The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

Occasional drinker:doesn’t like the taste of beer. Prefer wines. For non-alcoholic, she will always have her daily dose of matcha or black coffee, two sugars, ice tea when she eats out.

Non-alcoholic drinker. prefers her coffee with cream and sugar. Loves any kind of drink but she loves her fruit juices especially mango shake!

Occassional drinker, always order cosmopolitan or mojito, love those chocolate vodkas. Loves her coffee with cream and sugar and loves milk teas.

Adventurous type. She would try every kind of alcoholic drink. Loves her daily dose of water in the morning and pure black coffee. For non-alcoholic drinks, smoothie is her thing.

Dezh holds a huge grudge against him. Despite her turning into a hormonal sex-maniac as soon as she met Mason, she’s only been with (and had a semblance of a relationship) two other people, and Bobby is one of the two. It’s another thing that added to her “trust no one and no one ever sticks around” thing. She’d as soon bash Bobby’s face in as look at him. Having him call her ‘angel’ made her want to beat him to a pulp. If she wasn’t a cop, she totally would, too.

Nyx was also with Bobby, but she doesn’t really care one way or the other about him. He’s a non-entity to her.

Neither Wolfe nor Jax were with him and wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole, lol.


This may sound stupid but I don’t know how to select a certain part of a comment to put before my response. Does that make sense? Anyway…

Henry only drinks alcohol on occasion, gets drunk very easily and only in the company of people he trusts, never drinking alcohol when alone. He’ll usually have what his friends recommend, or half a pint of beer because he’s a classy guy.

He has an addiction to the various soft drinks in Wayhaven, but coffee helps him fight this.

Henry yelled at Bobby when he was betrayed, this being his first real relationship, and just walked his anger off for a few hours. He was upset for weeks afterwards and has tried to ignore Bobby completely since. I don’t imagine he ever really dated anyone after that. Henry isn’t actively seeking romance due to his nervousness when it comes to that stuff (I like to imagine that Tina sets up dates for him every now and then, though) He’s still bitter about the whole Bobby thing, but can act professional around Bobby so long as she stays away from his personal life.

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You mean ‘quote’. You have to activate it in your Preferences. Check Enable quote reply for highlighted text under the Interface tab.

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Thanks for the help.

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Welcome to the party! :tada:

My main doesn’t really drink either (only rarely), so she’d be in the same boat as your MC, so if she went out with Tina, it’d be over realy fast. :smile: But she prefers drinks like water and lemonade usually.


Alexa (ex-boyfriend) thrown herself to her studies and extracurricular activities. She didn’t get into the dating scene ever since that day. Still irked her though up 'til the present day.
Teresa(ex-boyfriend) thrown herself to studies, ice cream and food. She holds her grudge until this day and didn’t bother to date anyone after that.

Lisbeth (ex-friend) Very hurt when it happen. She become slow to trust after that though she is still friendly. Tina and Verda were the first people she fully opened up.

It seems Surina is the only one who escape Bobby’s charms. XD


To balance the angst the bobby question has asked, I come bearing dead A memes

Edit: there’s a ton of dead memes inside, proceed at your own risk






Not everyone is going to like every game! You’re totally welcome to have preferences, and you weren’t being insulting about it, just stating that it wasn’t something you were specifically that enchanted by. Even if you aren’t that into the game, the fact that you enjoy reading the thread still makes the company welcome! One of my favourite things about Wayhaven is the “community” feel of the fans (which is weird, because, ngl, I usually avoid fandoms like the plague).


My deepest thanks for this marvelous package :heart::heart::heart:

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Zoe – She was initially angry and furious, but for the most part, she doesn’t hold grudges. Once she got past the anger, she just wanted to be done with her. Bobby doesn’t really get under her skin so much anymore now that she knows what they are.

Emma – She was blind-sided. She believes so hard in the good in people, and for Bobby to not really care about her hurt a lot. It was essentially her worst fear–that people around her don’t really like her that much–come to life. Even now it’s really hard for her to deal with that and be around Bobby.


Mostly keeping it simple with mineral water, tea, fizzy drink or two
Not the biggest fan of alcohol (gotta stay sober especially in his line of duty) or coffee(tried it, doesnt work)

Frendship version-Kinda was angry and quite a bit of annoyance, could’ve just asked nicely enough and he would help her

Relationship version-Really tought they had something nice going, took it a bit too hard and decided to close himself off (perhaps certan tall gal can change his views), alternatevly he decided to keep things simple and on one night stand mode (and ended up with simillar minded individual)

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Initially, Anne was furious. When Bobby stole her essay, she doubted their relationship- did Bobby ever really love her or did he only see her as easy pickings?

