UPDATE POST 351 (04/01) the wars we wage (Now with 180k words)! isekai fantasy game

Hi, first of all I wanna say that I’m in love with your game and keep up your amazing work.
Now, the reason for this comment:
In the scene: “Oh ! The three of you…” Looking at our party, a knowing look when her blue eyes fell on my two comrades “I would like to say that I don’t understand what might have motivated you to gather but honestly I do.”

I’m not sure if I got to the end of what you posted or if there’s a problem with the game code or something that. I’ve already tried leaving it for a while to load, but it’s been hours. So, I thougth that i should contact you.


So far, so good.

How old are we once we join the army? I’m also curious which country the Empire is based off of.

Only issue I had is that the killer’s dialogue seems a bit unnatural, and the mc saying “mofo” doesn’t quite match up with how they usually talk.

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We’re really young when we are " adopted " by the government of the nation by the time we have the graduation ceremony we’re in are teens lol I will half to play again cause I’ve honestly forgotten if I saw exact ages in game or heard it elsewhere.

But yeah agreed the killers age is unnatural but then again he was being a crazy person that had help from the being that wanted to be called God and wanted us dead so could plant us in this new world.

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Hi !! I’m thrilled that you like my game and I’d like to sincerely thank you for the encouragement.

There is a problem then ! Because there should be at least 1k of words after that lol. I’ll try to run the game on CSIDE then on dashingdon myself to find what could be messing up.

Sorry for the disturbance and have a nice week end : D


Glad you like it so far !
For the age, currently, mc is 16, and joined at 13, actually, the RO except Dorian/Dana are 3 year older than mc (I’ll need to sneak that info in though !). The characters are graduating (except Dorian/Dana) but they aren’t done with their training and shouldn’t do any real fighting for now…well emphasis on the “shouldn’t” because in this story, my goal is literally to put the mc in the trenches lol.

I think that composure is kind of off when you are getting murdered XD. But I might look into it if it seems too unnatural, thanks !

@Valixon I hope that you can find the answers to your questions here


Oh, I meant the killer. Or maybe you meant “mofo”. Yeah, it’s not so much a composure thing but rather that it doesn’t quite suite the MC’s speech patterns. To me, they sound like someone who’d just say “motherfucker”. I think maybe it’s a dialect thing, but I’m not sure.

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Oh okay I see ! Well I’ll check it out and see how I can change it to make it more natural ! : D


Mushoko tensei & black clover?

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Hummm if you think about mushoku tensei in the whole new chance at life and black clover with orphaned/magic system then yes kind of ! But if you want an anime comparaison, Youjo Senki in literally my base template for the premise of the game, if you don’t know this show, I would really recommend it to you : D


Is this referring to Dana? I notice that she only gets mentioned by name twice. I can never remember her name.

Here it implies Maria is the one who bailed me out though.

Feel like we should get a few other students before Tim.

Screen seems to have frozen here. Refreshing didn’t help. Anyone else get this?


Hello had a lot of fun, youjo senki is a personal favorite so i enjoyed becoming tanya essentially

Not sure if i hit the end of the demo or not but:

“Okaaaaay, then let’s just go. Y’all creeping me out.” Turning my back on them, I hurried away, hiding my smile."

After hitting the button i go into an infinite load

Just curious

The story is pretty well written, some gramatical errors and a few of problems with the best friends pronouns but other than that I think this is progressing really well.

Looking forward to what is to come.


Funnily enough, I actually named my character Mary, after Tanya’s Rival.


Ready for that season 2 showdown(presumably)

Tanya is activly working towards decimating that whole bloodline.

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Honestly, I kinda root for Mary. Just because I don’t want to root for Germany in WW1.

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In this case im team empire sinces its alternate timeline and all the other nations seemed to have been the agressesors. Havent read the manga stuff ive only seen the anime so i could be lacking info lol

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That IS the story but it’s the principle of the thing.

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I mean ww1 germany isnt as bad as uh… ehem alternative german governments throughout the 1900s.


Yeah, but they were still in the wrong. I feel like a lot of works try to portray the Allies as self-righteous for blaming Germany for the war but they really weren’t. Germany and Austria DID start the war with their incompetent, unyealding diplomatic tactics and hawkishness.

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Omg I was sure I had responded to your thoughtful comment and I in fact hadn’t, sorry for the late response ! All your comments are quite insightful and I’ll be sure to take them in account for the next update !
Concerning the end of the demo, you still should have gotten a few sentences afterward on a last page so I’ll try to check out what is happening with that, thanks !


You should have gotten a few more sentences on another page, so I’ll try to check out the problem !

Thanks a lot for the compliments ! I’ll try to be more careful with grammar and stuff ! I hope I won’t disappoint : D