The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

I can’t say for sure but I think that Felix could have a lower threshold for number of points needed for there friendship. I could be wrong though.

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You’re right, but that shouldn’t affect who you have the highest number of points with, which is what I thought the subroutine was supposed to use. And it does do that, in a way. I think the reason it popped up that way is because Felix is the “favored” one for the routine.

In one playthrough, I had Adam with 18 points, Felix with 15, and Nate with 13, which is where Felix shows up as the friend in the first scene. In another, Adam has 16 points, Nate has 15, and Felix has 13, and in that one, Adam properly shows up as the high friend. Basically, if Felix is higher than Nate in points, it doesn’t matter what points you have with Adam, you’re going to get Felix (and I’m assuming it’s the same with A-F-M, though I haven’t tested it yet). I wasn’t sure how the subroutines worked, but after looking at the masonsub, I see that this is how it’s apparently supposed to work–so any time F > N, you get F, regardless of A’s points.

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It could be the way she has it set up. I haven’t taken a look at her subroutine, so I can’t say for sure. Regardless, I’ll definitely bring this to her attention for her to take a look at. Thanks, @EvilChani. :smiley_cat:


@spunkycatninja You’re welcome! You can also pass this along, if you’d like…

If she does, indeed, want the friend with the highest number of points to win the sub, while choosing F as the default if all three friends are tied (or whoever), here’s how the subroutine should be written (I’ve tested it with all friends by changing the friend points, just to make sure it was picking the correct friend):

Also, out of my own curiosity more than an issue since I don't have a MC that goes through without romancing anyone, I tested the friendsub and cleaned the code up a bit, if she prefers it that kind of thing. It still defaults to F if all four vamps have equal friend stats.

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Apparently she was already alerted to it from some feedback. But definitely thanks for the info. I’ve linked her your post. These are definitely the types of things we want worked out now. :smiley:


I didnt want to, but in the end, i needed a fix lol i played the demo, its very cool, i deeply regret it as im now bursting for more and no doubt book 3 is still an eternity away :confounded: the wait actually becomes harder when you have a taste lol least i learned a valuable lesson when time comes to wait for book 4 lol thank god we have marvel movies coming thick and fast to distract us :sunglasses::beers:

Cant wait for book 3 :+1:

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There’s going to be a book 4?

Hmm, its my understanding there will be about 6, or am i thinking of a different book :thinking:

There’s 7 books planned for the series.

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Oh wow I’m excited :grin:

Boom! :sunglasses:

Im seriously considering becoming a patreon, do you get the progress updates on there, i miss those?

Also i saw she is creating another book that will take place in the wayhaven universe, do we no anything at all about that yet?

You get progress updates and other goodies (sneak peaks, Love Interest POVs, unseen scenes, etc.) if you join her patreon.

The other story is called Creek Edge, and it’ll be a visual novel.


Thanks for the reply, im going to give it a shot :+1:

Ooooh creek edge, that even sounds very wayhaven lol i very much look forward to hearing more about that project :sunglasses: but first, book 3 :grin:


I think Creek Edge takes place in same universe as Wayhaven… But don’t quote me on that.


It does take place in the Wayhaven Universe.

If anyone is curious, there are her tumblr tags for it so you can look into it yourselves.


Thanks for this, learned alot about it and very much look forward to checking it out in the future :sunglasses:

Does anyone else get M vibes from the hound? The guy from game of thrones? Lol every time I rewatch some episodes or read the book it always reminds me of M.

Yall know that TikTok sound where it goes “I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just… not home”? I don’t know about you, but it makes me think about F. All of them really, but especially F. For the others, there isn’t hope anymore because their “homes” are long gone in the past which may give them some closure. But F’s home is still there, forever out of reach. And yet, even if they found a way back, there’s no guarantee of returning to our world, so would have to choose whether to lose everything again to reunite with a mother who might be dead.

Anyway I had that thought last night and wanted to share.


sure! go ahead and rip my heart out of my chest and tear it into pieces! why don’t you?! didn’t need it anyway :see_no_evil:

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