting the game even uninstalling and then reinstalling I would appreciate any help with resolving this issue I just thought you should be made aware but it seems to affect Android as well

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Did you read my post earlier in this thread?

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As Jason said above, there is a patch that has been sent to Google already. We’re just waiting for them to push the patch out, but there’s nothing we can do to speed that up. It’s out of our hands.

In the meantime, I was able to re-produce the bug. The only way I was able to get out of it was to not click anything and immediately go to restart the game in the menu. Hopefully the patch will come through by tomorrow. The only other suggestion I can think of if you can’t reset the game is to use the Choice of Games app on the Play store, and restore your game there. The CoG app has the latest patched version in there so you should be able to get past that no problem from there and no need to re-purchase when you ‘restore purchases.’


I’ll do an in-depth review later, but will we see more of Jolon in later book(s)? I think (?) I romanced him in Book One, so I was a little sad he’d been moved to the sidelines for this book.


Congratulations on the release! What a great sequel with lots of roller coaster moments that keeps me on my feet! Now I am back to counting the days till part 3 of the story releases :smile:.

I have only played one playthrough so I can’t comment on the parts I haven’t played yet, but the route i played was very good!

Regarding romance:

I romanced Jolon in the first book and I am very pleased with the amount of interactions I could have with him, and the progression of his romance plot seemed very organic so I loved that :heart: (that one romance scene was quite spicy :hot_pepper:)

But there is one critique that I wanted to make:

I was somewhat dissapointed that the un-romanced Dena in my playthrough that I rescued in Book 1 only has one scene where he was recovering and the MC checked on him, only to completely vanish from the story.

Un-romanced Bly has a lot of screentime in this book alongside Jolon (which perhaps due to me romancing him so his screentime may be increased, but I assumed the HMS hideout scene where he infiltrates the building with Inferi was only for him as a huntmaster), with Un-romanced Tiva having less if you did not romance her (but she still get that final scene with Lapu in the end so it was fine). Un-romanced Kotori has decent amount of scenes, especially if you go through the logistics and supports route.

Un-romanced Dena, on the other hand, made absolutely no contribution to the story, and there was no mention of him anywhere in the story nor by the other Haven wolves, and was treated as if he was dead in this playthrough even though he survived, which was very jarring to me. Dena could have contributed to the whole Ahote-Human rights campaign route, as well as Kotori’s IT things, considering he was supposed to be the smart one and sympathetic to humans.

I suspect that his scenes in this book was interchangeable with Jolon’s, which is why he had no scenes in my playthrough, but I feel it was a missed opportunity for Dena to be his own character, and not just as the alternate RO that can be replaced with zero repercussion to the story (which I assume will be Jolon’s fate if I had romanced Dena instead, but I’ll need to do that route first to find out).

I guess in the end I just wish the person who I rescued has a bigger impact in the story, but I can understand the difficulty of implementing this.


MAJOR EDIT: Oh never mind! I failed to get his romance in Book One, that’s why he’s not showing up. I thought I did. :cry:

I have to praise the complexity and greyness of the characters and situations presented to us. I think it’s an improvement over book 1.

Now, that is not to say that characters in Book 1 were simplistic, far from it. But, from my point of view, I never found it difficult to decide what I should do regarding each character.
Haken, for all his blustering, clearly cared about the pack and thus, I liked him. However, he seemed willing to kill us all in pursuit of freedom so, I couldn’t support him.
Ahote was compassionate without being a pushover but he seemed willing to accept slavery in the name of peace and I tried to push the pack towards a more active war footing.
Williams was complex and multi layered but what he was doing was simply evil so I had no moral qualms about opposing him.
Anna and Justin seemed well intentioned if somewhat naive so, it wasn’t hard for me to choose to work with them, reasoning that some good publicity could never hurt.

In Book 2, however, I found myself hesitating over my choices and I’m still not sure about many of them.
Sonoma is a loose canon, has a mean streak and is even cruel, but she seems to have the pack’s best interests in mind.
General Rivera position is vital in our efforts to keep our species alive but she is so focused on the bigger picture that she has lost touch with the common werewolf, if such a thing exists.
The prisoners were no Justin, starry eyed youths with good intentions, but was I willing to become a cold blooded murderer?

