The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

Yep, unlike M, they were ashamed by it!


Huh. Makes sense, I guess… but I am really not looking forward to that conversation between N and my MC, whenever it comes up. Some headcanon may be required.

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Yeah, the vampire transformation will be very DIFFICULT. Of course, our MCs are going to survive, but that doesn’t mean the MC will have an easy going of it.

This is basically the path my MC will take too. He doesn’t really want to watch his friends die obviously, and disconnecting from that human part of him will be really really difficult. But, no matter who he’s romancing, I don’t think he can say no to the idea of having forever with his RO/UB. Not just cause of his romantic relationship, but also the family he’s now made with UB. Of course this isn’t to say that he values UB over people like Tina and Verda, but I think he really can’t stand to think of having his RO see him die, so even if he doesn’t want to, he’ll turn.


Has there been any hint of a suggestion of the remote possibility of un-turning someone? Poor N seems to want to be human again quite badly, and my N-mancer would love to make that happen.


I don’t think so since we still don’t know how a vampire even turns into one, Sera has yet to reveal that!


We know that isnt just using vampire blood, cause our mc has Murphy blood. So, maybe they need to idk, kill the human first?

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I believe someone asks something along those lines, and sera answered that “the person being turned HAD to be alive(mostly)” although I’m paraphrasing since I don’t remember it word for word. I could be mistaken though, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

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So it’s not necromancy. Hm. Maybe Vampires can’t turn another human?

I thought we were immune to becoming vampires because of the special blood we have

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Maybe the transformation is based on a ritual or something like that?

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This. Pretty much just this.
Though honestly… the drama would be fantastic.

To think about the vampires watching as our Mc’s slowly but certainly ages.

  • First the pains in the hips and back
  • Losing your hair
  • Then the wrinkles
  • Followed by the sagging of your flesh…

Ohhhhh I don’t know about you, but if I had to live an eternity and watch my partner slowly succumb to time… oof… All those nights where I wouldn’t be able to sleep I would be tossing and turning about not wanting to lose my human.

Though there is the hilarity too! F always being the smaller of the two suddenly being the tallest, due to the shrinking with age. I mean, that would be fun and definitely something F would make jokes about.

No, I don’t think so :thinking:
Mishka said that the Ro’s and mc will be able to talk about the possibility of turning at some point. Likely in one of the last books (Edit: though this is my opinion, not based on anything!!!). Which kind of implies that the Mc is ‘turn-able’ despite their special blood.

Though it would be an amazingly horrid complication if they were trying to turn the mc XD

F asking all confused: babe, why aren’t you turning? we did everything already

I really hope our Mc’s get to ask questions about it at some point!


It seems a lot of the “pro-” turning players reasons for becoming vampires seems to be less the desire for immortality and more because they don’t want their partner to watch them die.

I’m curious, is it the death itself that bothers you or the “slow” death that is the problem? For example, there is this implication that if your character chooses to be turned, they will survive the transformation process (goes with the tone of the book, not trying to drag you guys). However, if as a player you knew that if you chose to turn, the game script would generate a random number: zero or one. On a zero, your character doesn’t survive the transformation process and it then gives you an epilogue for that. On a one, your character survives the transformation and you get the vampire lover’s epilogue. Would you still be in favor of choosing to become a vampire?

Personally, i’m on the pro vampire train, not to prevent the sadness of knowing my love would have to watch me die. But because i would want to live forever with my love. The only thing that would really make me reconsider the vampire option was if i had to hurt people to get it (like other universes’ vampires’ forced cannibalism).


Good question! ö

I honestly don’t know anything for certain. I think it would depend on the situation for my mc’s.
If the mc would be in a state of dying because of something gone wrong and the turning being the only possible thing to save them, then YES, obviously. As well as, when/if they are diagnosed with cancer or another scary disease.

Otherwise, I don’t know if any of my mc’s would actually turn with such high risks… Not while they are below 60 years old anyway.
Edit: though maybe my mc who romances F… I think, perhaps they would be more willing to just risk it.

Well, then you are in luck! Since this is not the case in the Wayhaven universe! (Thank the maker/Mishka XD)
The high risk of turning wouldn’t put you off, though?


How works the growth of the children from Echo World? Do they born and grow up until the reach adulthood and then stay the same forever?

It’s just I have many questions about that world and its population.

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My MC may consider turning into vampires as a desperate calculated risk, but they think they’re more likely to die on their job than getting old. Besides, my MC believes that their lovers can move on from their death with sufficient time and the team’s support.


I come bearing answers! :sparkles:

How do Echo babies grow up:

Human-born vampires, ones not from the Echo World, actually continue physically ageing until about their mid-30′s (or revert back if they are older than that when turned).
Echo World vampires are the same.

So Echo babies age till their 30th/35th b-day (:

Echo population:

Kids aren’t…as common in the Echo World. The Echo World relies more on a balance with nature, due to magic being so linked to everything in that world.
So supernaturals tend to only have like 1 or 2 children, if they want any at all. That’s more how their bodies work over there. Because their kids are magical in some form too, it’s like their bodies can only handle that many.
(There are some people who have more than 2, but as a rule it’s generally 1 or 2)

If you want there is a lot of information on Mishka’s tumblr page, with a handy search bar as well! (:
Not that I don’t like to search for answers for your, this way I learn more about Wayhaven too XD

Hahahaha, they have pessimism in their DNA, don’t they? (;
Though… at this point, with that price on their head…
it’s more realistic than pessimistic, probably… :point_right: :point_left:


Yeah probably not. For me having my LI watch me die isn’t as big of a deal for me because they would have to do that anyways right? The chance at an eternity of happiness with my love is worth it for me.


My MC is prepared to sacrifice themselves like their father even before the reveal of his death cause. Besides, Rebecca manages a successful career after her love’s death, so my MC accepts that people can move on and rebuild their life after loss.

(My MC has a close relationship with her and will respect her decision to find love again. They only worry that she’s playing a dangerous game when she flirts with the mayor, but Rebecca is an adult capable of making her decision.)

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So for my MC, I think it’s a combination of “I don’t want to put this person I value so much through that kind of pain” because he’s seen the effect that can have on people due to his mother. But i think its also “I feel like I’ve found my family, and being here feels right.” So I think for him it’s more a combination of not wanting his RO to suffer and having that eternity of happiness with them. Also, I think having all the abilities would be a huge plus for him, since it would mean he could help more people and he wouldn’t have to rely on UB taking care of him, which he always feels terrible about.


But to have an eternity together doesn’t mean it is one filled with happiness (Yes, I am playing the Devil’s advocate here). Nevermind that!
I understand you, definitely. If the opportunity were there I think many people would take it.

A successful career, yes. But a healthy way of dealing with loss? That depends on who you are asking XD