The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

One thing i was thinking about, when we choose option romance with A and N , was it with the intention and awareness of our MC that we want to romance with 2 persons (before finally choosing one) , or was it with the ignorant that we didn’t realise a third person was interested with us as well…

it is something like this, i chose that love triangle option as a reader in order to read that story line … but for the story protagonist , could it be that he/she didn’t realise it at all ? so after i chose the option with A and N, i will continuously selecting option of looking at N and caring for her … but i notice A was looking at us in a “strange” way, indicating there is something “wrong” with her could the story be play out that my MC always thought i am romancing with N , without realising A is also interested with me ? i am assuming since i trigger the love triangle option , even though i choose all options with N, A will continue be there …feeling hurt quietly , but my MC never knows anything about it ?

Unfortunately, I can’t give an opinion on it since I have played that route yet but based from the ones you indicated, it seems the MC themselves is oblivious to A’s “feelings”. Are there any changes if you flirt with both of them?

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You can lean more A or more N, I guess you could balance it but I haven’t tried

You are all stronger than I. Could not handle the triangle route.

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What do the flirt/friend stats affect in this game?
What about the personality stats?

There are some small changes on how the UB interact with the MC. One notable example is M’s interaction with you when you go with them to scout thralls.

If you have certain amount friend point with them, they will hold the back the branch for as you pass. Otherwise, they just let the branch almost hit you in the face. Lmao

In terms of personality stats, I didn’t notice any difference so far it looks like it keeps track of what kind of personality the MC have by the end of Book One.


so far, i can see that there were scenes where we can choose who to we turn to …while at the same time, the other will look at us in a “weird” way…i chose N so it was written A was looking at us in a “hurtful” way, N didn’t saw it but my MC saw it… there were few scenes about it… , i was just thinking, it won’t feel right if i choose A at one scene while chosing N the other scene , it means i purposely playing them around …so the logical explanation will be i keep choosing one person, assuming i didn’t know the other person was interested with the MC :slight_smile:


I played the route i think the Mc does know about A feelings a bit, but A is a difficult vampire to pin, since their feeling aren’t as out as N is, which N is more expressive with their feeling to the Mc, so the Mc pays more attention to that, but in lil key bits they pick up on how A looks at them, when having a RO moment with Nat, and peep that A acting different a bit.

If i made a bit of sense in what i wrote lol, college and work today got me brain dead lol

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from what i understand, the MC both has feelings for N and A. and iirc, sera said that you will date N but you also has feelings for A, so you’re gonna have to play the whole series deciding who you want to spend more time with and eventually choose who holds your heart.

edit: sera answered a question similar to yours on tumblr some time ago. here is the link:


Hmm, I coulda sworn I answered this in the FAQ—boy was I wrong! lol

So the question, “How does the love triangle work exactly?” (under Romance and Gender Questions) has been added to the FAQ

In it is a general overview of the love triangle, the explanation of the set-up, a more in-depth and spoiler-y explanation regarding the mechanics of the love triangle, as well as the awareness of various characters’ feelings within and about the love triangle, along with a ton of links to Sera’s answers about the love triangle.

Hope this helps clear things up! :smiley:

Edit for the lazy:

What is the love triangle and how does it work?

The love triangle refers to the romance option where the MC can have romantic feelings for both Nate/Nat and Adam/Ava.

The way the love triangle is set up is that the MC will date Nate/Nat but still have feeling for Adam/Ava.

The reason it is set up this way is because Nate/Nat do not deny the feelings they grow for the MC, and embrace them without issue, making them the most emotionally available of the two. By contrast, Adam/Ava will try to deny that their feelings even exist.

If Adam/Ava had been more obvious and less in denial about their feelings, Nate/Nat would have noticed and backed off because they value their best friend so much, thus completely negating any love triangle where the MC dates Adam/Ava but harbors feelings for Nate/Nat.

Detailed explanation for how the love triangle will be set up. (Spoilers)

The way Sera is planning it, the MC might not be certain of Adam/Ava’s feelings toward them, and Nate/Nat certainly don’t realize that Adam/Ava have feelings—if they do, it will be deep into the MC and Nate/Nat’s relationship, so deep that Nate/Nat will refuse to back off for Adam/Ava and continue their relationship with the MC.

As mentioned earlier, while the MC can develop feelings for Adam/Ava, their closed off nature makes it difficult to tell if they truly care (romantically speaking) for the MC. Thus, there is never the option to date Adam/Ava while growing feelings for Nate/Nat.

Regardless of the set-up, the love triangle will be the only route that continues to track flirt points; this is so that Sera can change flavor text depending on who the MC is more drawn to.
The MC will continue to get options to choose between spending time with Nate/Nat and Adam/Ava, thus increasing flirt points for both.

