I see the game on the Play Store, but it isn’t available for purchase, only pre-registration. I don’t know if the release is regional or worldwide, though. (For the sake of reference, I’m in Colombia.)
Will give this a look over for sure. Hope it’s better than the last two VtM stories that were commissioned because to be honest, was not impressed with either of them. Night Road was well done and written well.
Has anyone been able to buy it on GPS standalone?
I could, it did say pre register earlier though.
I haven’t bought it yet, but it did give me the option to buy it.
Thank you! (I found it)
I can see that you start as a caitiff, but at what point does the clan selection occur? Could it happen during the demo if I pick disciplines that a particular clan has? On my 2nd playthrough (of the demo) I did pick two Ventrue disciplines as my major disciplines, but still showed up as caitiff.
Remember, a major theme of the game is uncovering the secrets of your past. You begin the game as a character who doesn’t know their sire or their clan - that’s a feature of the story.
(But yes, the primary Disciplines you choose will be what determines your clan.)
i’ve been playing this game for hours and i’m still so excited because. there are so many. secrets i haven’t discovered yet! still eager to like. find out and learn more - but: does anyone know who the possible sires are? i know the prince is one of them, and markos, but does anyone know who the others are?
also: has anyone succeeded in taking the neoptolemos route? i keep agreeing to help him but when the time comes i get routed back into helpimg sophia and the rest.
Kapriel, Markos, Peisistratos, Sophia, and some rando
And there isn’t really a Neoptolemos route. Whether you support Neoptolemos does factor into how things play out in the end, but you don’t ever get a chance to work with him directly.
Here’s the rundown of the two skills (3 dots) you must choose to get your clan.
Auspex + Obfuscate = Malkavian
Dominate + Fortitude = Ventrue
Auspex + Dominate = Tremere
Celerity + Obfuscate = Banu Haqim
Everything else = Thinblood
Oh. That’s weird. Definitely a different definition of thinblood than the canon. And the Tremere disciplines are also both Malkavian disciplines.
It’s mentioned within the game itself that the PC’s strong natural abilities are unusual for a thin-blood.
Oh I see. I guess I’d only see that if I had the full game.
I guess my first character I made would have been thinblood. I didn’t think it odd that he stayed caitiff because he totally would be by canon
It was on Android will try again when I get the chance.
It was still showing up as pre-registration-only for me as of 10 pm local time, but clearing the cache of the Play Store app made it available to purchase. The problem was apparently on my end, so if anyone else is having similar issues, try deleting the cache.
Clearing the cache worked on fixing my problem
How do you beat Gor in a fight? No matter what powers I chose and focus on them he always beats me.
It’s easy if you have Dominate as one of your Disciplines.
Kind of disappointed by this one. Not sure what happened but the story just rushed towards the ending after a while. It also felt like none of my stats mattered much and my romance option never really went anywhere. Maybe I just made some really bad choices.