In a way, it is bleaker, no doubt. I liked both Ahote and Haken, and I certainly don’t like either Rivera or Sonoma. But I am not really bothered by it.


That’s weird because I didn’t romance Dena and she showed up in my (first) playthrough. I romanced Bly in this playthrough and I’m happy with the amount of time spent with her, probably also because my MC aligned with the metalheads. I’m a bit sad that Jolon only showed up a little bit if you’re not romancing him since he was my MC mentor in book 1; I assume he’d show up more.

I really love my MC; I don’t think I ever played character with such complexity in this type of game. The games capture my choice perfectly and shape the MC exactly how I imagine them. The facts that many choices in the game are not simply to determine our action but also how we perceive things really make me think everything from various perspective. I never really feel I’m playing according to the stats the way some games do.

Also I agree with everyone who said this is much darker than book 1. I have hard time to decide between Sonoma and Rivera because as what Bly (or maybe other LI in different playthrough) said in epilogue, they were stuck in the middle of power battle between these two. In the end Sonoma is too much of a loose canon so I decided to hand her to Rivera .


So for some reason i’m unable to get past chapter 4, the game will just freeze up on me whenever I try to

Are you playing using the Google Play Store version? Jason sent in a patch to fix this (he talked about it above) but we’re waiting for Google to push the patch. Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do to speed them up. Hopefully it will come out soon. Did you load the save game where you were recruited by General Rivera? I’m really sorry this happened and I promise, we’ve already fixed it, but we’re just waiting on Google. I wish there was something we could do to speed them up.

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Ohhh alright, sorry I didn’t see that! And yes I loaded the save where we are recruited by General Rivera when she talks to me and Ahote in the office and so forth

Please don’t apologize, it’s totally my fault and I’m rather mortified about it, to be honest. I can only count my blessings that the bug only happens for that one save file which was a relatively rare ending.

In the meantime if you don’t want to wait for Google to drag their feet, you can download the Choice of Games app from the Play store and ‘restore purchase’ to get the full version of Werewolves 2 there which does not have the glitch and play right away. Sorry again, I really appreciate your patience.


It seems that 1.0.5 is live!


Yaaas!~ And here I was all worried it was going to take them forever! ~dies ~


I had an idea of how Justin could have been included in the book. Please tell me what you think, everyone.

So, here we have Justin, a young man whose greatest wish is to be a werewolf. And here we have a drug which could potentially turn humans into werewolves. It seems like a match made in Heaven, right?

If you let Justin remain in Haven, he is rescued by Sonoma’s people and brought to the camp where he is allowed to stay after you and Ahote both vouch for him.
At first, Justin is overjoyed but, over time, he begins to feel a gnawing sense of inadequacy. He feels that everyone walks on eggshells around him and are just humoring him or is suspicious when what he really wants is to run with the pack. And he is not entirely wrong.
Maybe you could even romance him at this point but that just makes him feel worse because he thinks that you have to hold back with him.

And then the raid on the HMS base happens and you take the canister from Sonoma. Justin hears of this from Bly or Tiva and he BEGS you to use it on him and turn him into a werewolf. Here, you could have a few options

  1. If your Academics is high enough and you can convince Maker to help you, you refine the gas and use it on Justin, turning him into a perfect werewolf, earning his undying loyalty. Your reputation with him jumps to 100% and stays there no matter what happens.

  2. If your Academics is not high enough but you still decide to use it on him, he dies horribly.

  3. If your Diplomacy and Reputation with him are high enough, you can convince him that he is already part of your pack, change or no change and that there is nothing wrong with remaining human. He agrees with you and overcomes his feelings of inadequacy.

  4. If you can’t convince him and still refuse to use the gas on him, he feels betrayed by you and, one day, just vanishes from camp. Everyone agrees that he probably just left and Sonoma wants to send Nawat after him to ensure that he can’t give out sensitive information. You can help them and hunt down Justin or convince them to let him go.