As far as Sera has planned it, there is no way to end the love triangle early by choosing either vampire over the other. The love triangle is set to naturally conclude around Book Six or Book Seven—this, could change, however.

It should be noted that Sera is trying her best to avoid having the MC string either Adam/Ava or Nate/Nat along for the entirety of the love triangle. She plans to write it so that the MC grows to genuinely love both parties.

Again, all these plans and more could change as the book series wears on, but for right now, this is the planned set-up.

NOTE: There is no end-game option to choose a polyamorous relationship with both Nate/Nat and Adam/Ava. Even if the MC is happy with that type of relationship, both Adam/Ava and Nate/Nat are monogamous, and uncomfortable with the idea of being in a polyamorous relationship. The MC will have to choose one or the other eventually.

Follow this link and this link for more information on the mechanics of the love triangles.

Follow this link and this link and this link to learn more about the awareness of feelings in the love triangle.

Follow this link for more information regarding the resolution of the love triangle.


Thanks…this route is getting more interesting , it will definitely be awesome towards the end :smile:

I’ll just say that there are more than enough options by the end of book 1 to play it however you see fit for the character. Be it neutral, choosing both or between the two.

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man, i don’t know how you think it’ll be awesome to have to choose one of them and break the other one’s heart, but to each their own.

it sure is gonna be painful for me. i’m not even sure i want to continue the love triangle route :sweat_smile:


Oh… i meant awesome in the sense of story telling :slight_smile:

want to see how such romance route will be resolve , not with real intention of breaking anyone’s heart…


That’s why, to even the playing field, I’ll play through the Love Triangle once and (close to, or at the end of the series) choose one. Then I’ll play through again and choose the other.

I think, the way she has it planned out right now, I’ll choose A first 'cause I want my last run-through to end happily for the MC’s current relationship (with N because N got there first). :heart: lol


Ah, yes, the First Boy, Best Boy philosophy… :thinking:
It’s what got me to romance Alistair instead of Leliana and Zevran in DA:O, and I still haven’t gotten over him—I may never get over him.

I have a question for players who have Detectives with different genders and orientations.

When you imagine U!B do you imagine them with the first genders they were presented in-game, or with the one you’ve played most?

Even though I’ve played with a bi-Charlotte more than straight-Charlotte (Felix is just too good, y’all), I still imagine default U!B to be all-male because that’s what I chose the first time I played the demo.

idk, Is that just me? Or did anyone else’s first time playing influence the way they see the team?


Oh, snap…
I was just reading through the FAQ and she was answering questions about - um - “intimate” scenes and whatnot and I started wondering… How’s that gonna work with the Love Triangle route? :cold_sweat: Could you imagine how crushed N would be if the MC did - “participate” - and then ended up dumping them for A? :broken_heart::sob:


Seeing a different name (Adam/Ava) would be an instant reminder, at least for me. They’re 2 separate entities, male and female UB that coexist not overlapping each other.

I’d even be fine with a fic where due to magic these two units are thrown into one dimension and have to work with each other to get back to their respective worlds.

PS: what’s up with exclamation marks? Not the first time seeing it.

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This one comment has added ten years to my life.
I love it when people tell me they’ve been reading my giant walls of text, lol.

Edit: @Natasha_Foster idk how I forgot to respond to this, I’m a damn mess right now, lol!

Are you trying to kill me with angst???

:sob: Neither A nor N deserve the pain, why Sera, why???

That’s a good question!

…I don’t remember, actually.

I think I originally started using the exclamation mark in reference to the genders of Unit B:

F!Unit Bravo = Female Unit Bravo
M!Unit Bravo = Male Unit Bravo

The exclamation mark is just a weird quirk of tumblr culture and grammar that I’ve picked up over the years…my usage and understanding is implicit rather than explicit, and it’s rather hard to Google it, as you can imagine.

Eh…I really don’t remember when I started writing U!B…maybe it’s just because I transposed how F! was shorthand was female, but in this case U! is shorthand for Unit?

I really don’t know…damn, now I’m curious, what the hell, man… :thinking:


Yeah, I’ve been looking around and the adjective!pronoun thing is definitely a fandom convention from at least the X-Files days

Still not sure why the hell I started writing U!B tho…it doesn’t follow the adj!pronoun convention I stole it from…

I guess I was just being lazy??? :woman_shrugging:t2:



I’m stealing this, lol.

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That would be cruel for both parties. Ugh… :cry:

Edit: If I ever do a love triangle, I would probably not do any participation. Just to be fair for both parties. ;-;