The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

It’s up to the author to make/ask for one, and she doesn’t come around the forums much, if at all. Someone once floated the idea of making a provisional one for book 4 until Mishka comes and makes her own, but I guess that never happened.

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I see. Thank you! I do follow her Tumblr and has subscribed to her blog newsletter so I guess that would suffice.

Also I have read the Book 4 demo and boy that was so promising! First time in a while that a very short demo got me hooked! I am very looking forward for this development though it’s really fun to see how fast time flies. I was in my high school when book 1 came out, I’m in college-sophomore now and we are waiting in Book 4. But the love for A is still in my heart xD!


The next update for Book 4 demo should be up this month if things go as planned.


Should be interesting! She seems determined to do the seven books, and more, so Alzermyte is right, there should be another thread for this now, even if its just a generic Wayhaven one, instead of bashing book 3 to death.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wayhaven Book 4 Discussion Thread

Hi, I’ve made a separate thread for book 4 specific discussion as it seemed tidier that way:


Was the patron stuff moved off dashingdon to cogdemos?


She didn’t have any extra games for Patreon, only writings. If you search in public games, the demo doesn’t show up, so it appears she hasn’t moved it to cogdemos. She’ll probably put it on itch or her own website.

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yup, recently, so that should be available now

I’m finally coming back to Wayhaven and reading how different this thread became from before and after Book 3 is really funny. I’m gonna play all the games to see how I feel about them, probably going for A.

As someone who mainly goes for A, I’d advise you not to unless you want to see how long you can go before wanting to bash your head against the wall.


I second that! A just really never gets going after the first book, and there is a strong push towards N. Someone either in this thread or another said that the best way to see A is to have them as your best friend, then you see everything you miss out on if you go the romance route.

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If you wanna be petty or an asshole, you can also do the triangle, get with N and shove it in front of A.

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