Wayward Skies RPG

So it looks very ambitious especially with the multi language choice. Lots of options and the stat screen looks good. Did hit a problem.

I will let you get back to working on it and check it out when it is further along, looks very promising.

And thank you for letting me check it out. :smile:

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hehe thanks!
Actually the spot you hit was where I last left off!

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Sorry Everyone!
The rate at which the game will be completed/worked on is going to be dramatically slower since school has started!
However, I will still try to find the time to work on the game!

when i tried to put my email in to beta test after i put the @ it said it was an invaild email format

Oops I forgot to remove the form link :slight_smile:
If you look up a few comments you can see the link to the current game, but I have to host it for anyone to play.

if you ever feel like hosting it let me know i would love to try it out or even beta test if that is still available

Next time I’ll be hosting it is the whole day after I finish the character creator AND the stats scene.
But that probably won’t be for at least a week.

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So far, I’ve just mapped out the entire character creator, but as for programming, all I’ve done is fix a few bugs.


One thing I suggest is to shrink the stat bars a bit. I’m on my phone and I have to turn it over in order to see it all. I like to see it all no matter what way I hold it. You don’t have to actually do it. It’s just a suggestion. Do with it what you will.

Sure! I’ll experiment around with sizes!

##New site!
Though as much as it saddens me to let this post fall away from the top, I’ve decided to move the updates and stuff for Wayward Skies to this site:
(as you can tell, it has hardly been touched since I created it 2 minutes ago)
However, if wordpress starts whining at me for something, I may have to delete the site.

It turns out, I’ll be really busy this year for school, so progress will be hindered even more! :confounded:
If anyone is just DYING to help me, please PM, anyone willing to help is welcome!

I feel for ya, my job keeps me from writing much, but hang in there you have a great game started and worth the effort/wait. :smile:

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I dunno.how I missed RPG in the title :sweat_smile:, I’m super dumb, I thought it was the normal COG story type game.

This project is being merged with a fantasy game I’m making with a friend, so it’s pretty much 3x as big.
Updates will no longer be posted, however, be aware that we are working on it, but testing will be unavailable as of now.


I have 2 other people working with me, and we’ve finished planning the Futuristic story choice, and have come far in early development of that section of the game!
But yes, be aware, we are working on it.
I will not post updates, as I said above, however, I want to hopefully nullify any doubts that people have about development.


Please do not post in WiPs that have not been active recently. If the author would like this reopened, PM me or one of the moderators and we’ll be happy to.