Triaina: Academy - WIP - Update 1.27 - 12/29/2023

No killing the MC’s RO!


Ahaha, well, while it would be interesting, the other characters also need their spotlight in this love story without Raven always stealing it :stuck_out_tongue: As popular as raven is, they won’t be killing any of the main characters to showcase their superior adoration haha.

Basically that :stuck_out_tongue:

For fun mostly haha. I hope that translates to a good and enjoyable read on your part :slight_smile:


I’ve found myself so intrigued by Mary on my first playthrough. How can one be so innocent at a certain time yet could also be… yeah you guys know what I meant. She’s adorable, you know. That’s the only reason why I liked her route. Yeah, that’s it. Heh.

The demon inside my head : “Keep telling yourself that, Vinny.”

Me : Nervous chuckle


well raven sure is interesting and everyone here, myself included expects them to kidnap for example the sibling, or what would be more hilarious an attempt to kidnap the burrito boi vin/ girl vee

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Same Vinny, same.

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It would be really interesting to see a fight between those two

Hey does the demo end after getting the injection because there seems to be infinite loading after that scene?

The injection after the train ride? No, that isn’t supposed to happen haha. Can you tell me what choice you selected so I can see if I can replicate the problem?

Actually now it seems to be working now. I think it probably was just slow internet for me, anyway sorry.

Ah, alrighty! I hope you enjoy the rest of the content provided :slight_smile:

Love it

Heya everyone, I hope you’re all having a good day. It’s about that time again, and I’m looking for individuals willing to provide thorough and constructive feedback for me in a beta version of the game before its eventual release. If you have any interest, please send me a private message. :slight_smile:


love to help out

Send private message

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A few grammatical errors

You may may have misheard, it’s actually “Ms. Gillian”.

A pronoun switch

I sent a PM

i also sent a pm

I absolutely love this game and I’m sending a PM about the beta testing

I honestly don’t know if my message went through but I also pmed >_>

Heya everyone, if you haven’t gotten a reply back from me, rest assured I most likely received your messages. At the moment I am documenting stuff that I’ve already received and fixing some substantial problems found. I’ll send out another rally of replies once I’ve gotten all that figured out. No, I haven’t forgotten about you haha. Thank you for all the enthusiastic support you’ve shown in wishing to participate in the feedback process. :slight_smile: