Thoughts on Imprisoned?

No arms option needs some work.

I swear I played this thing for hours :stuck_out_tongue:
I have gotten:
The one where the interrogator kills me
I escape with the rat
I die from escaping(bending the bars ppl! Thats how you do it! :wink: )
I escaped from the interrogation room using my magic
The guard outside the interrogation room calls other guards
The guard outside the interrogation room kills me
And i think one more but i cant remember… :-?

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Overall, i 100% LUV this game! :smiley: Im gonna keep going till i find all of them! B-)

Wow, thanks :slight_smile: I’ve heard some good reviews about “Imprisoned” but this one is the best. I’m flattered.

Things I liked:

I liked the /in media res/ setup. I liked the fact that you got to decide whether you were innocent or guilty, and also got to be ambiguous about it. At times I quite liked the narration which had a cute pseudo-Pratchett vibe. I thought the way character creation was handled was quite interesting.

Things I wasn’t so keen on:

I thought the tone was a bit uneven - the jokey narration didn’t really sit well alongside the risk of being tortured to death. I also sometimes found the gameplay a bit repetitive, in that I often found myself doing the same thing over and over again and not being entirely sure why.

It was also fairly clear that English isn’t your first language, which isn’t a problem in and of itself, but it does mean that a lot of the phrasing seems odd to a native speaker.

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Haha, I found the names of all of the ones I got! I also found several other endings :smiley:

  1. Hopeless (Died in the dungeon :> ) .
  2. More luck than reason (Escape the dungeon with tied hands) .
  3. It was so close… (Died trying to escape).
  4. Officer Assault (Guard outside interrogation room calls other guards).
  5. Magic Portal (Escaped through the magic portal)
  6. Heroic but… stupid (Died attacking interrogation officer :stuck_out_tongue: ).
  7. Underestimated giant (Died attacking guard outside interrogation room).
  8. Fight your way out! (Escape the dungeon through sheer force).
  9. Mental Master (Escape using mental powers).
  10. Innocent (Found innocent during trial).
  11. Sentenced to Death (Found guilty during trial) .
  12. Overdrive (Worked too hard).
  13. Like a Santa (Escaped through the kitchen chimney).
  14. Fairy Tale (Escaped with the rat).
  15. Poisoner (Poison the food in the kitchen).
  16. Cursed (Killed the rat before finishing the portal).

Unfortunately, I have played for a while and am going crazy. I can’t find the other eight endings :-S

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Hi I’m making a game where the player is stranded on a deserted island. I know how to say
*if hunger = “0”
*goto deathhunger
and stuff like that.
Do I put something like that in my stat chart or in my main scene code?
I’ve played your game and know that it’s kinda similar to your overdrive death so I wondering if you could help me.

Best to put it in the main scene. Every time hunger decreases, check if it is equal to or less than zero. If you do this a lot, it might save you a tiny bit of time to make a *gosub checkhunger and then something like the following at the end of your code (*gosub at the end for ease-of-reading - it doesn’t matter where you put it to my knowledge):

*label checkhunger
*if hunger < 1
*goto_scene deathhunger

*gosub lets you go do something, and then return to where you were when you went to go do that something. Kind of like making a sub-program that your program can use at any time. It saves you one line every time you use it here. More useful when it involves doing a lot of things, maybe with a lot of *if tests or whatever. I assume deathhunger is a separate scene. You can use *goto_scene to change scenes.

In addition, you technically can put it into your stats chart, but it will give you very silly results. First of all, it would mean a player could get less than one hunger and live so long as they do not check their stats. Secondly, the *goto_scene would work if you put it in the stats screen, but the game would get all confused and think you never left the stats chart, meaning it won’t start displaying the stats screen button again. I’ve tried playing around with the stats chart before, and it really can’t do much. You can’t set variables in the stat screen either. Well, you can, but they won’t keep their altered values when you leave. I think they’ll keep it if you leave via a *goto_scene, but then you still lose the stats button.

Also, probably not a good idea to ask questions about your own game on a topic based around someone else’s game. Instead you can send a private message to them, or make your own topic. Or better yet, use my super ultra top-secret method of reading other people’s games’ code. Start playing their game, and then add “scenes” to the end of the URL for a directory of the coding for all screens in the game. For instance, the scenes URL for the imprisoned game is . Add mygame.js instead to look at their mygame.js. Really good way of learning about choicescript, and a good resource to come back to when you forget stuff. Note that this doesn’t always work - choice of intrigues is all silly, I assume because of its saving system, and choice of romance seems to have some trouble as well. Some hosted games also don’t work well.

Edit- Forgot to mention, if you use *gosub, you have to copy and paste the *gosub code into each scene you use it in. That is, everything from the *label to the final possible *return.

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@monkey I think peglegpenguin has covered the topic. The only difference is that when I wrote Imprisoned there was no *gosub and I had to code my own ‘hack’ to achieve what’s called ‘functions’ in most programming languages. Anyway the idea is to check against some variable every time it changes. But you don’t have to put this variable in your stat chart not every variable is actually a stat.

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About the “hidden” ending… is it the Quake IV one?

I’m trying to find them all and I’m not having much luck.

I love this game but sometimes trial comes few days before it should :slight_smile:

What’s the hidden one? I tried an option about killing an old man and i got the ending of waking up in my own bed! So… is that the one? :wink:

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The hidden one has a number 24/24 :wink:

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But… that can’t be… “ENDING 24/24 “Cursed”
You’re trapped here. You shoudln’t have messed with the rat…” Really? That’s the HIDDEN one?! :skull:

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