Over time, the wounds have stopped hurting. She makes an effort not to think about Bobby’s betrayal, and tries to live her best life as the best revenge. Even so, she hasn’t had many dates since college. Though she plays it off as being too busy with work, she is afraid of getting hurt again.

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So I was browsing the forum to find out why Nat reacts so strongly when it comes to blood, and why others seem to mark him out when the topic of blood is raised. A few instances I can remember are:

  • N commenting that MC’s blood is “Intoxicating” and … MC notices a deep frown on Rebecca’s brow…
  • Felix: “The Agency provides blood bags. More for some of us than others. Right, N?”
  • After the fight with Murphy and MC faints and is bleeding - N’s head swims with the temptation of MC’s blood, a primal instinct trying to claw its way up from a deep, hidden part of $him/herself. He/She has to turn fully away.
  • At the hospital (after the fight), N seemed very disturbed by the blood bag that Elidor was carrying.

Wonder why N is being picked out…
N seems like a very controlled vampire. He did say he’s has practiced to calm his hyper senses into relaxing enough to enjoy the experience of real food; and his sensory abilities aren’t as strong as Mason.
So I would think he would be able control himself quite well, maybe even better than the other vampires.

Henriette likes anything sweet and yummy… so you can imagine anything like frappuccino and shaken iced tea (her daily caffeine boost) *smacks her lips in delight , sweet wines and cocktails (when she chills out - which is rare, but she can handle her liquor extremely well when she let her hair down). *smacks her lips in delight

Ugh, poor Henriette.

She had just broken up with her high school boyfriend she met Bobby. Her high school boyfriend was hot and popular, and so was Bobby, so she identified Bobby with the high school boyfriend. Because of that, she fell hard for him and kept finding excuses for his crappy behaviour. She even shrugged it off when he stole all of her essays in college and used them as his own. She finally broke it up with him when she overheard Bobby saying, “I’m way too good for her” (and she couldn’t find any excuse for him). After the breakup, Henriette angered a little, cried a little… then almost when into depression, due to having two breakups within the course of six months.

When her head was finally clear, she took revenge on Bobby. She wrecked his reputation by setting a Facebook/Twitter/MySpace etc. account in the Bobby’s name, and under ‘About Me’, wrote: “I’m the cheapest man-whore in town. Text me at xxxxxxxx if you wanna fuck.” Then she sent out 500 ‘add friend’ requests to all his friends and random people in their town.

Now, Henriette has got past the initial sadness and has put the past behind her. But that doesn’t mean the wounds have healed; deep inside her, the break ups still hurts . She’s still broken inside. This is why she only dates - she never goes further than just the day; she not sure about the whole getting deeper thing anymore.

Poor Henriette!


Just played through the game again and have a question…

Is there anyone else whose character(s) finds Rebecca’s attitude grating? She treats the MC like a child who is incapable of doing their own job. Even when the MC is chill about the whole supernatural thing, she’s constantly blathering about “don’t worry, we’ll protect you” and then, when the MC gets ready to leave, she’s like “you can work on the case but you aren’t allowed to get near Murphy!” Excuse me, woman? Yes, she’s the MC’s mother (albeit absentee mother), but the MC is a freaking adult, not an incompetent two-year-old who can’t tie their own shoes.

I noticed having a reaction to that from certain characters (Dezh, particularly, who thinks it’s too little too late for Rebecca to start acting like a mom to her and doesn’t want her damned “protection” anyway), but this time through I noticed it even more so. I kinda want the MC to have a chance to tell her to stuff it and make it clear that they can deal with their own crap, as they’ve been doing for most of their lives.


I think all of my MCs were quite understanding with Rebecca. There were some anger for the lie but they all eventually forgive her. To be honest though, I tend to mirror my own feelings with my own mother which I usually reflect on the relationship between my MCs and Rebecca.

I would have probably have a different outlook if I played TWC as teenager or a young adult but since you experienced and learn more as you grow older, I kind of sympathize Rebecca’s situation.


