"Vampire: The Masquerade — Sins of the Sires"—In this elegy of blood, Athens is burning!

Spoilers for all of chapter 7, and this is as of 3/28/2022, it sound like they’ll be doing stat rebalances at some point but ways to beat Kapriel

Vs Kapriel after Train with Gor:
#Attack with the only weapon I have. My teeth. → fight greater than 40 or pet, potence greater than 0
#Grab Gor and flee. → stealth greater than 40 or celerity greater than 1, athletics greater than 60
#Attack as fast as possible. → celerity greater than 3, hunger less than 4
#Attack as fast as possible. → celerity greater than 0 or athletics > 40, fight > 40

Vs Kapriel while talking to Gor
#Help Gor. → potence greater than 0, fight greater than 40 or pet

Vs Kapriel w/ human
#Find refuge and use the ward Markos taught me. (need ward from Markos) → composure greater than 40
For the following, if both stats are greater than 60, you get away scott free, if both stats are greater than 40, you get away but the human is injured, if either stat is greater than 40, the human gets away but you get blood bound
#There’s no way I can fight him here. But I can make a scene. → persuasion and etiquette
#Flee. → celerity greater than one and athletics

If you’re with Isidoros, the [#Find refuge and use the ward Markos taught me.] is currently a celerity greater than zero or athletics greater than 40 check NOT composure

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