United We Stand - Political WIP

I absolutely loved the open-world idea I say you should go with it!! Us there should be a system of rising in the party becoming more politically powerful in the parliament


Goddamnt cant wait for this.

I Asked for This.

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If I’m crossing the line with too many questions (or with ones that you don’t want to spoil) feel free to tell me, no stress.

I would just like to understand better what you mean by the “reactionary political views” of General Rudolf Falk. Is he an authoritarian monarchist? Or a highly conservative liberal (liberal = support for a democratic or at least semi-democratic system)?

What is the connection of the queen with the deposed king? Is she his daughter?

What are the political tendencies of Prince Georg?

I understand that this questions are a lot more delicate (from a spoiler perspective) than the ones I have put before, so feel fre to keep your cards close to the chest (I believe this is the expression :sweat_smile:) and to tell me to take a hike.

@CaesarCzech I’m glad you’re excited, makes me want to write more!
Not at all, it’s fun to answer!

  1. general falk’s reactionary views are pretty much as you describe, authoritarian monarchist.
  2. the queen is the deposed king’s daughter. He now lives in exile in monaco. She was 18 at the time of the abdication and therefore took precedence over her brother who was only 4 and so not the best choice at a time of crisis. This convenient ignoring of the principles of succession is a source of resentment for the prince
  3. Prince Georg has far right leanings, if nothing else in childish antipathy to his sister’s democratic principles (her politics most nearly align with the more moderate members of national bloc, with a paternal conservative concern for the plight of the poor)

Don’t worry about it, it’s not really spoilers I don’t think as it isn’t giving away the plot! Not that I’d really mind about that, it’s not like it’s game of thrones or anything… (And yes, that is the expression :slight_smile:)


My questions are my new order noble girl could charming the prince to a Golpe in the Spanish terms or Musolini. Enter parliament and take care of everything with help of Male heir. A bloodless change of system

She’d be so charming; a real Mata Harri

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It’s not only charms. I am noble so that’s a plus. Also I have the streets force behind exactly as Musolini had his street force. He wants HIS throne the throne it was taken from him as a child. The throne god destined to his glory. He would pact with a right force for return hos throne the other monarchy forces are too shy and afraid.

I think this idea might just make it into the game now…


This is getting very exciting.

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My country was an expert of that type of situations in the XIX. A monarch taken away from history is similar to another monarch in same situation. So my girl could easily convincing it if they get closer. (get closer is the problem) the message should be something like… More if you’re seeing your love sister like a golden peackock wandering around like a courtesan full of wine while the Nation god destined to you to rule is falling apart. With parties that wants to destroy nobility and our sacred order and customs…
Don’t you his majesty fell the calling of your sacred duty for Moravia? A SERPENT QUEEN FULL OF LIES IS USURPING YOUR THRONE AND CONDUCTING US TO CHAOS. Let new order help you to reclaim Moravia with a new regime and a full control of a Strong king again.

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Let them eat cake…wait that’s the wrong country. DOWN WITH THE QUEEN! A new age is dawning a…poison age.
This time tomorrow everyone will be speaking Castilian.
That or Drakeye the cru… Kind yea that’s it Drakeye the kind will rule the party with a iron fist, then become king MWHAHA…

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you could say that the country has poisonous intent :sunglasses:


I hope that if the left can win in this game the possibility will also be there for a (symbolic, much like Germany or Israel today) president, since while my character (and I) prefer the parliamentary system we do want to get rid of the monarchy.

Its better to have like a plot twist to restore total monarcy (?) And gain power and wealth for ur mc

My revolutionary socialist character (Rubenov Castrovich, I didn’t resist in creating a Russian version of my name) would very much like to plan an assassination of the royal family, much like the assassination of the Portuguese king Carlos I in 1908 by the republicans (that was in fact an attempt to kill him, his wife and his two sons). Better yet, many historians believe that the king was killed by the leaders of the monarchist parties and the republicans were mere scapegoats.

In the name of the proletariat we will kill the entire royal family and then blame the fascists and then (with the consent from the other parties) we will wipe them out (EVIL LAUGH!!!) :smiling_imp:

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I don’t know if a restoration of a traditional absolute monarchy could be possible in the 30’s. Usually what we see during this period is some kind of authoritarian monarchist regime but not trough the king’s government but trough a politician of his choice (in the role of prime minister). But given that the absolute monarchy has just ended in Moravia, an absolutist restoration seems quite possible.

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It will be possible to get rid of the monarchy as the left but it’s really quite difficult. Symbolic president is the most likely alternative I think
@Got99 @ruhenri
Whilst it won’t be possible to restore old style absolute monarchy you will be able as the right to go for an authoritarian, fascistic regime in collaboration with the monarch as was seen in many countries at that time, eg Primo regime in spain, horthy in Hungary, the Romanian one I can’t remember and of course mussolini’s Italy. And just as a clarification/world build pre 1918 Moravia was an absolute monarchy in the style of imperial Germany or Austria-Hungary, not ancien regime France


I want to be able to restore the Holy Roman Emperor that the brute Napoleon had interrupted… after all that was the Mussolini vision - to restore the Roman imperialism… :wink: :rose:

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Does that mean you’ll code Prince Georg to be gender switchable or will male MCs be unable to go down this path?
I like the idea, just wondering

So it would be like mussolini’s italy and would the character have a deep background story about its family and why mc had join either of the party… because in the current demo its rather short😊