@Marajade You’re not being punished for having different opinions. You’re allowed to disagree and to express your opinions. You’ve already done so.
I didn’t say you were harassing or that you insulted him. It does say “if they continue with their design choices” which is what he’s doing.
I agree with you, I’d rather see games with a wider range of diversity. I do think that the “why don’t you allow a female main character” question is important. However he’s already answered that so repeatedly asking isn’t going to change his mind.
It’s not my sort of game either. I have no desire to play a straight vampire jock who was a bully.
I also think you had a valid point that another name might be better. Something that combines being a vampire with being a football player. I’ve little knowledge on sport though so can’t suggest anything that’s clever. I’d end up suggesting Vampire Jock. Or heh looking at wikipedia the position Long Snapper sounds like it could be a vampire.
I don’t want to start any arguments because this is just my opinion, but I agree with @MaraJade. I was kind of turned off by the lack of customization for the character because that’s one of the major things that I like about choice games. @Flurrywinde11 is free to write this way, and should if this is how he thinks his story will be best presented, but for me it makes it more of an interactive story than a choice game. When it comes down to story, I feel that I wouldn’t read a book in a library about a football star bully who gets turned into a vampire; it’s just not my preference.
I actually like that the author sets up the character a little. I noticed in some games that have many different character options, when something happens I don’t feel like the character reacts quite like I thought it would. But when it is semi set up already the author is better able to focus on it and make more realistic reactions.
I am female but don’t mind role playing as a man as long as the character is well made.
I’m not challenging anyone’s opinion, merely stating mine.
I welcome your opinion, @MaraJade, and it seems many people agree with you. Other story ideas I have might be more to your liking, and I also have ideas for games that are more like RPGs with full customizations of the character.
@FairyGodfeather, why heterosexual? Well, I could make a story about a gay vampire or a lesbian vampire, but then, I’d want to make it a different story dealing with themes tailor-made to such a character.
I’m actually all for options and inclusivity, as well as the exploration of gender and sexual orientation, and I have other game ideas that do just that in different ways.
In fact, the name of this game, “Vampire Life,” is actually more for an RPG-like high school vampire game idea I have, but I used it on this one instead. I guess I was thinking loosely, and in my hazy mind, this vampire jock could be one of the PCs in that RPG CYOA. I’ll definitely try to come up with a better name for this game, because it’s obviously lacking greatly in RPG elements.
I’ll admit I’m not overly fond of GBLTQ themes. I like that Choice of Games have gay characters in worlds where there are generally no gay themes.
What would you consider different enough about a gay or lesbian character that would require them to have an entirely different game dedicated to them?
Write the story that works for you though. Regardless of what you write you’ll have some of us saying “inclusivity” while others are shouting “pandering”.
@TheWaffle@elementoflilium I agree with y’all about the whole customization deal. It doesn’t bother me at all that a female option isn’t available (even though I prefer to play as one) but it seems weird that in a gender-locked game there isn’t more variety in the specific details of the character. Is there going to be added customization on character appearance? Background? Family life? Parents? And if there is only the option of a heterosexual character, why not give the reader a chance to edit what the girlfriend is like instead of a default/set character? Or other things along those lines. It is just my personal taste, but I prefer to have a wide array of options to create my PC, even if the story isn’t as fleshed-out because of it. (Life of a Wizard is an example of this.) But I don’t mind a centered story so long as there is a balance of interactivity along the way.
I believe a lot of people are voicing their opinions of character customization as a key to interactivity because of how railroaded a game can be the more locked you are to the PC. (If that makes any sense) I believe that we just possibly haven’t seen any choices later that will counter only choosing little for the PC. There is only a very, very small demo to this game for now (and a good one at that), and later on who knows how branched the story might become?
@Flurrywinde11The writing to the demo is good so far, but the strange transition from first to second person threw me off for a second there. (Unless I am behind and you have already changed this up a bit) This moment: “I found my gym bag, threw my bloody jersey into it, and put on a t-shirt. It was 10:20 pm, ten minutes before my parents’ curfew. No matter what, you were going to be late, but how late was up to you.” Just seemed strange to me. It just sort of switched mid-paragraph. I’d try dividing the change, or simply revising the first-person intro into second person altogether. Just a suggestion.
That’s about all my feedback for now. I’m eager to see where you’re going to go from here. Good luck on your first game by the way! :]
@flurrywinde11 well i like the writing but what pulls me away from it is that i get the feeling that you’re going to try to limit my characters ability to wait til night then intemidate or sadistically murder anyone who has picked on me until their is no one left with balls big enough to try
but overall i kind of like the game
@Flurrywinde11 You have great writing skills and the story definitely had my attention. As a female, it did catch me off guard that my gender was set and I already had a girlfriend (I hope I can atleast choose her personality) but I’m willingly to continue to read and play as the story goes on. I hope that you do indeed include a lot of options that does effect the story so the story isn’t too linear. Keep up the good work!
Sorry, no. It was my first try and got way, way too complex. Also, I didn’t write down my ideas for it and then couldn’t remember them later. Thanks for asking!
I’m sorry to hear that because i loved what you have here and would’ve loved to have seen where it went. Do you have anything else like this or any other WIP’s?
Here’s some other WiP’s, but I suggest not even bothering to look at them because, darn it, they are each only a few paragraphs long, even less than Vampire High School.
There’s one I haven’t posted there yet which is my elaboration on the original version of The Palace of the Silver Princess OD&D module, but it also is only just the bare beginning.
Thanks for positivity, though. It means a lot and motivates me to actually get going and finish something!
I like what the gist of the story, and wish you good luck.
I prefer more customization for the MC but after reading what I have of your story I can understand why you have written it the way you have, like I said good luck.
Well, you have our support in your new projects. I join Your story was similar to another WIP that is now unfortunately dead but we will motivate you in your new projects.
Ugh, real life caught up with me again, but I’ve got around 1000 words done so far. I’ll pick it back up again soon, I hope! Will let you know, either here or hopefully in its own WiP thread when it’s ready. Thanks!