The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

Ah okay. I wonder why I thought I saw it in A’s route…

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You are right, probably read it here and made me confused. Quoting so many scenes is making my head go all doolally.

I learned that word with F, and I love it.


Am not sure if this is the right thread to ask but are any of you all making fan content because I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED

[Book two is very far away so you all feel right? There can be only so many permutations of playing until you get antsy for new content and/or the need to flail with fellow fans]

Also if anyone wants to prompt me/do swaps for Wayhaven, my inbox is open! If anyone wants a sample of how I write here’s one because I feel it wouldn’t be fair to ask you all and not offer something in return :sweat_smile:


Thanks to @Meira_Litch there is a thread specifically for Wayhaven fanworks. Sera has also reblogged quite a bit of fanart on her tumblr, so that’s another place to look. AO3’s still pretty barren so far but that’s only a challenge, no~?

and swaps could be fun! I’ve got a few fics already in progress that I’d have to finish first but I might take you up on that when those are done~


Imagine how the "you owe me a new car "convo would go.

MC, strolling w A or smth: Remember that time you dented ol’ Betsy?
A: Remember that time you shot/peppered and ruined my favourite shirt?



Oh, there’s a lot of science going on in this thread :smiley: Most of it did actually go over my head, haha!

Also with the pheromone thing, I think it will be more clearly talked about in Book Two (I think, haven’t got my plan next to me right now). But to clarify:

The vampires have to touch Kate because it’s daytime, and their powers are weakened in daytime (except M, because they’re so special, lol). They don’t need to touch anyone at nighttime to use their pheromones because they’re at full strength then (such as in the patrol scene, when they don’t have to touch the MC).

Gonna be working a bit on Book Two plans again this afternoon. Excited to get back into it after the break! It’s pretty much finished, just needs tidying and finalising and I’m hoping to actually start writing for Book Two sometime in April! :slight_smile:


Lookimg forward to Book Two. It is quite nice to hear that you have plans already. =)


Ahh, I am so hyped for book two already! Btw, like some tumblr user mentioned, I would also love to support Wayhaven through Patreon or something - the price I paid for book one just seems too small compared to how much great content it has, plus I have enjoyed following the whole process of making the game (reading all the tumblr asks, etc) so, so much. So, hopefully Patreon or something similar happens at some point. :slightly_smiling_face:

Your wish is my command.

I posted my ‘weekend Morgan doodles’ in the fanworks thread c:

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This would actually really upset me surprisingly. I am completely cool with being the target of shameless attempts at seducing, mostly because I wouldn’t go for it if I’m pursuing someone already. But if you assume my form and attempt to bang my girlfriend / wife or the person I’m trying to get with already.

You’re crossing a fucking line there pal.



Hmm, so the virus transports its strands of DNA and rewrites the host, presumably giving said host enhanced abilities this way (would be really cool if that data is the last genetic remnant of some extinct sentient species from way back when). It forms a symbiotic relationship with the host, not killing the cells like crazy and even bringing some perks to the table. That about right?

What I wanna know is how the virus hasn’t gone widespread, considering it’s probably been out there for god knows how long. You couldn’t possibly keep every vampire on a leash and I suspect vamps were a thing long before the agency was found.
Maybe the virus that does the transformation is a satellite? Then you’d need a separate injection to kick start a process, otherwise you’re left with the case like MC - they were contained but since there’s no helper, the satellite cannot replicate. So it lies dormant. Is that possible?

hey lads. guess what. who wants some more good good Murphy content? no? too bad you’re getting it anyway

After an unrelated conversation with a friend I realised that the character Rumplestiltskin from Once Upon A Time makes a great headcanon Murphy. Since I’ll now never be able to see either Wayhaven or OUAT the same way again, I figured it was my sacred duty to spread this further.

For those unfamiliar with the show, here’s a video with out of context bits of scenes that should give a good example of his speech patterns/physicality

cause like, seriously. the arrogance, the ‘you are just an amusing/useful toy to me’ attitude, the general look. it’s spot on and i can’t decide whether i hate or love it



I had a massive crush with Rumple, I can’t say the same of Murphy.


face the truth meira

deep down in your heart you know it fits


Holy cow, I would be so mad if some demon tried to flirt with my RO like that. My 0% Combat-skilled Detective, who was never even near a fight, would be ready to throw down!

MC: Fight me.
Succubus: Uh… are you sure? You’re just a tiny human.
MC: (ง •̀_•́)ง
Succubus: I could crush you in my sleep. I’d make glass out of your bones and rivers from your sweet sweet blood. steps forward menacingly You do not want to fight me, detective.
MC: Come at me, you coward.
Succubus: sigh Bloody humans.


No! sobs
I-I… How is this possible?!

runs away

Damn you to hell, Rune!


It would be even funnier if they keep the MC’s form when they fought…

Also I feel like M would love it…
M: You two don’t need to fight over me. There’s enough to go around~
Succubus: Oh really?
MC: Shut up, M!
M: Geeze, at least I know which is which…


@rose-court Make a fan fic of what Mewsly just said please. I want to see this happen.

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now for the real question: does this mean you can project your crush on rumple onto murphy. he and the mc do spend some real quality time together, after all :smirk:


No, and it will never happen :laughing:

I had a crush on Rumple because even if he is evil he has a resemblance of a heart, even if is only for Bella and his son/grandson :laughing:

I always end having crushes on the character that would not mind destroying the world, but it would be so lovely if you could do it with them, as a team :blush: