The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (WIP)

Why does this make me think of Deadly Premonition…

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Vaguely reminds me of my own headcanon for Team Zero where a character sarcastically refers to the MC as sweetheart

Said character is also romanceable so the nickname from being derisive becoming affectionate is totally my jam :))

Tangentially related though: I want Adam/Ava to really struggle with the romance (like they’re stuck with the “oh no but oh yes” sort of feels and are trying to deal with it in the best way possible but failing)


I love how we are turning into straight up sycophants for these vampires. :stuck_out_tongue:

In reference to them being horrible bodyguards i love the idea of the MC confronting a bad guy, supernatural or otherwise, on their own. Then when the others show up they’d basically be like “can one of you please arrest me! Anything to get away from them!”. Whether or not it’s because the MC is tough, intimidating, smart etc. is up to the player. I personally headcannon mine as a nice guy who can get scary with words and his brain if he needs to.


…I hope for an option to just deal so casual with all the supernatural stuff that it gets scary for others…or frustrating.

But I somewhat don’t think MC will be able to be that type of character (considering what we got told)…or maybe they can? I mean vampires may be a mental leap for most people but we get at least informed that MC is supposed to be good at what they are doing so is it really totally impossible for them to consider it as an (unlikely) option?
(well, informed in the sense of outside sources…I think we don’t really see it, I guess MC’s competence has to be limited to be not plot-breaking, but I somewhat would wish for them to be a little bit less…eh well conveniently clueless/naive…I mean I noticed at least one instance in which that trait didn’t even ended in plot progression or exposition for the readers so maybe MC is also not that good at their job or just supposed to be a little bit “simple”? …Does any of the characters know what they are doing?)
…eh anyway I hope MC gets an option to not doubt that our vampires are vampires, but just accept it when it gets revealed to them.

MC: Oh, so you guys are vampires and those murders have a paranormal cause? Well, explains at least some things. Cool.

The team: What do you mean “that explains some things”? Why are you not freaking out!? Normally people tend to do that!

MC: -shrugs-

Team: …well, I guess this makes things at least easier???

(Bonus points if MC instead has doubts about the whole “mutation” deal, frustrating everybody around them…)


For mine, it’ll be more like:
MC: Oh. stares, awkward silence Oh… sits down That’s why! This explain so much… I feel like an idiot…

What I mean to say is… maybe a bit more… umm… affected? by the news than @Sammysam. But not just freaking out


There will be a variety of options available when the reveal happens, including one where the MC can put things together and realise that a lot is explained by that revelation.

The MC is new to being a Detective, and the process was pushed through faster than normal, so doesn’t even really have the background in it. In that situation, the MC is doing the best they can do with the limited experience and training they have.
They’re not clueless, they’re just untrained, and new to the role- I wanted that to come across in the choices and writing, so that won’t change about the MC. They can grow into the position as the story progresses and they gain experience and more knowledge about the world :slight_smile:

(Edit- @Sammysam - Please don’t think I’m dismissing your comments! I’m not, it’s definitely something I will take on board for future chapters. It’s just he MC’s inexperience is something that is explained a bit more further on :smiley: )


Team: So… We’re vampires.
Team: Why aren’t you freaking out?
MC: It explains a lot actually.
Team: awkward silence


Team: So… We’re vampires.
@HuntedSnake: Meh.
Team: Why aren’t you freaking out?
HuntedSnake: Meh.

“…It would explain how you took a point blank gunshot and just stood there angry”

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I don’t, but right now it’s difficult to see how things that may bug me are important for the overall plot or how those will play out in the long run. I honestly would prefer to wait and see how the other chapters play out before I may rise critic points that have their main cause in the story needing long time to gain momentum and with that will disappear/lose their justification as critic during later chapters…but well sometimes I just can’t help myself.


OK my MC had some doubt that Ava is the one he met last night. And seeing that he has decent deduction and investigation skill and he prefers to use his mind. It just seems a bit odd that he would give up questioning that easily.

Also is there something wrong with the game saving option?Because every time I try to load a saved game it just shows the stat screen.

The voice recognition scene was something that was added in after writing the chapter, so it’s pretty brief. Otherwise I would have change, well, a lot for those chapters I’d already written :slight_smile: So, that’s why it’s pretty leading for that scene. Plus, you wouldn’t get much else out of them even if questioning was pushed :smiley:

I’ll have a look into the save options, thanks for noting it. Hopefully I can fix it for the big update.


Are we playing the same character


I tend to play mine as charming yet sarcastic, who is ultimately nice leaning but willing to get their hands dirty :stuck_out_tongue:

Though interestingly, stat wise so far, she’s considered by the book so idk if she can actually get her hands dirty :))


Your MC will be able to get their hands dirty if they want :smiley: I don’t like cutting off options due to stats, the difference will just be that the scene will differ.

For example- if your MC is usually By The Book, but wants to break into somewhere to get information, you can totally do that. Your MC might struggle with it more, not have as much time in there, or one of the other characters might comment on the fact that it’s unusual for your MC to break the rules in such a way- but, also, a By The Book character also might have built more trust with the Police Captain, so will be able to convince them easier that they weren’t there than a Bend The Rules MC, if suspicions arise :wink:

There will be a difference in scene depending on stats, but I don’t like to cut off any major options because of them. After all, in real life, a person who follow the rules might suddenly decide not to :wink: I wanted to try and mimic that as much as possible. Hopefully it pans out… :smiley:


So personality based stats have no bearing on major decisions? This is very cool indeed O:

If ever stat checks are skilled based? Like let’s say you need to break into a vault, you need either x amount of technical or x amount of charisma to pass rather than the aforementioned personality ones?

Maybe they just wanted to, I know I would love to be a small town lawyer if I could (which I can’t because the era of small town lawyers came to an end 30-40 years ago in this country). On the other hand I find myself having less and less use (besides work) for the dirty, smelly overcrowded and overpriced cities of this world.

I get the impression bodyguarding stupid mortals is a new gig for them too.

Yeah, but would my mc want that, honestly having one of them near him at all times is hindrance and distraction enough? All four, he’s not the president or a super-wealthy heir or artist or something for who four bodyguards would be considered anywhere near “normal”. Only having one at a time, they can be passed off as partners, interns or (boy)friends, depending on the situation, all four at once would be a bit harder to explain away in daily life.
Gives me an idea actually my mc would need to deputize Adam and get him in a hot motorcycle cop uniform. :yum:

I think “your highness” or prince(ss) would be my mc’s nickname for Adam.

Well my character’s nickname’s and likely eventual codenames for Damon in that game, would be same ones I use for Adam here, I know not terribly original.


No, no, the game asks us for our background and when choosing the scientific background the game tells you that “there were no jobs like that (meaning jobs where MC can use their scientific skills)” in the big city…what sounds vague and a little bit unlikely depending how big that city is supposed to be?

Small towns are boring, full of noisy people and if you need anything else besides food you need to drive at least an hour into the bigger city…if you have a car…if not, better hope that good public transportation exists, but “good” in this case means a train every hour. If there is a train every half hour: Congratulations! It’s a jackpot! At least in the world of small towns.
I’m happy that I escaped that after having to suffer through it for 20 years.

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