Hmmm, I don’t really think Rebecca is mollycoddling the MC. There are times when she does seem to trust the MC capability. Like when -

  • Rebecca: “I know you can solve this. Otherwise, the Agency wouldn’t have allowed me to let you lead such a big case. They’d be asking me to take over instead.”
  • MC: “I don’t need protection. I can do my own job by myself.”
    Rebecca: “I don’t doubt it. But Unit Bravo will be around to protect you anyway, so you may as well make use of their skills.”

But Rebecca is still a mother, and she still loves her child a lot - Sera said that in a post too - even if she is absent most of the time.
Also, Murphy is a supernatural, and iirc, humans are supposedly incapable of fighting supernaturals, which is why all the Agents are supernaturals.

So it’s kinda understandable why Rebecca, despite trusting in the MC’s capability, is still saying things like “Unit Bravo will be around to protect you anyway”.


I’m not certain it has to do with age. I can guarantee you I’m older than you. :wink: I may change my mind in future books, but I have a problem with her treating the MC that way because it tends to cause confidence issues in children and, later, adults, when a parent treats them as though they are creatures in need of constant protection. Especially after being an absentee parent for most of their lives. And treating an adult that way is even worse, and grating, IMO.

Edited to add: Also, treating a child and adult this way typically has one of two effects: you either end up with someone who is afraid of their own shadow or you end up with someone who is so determined to prove the parent wrong that they recklessly endanger themselves and insist on doing everything alone to prove a point. Neither case is good.

I do sympathize with Rebecca, to an extent. It wasn’t her fault that she had to lie for so long. It isn’t the lies that I see as a problem, though, it’s treating the MC like a small child instead of a capable adult who has managed on their own for a long time.

Unfortunately, I saw these examples as mollycoddling. The first one, in particular, was just to get the MC off track enough to accept UB’s presence (if the team was taking over, certain personalities would not have taken it well at all and been like “do it yourself then and leave me alone”). For the “I don’t need protection” one, again, it seemed like little more than pacifying (a mother telling her pre-schooler that, of course they can tie their own shoes, but I’m offering so why not let me help?).

Anyway, I get that Rebecca, as a mother, loves her child despite being an absentee parent. But she needs to get that the MC is not a child anymore and is capable. By the end of book 1, I think UB sees the MC as more competent than Rebecca does. I do believe a lot of Rebecca’s attitude can be explained with guilt she feels over lying and for not being there, but that’s her problem to deal with, not the MC’s problem, so she should figure out how to deal with it while still giving the MC credit for being a capable adult instead of a moron who has to be pacified and can’t tie their own shoes.


I’m another one of those projecting some of my relationship with my mom(who is also over-protective lol) onto Rebecca - so I don’t dislike her - but Kira has some very real beef with being left out of the loop, and how Rebecca basically said “don’t worry about protecting yourself, Bravo’s got this.”
What if Bravo goofs up?? What if it’s out of Bravo’s control?? No one gave her any tools to even try to fight supernaturals with on her own, even when she was let in on things.
She doesn’t see it as ‘protecting’ her, she sees it as keeping her sheltered; and while she understands the thoughts behind it she doesn’t like it.

I, personally, have mixed feelings. The lies were fair enough, but as soon as they were briefed on the supernatural, MC should have been told how to better defend themselves against Murphy instead of getting Bravo’s evasiveness. And having Bravo treat the case as a joke still irritates me but that’s not all on Rebecca.


I think its just logical that the MC is not allowed near Murphy. Precisely because MC is an adult, they shoudl react as such and understand that is not necessary a personal thing. Rebecca is their mom, yes, but she is also part of the Agency, and part of her job is telling MC what to do. Not has a mother, but as a superior in the chain of command (and even more after MC becomes the liaison of WH).

And, well, is Rebecca lying? MC, by themselves, would be totally useless against Murphu on book 1. The Detective has no training against supernaturals, so there is no means to defend themselves. If MC can’t see that, then that’s a problem of pride, because common sense says that, yes, MC needs protection.

One of my MC’s was very frustrated by the situation, but she would never blame Rebecca because is not her fault, really. The frustration came from knowing that she was powerless against Murphy if he would find her, because she has always been a person proud of her ability to protect herself and others. But at the end of the day, all my MC’s are professionals that understand the magnitude of the situations and that is something that its beyond their capabilities as its now.

Tho, they are all determined to learn how to be able to defend themselves one way or another. They think UB will not always be there, and when that moment comes, they want to be as ready a human can be.