The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

No, it’s my worst nightmare … And apparently @bl00dragon too

Now that Nosferatu is mentioned …

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No, just regular purging the impure, I’ve seen worst.

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Really? :3
Show me!! I wanna see!!! More nightmares!!!

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I’d rather not, there’s things that are hard to get unseen. Search yourself, internet is a treasure of ugly piece of crap.

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Loved the short demo, not many games let you go full Lich King, they are all about being nice and heroic and all that bullshit, I want to be the evil overlord that tramples armies and obliterates nations…I might be getting too carried away
also I loved the fact that one of the default names is Rose, I’m so going for a corrupted and twisted version of everyone’s favorite Crystal Gem :smiley: (getting carried away again)

well, good luck with the development, I’m gonna watch this one closely


Unfortunatly you cannot kill that as soon as it touches you get teleport ed to another pocket dimension
then it kills you with a smile. buy now i have another servant for my legions!
and this guy will turn anyone he touches into zombies well my army is complete


You’d think that a plague doctor would cure the zombies, not make them …

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well his “cure” involves them from “death” by turning them to zombies so the can continue to “live”
that is why i need him (scp 049) and (scp 682) that giant lizard and maybe scp 999 to keep me happy.


Made another update with the beginning of chapter one and the first bit of character creation. Not much to see yet, I’m probably going to add other customization options later.


I’m doing customizations for bodies right now and things like that, if you want me to add something it’s the moment to speak up.


Ummmm… Albino and skeletal/lithe?


You’ll have your skeleton Dark_Stalker don’t worry. But yes for albino and skeletal/lithe.


We’re undead, I have to look the part. I mean who’ll believe that I’m the wright king if I have a beautiful healthy tan and muscles? Plus I like the idea of being unnaturally skinny with super strength.


Tan is incompatible with undeath, they always get paler than they were in their life.

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Yay I always get to be eerily pale.

Even dark-skinned people are affected though their body tend to get a greyer hue.

I’d like to have customization touches like Sapphire eyes and gold plated bones… gold leaf strands of hair … idk… main thing to me is that the armor and weapons be of mystical/magic quality and nature. The Sapphire eyes though … might be very unnerving to those still of the flesh. :slight_smile:

maybe customizing how decomposed you are? kinda like the Forsaken in WoW, some dont have eyes, some have exposed bones and some dont have a lower jaw.

but truly the most important point in customization will be when we get to choose our evil overlord outfit: from battle armor, to overcoats to whatever the hell hot topic is selling right now

this is what i want my guy to look like… but when i look up Wights i end up finding only game of thrones White Walkers.


mayby umthinksdepending on you gender choice you get diffrant armor on you when you look into the water like if you male you get male armor and if you female get female armor which would proble be light armor that you can move around in gracefully/swiftly and if you male you get medium to heavy type of armor. something like cultofCtulgu picture looks like.