The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

Wow, guys!! This is so incredible :smiley: I haven’t had a chance to look over this thread yet, I just skimmed it and it seems people are generally excited about the characters and where the game is going.

I wasn’t sure what to come back to after my break and…seriously, you are all so amazing in your support and enthusiasm. After how long it took to finally get this series started after all the years of thinking about, it’s so wonderful to know people want to indulge in this world and the characters I’ve loved for so long!! It certainly does give me the confidence to keep going with this.

There are a lot of posts, but I will do my absolute best to go through them at some point! I’m back to actual work now too (boo!), so I’m having to split my time between replying to asks, posts, and things as well as starting to work properly on Book Two.

But if you have questions you’ve posted here you want answering, you’re welcome to send them to my Tumblr or PM them here, just so as I definitely don’t miss them and probably will get a quicker reply than here for now! I’ll try and be on top of this thread from now on, but back-log will keep me busy for a while, lol.

But I also have to say a huge thank you to @rose-court for making the FAQ. That must have taken so much work and it was so considerate of you to do that without wanting to put that on me.

You guys…you make me so happy I can’t even contain it! :smiley:

Thank you.

(I did notice some talk about supernaturals flirting with the MC later on. I actually answered an ask on this today on my Tumblr, if that helps :slight_smile: )

EDIT: Look, guys, I have ‘Hosted Games Author’ next to my username, hehehe! Is it silly how giddy that makes me? :smiley:


I must say, I can’t wait to see which character from UA you’re so in love with; with how lovable UB are :sweat_smile::heart:


Planning to share this but you beat me into it Sera! =D Glad to have you back !

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@Seraphinite ‘Generally exited’ is an understatement, I believe.

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I’m at at work at the moment, but when I get home I will give you a summary of what we have been discussing here, if you want @Seraphinite

2000+ are a lot to go through :sweat_smile:


since we will have the option to flirt with one of Unit Alpha, can we make our LIs jealous?

Omg hi Sera!!! :heart:

We love you (and A, and N, and F, and M, and Tina, and Verda, and Mom Rebecca, and Douglas, and tbh we love all of them!!!) Thank you so much for TWC, I hope you had a great break! And like genuinely, TWC is one of those games that will always live on my desktop, I never want to uninstall it like… it’s so great and I keep coming back to it no matter how many playthroughs holy cow :heartbeat::heartpulse::sparkling_heart:

Also, here’s a token of my appreciation and love; I hope it makes you laugh!


I wish you all the best with work and writing preparations.

Oh and be aware that this thread could be condensed by at least 1/3 if you take away all the unicorn conspiracy theories we’ve been coming up with.


@Akira - UB will always be my main loves, but the one from Unit Alpha…/swoons/ But you can’t romance them, lol.

@Meira_Litch - Oh, that would be appreciated! Would it be possible to send it through to my PM, please? Just so as this thread doesn’t clog up with a rehash just for my benefit, lol :smiley: Thank you so much! Don’t worry about it if it will be too much, though!

@Marceline_Reyes - You’ll have to wait and see :wink: I’m not a general one for writing jealousy, but sometimes the moment does call for it when even vampires can’t help themselves. I mean, they trust the MC…but Unit Alpha…not sure they trust them as far as they could throw them when it comes to flirting with the MC, haha!

@ceecrab - Hahaha! :smiley: Ah, that really did make me chuckle. I’m gonna have to show it to my friends! Thank you so much for the warm welcome back and the encouraging, kind words :slight_smile:

@anon8836198 - F would approve highly of the unicorn theories…

(I apologise for my overuse of emoticons, though most of you are probably used to my smiley overload in posts from me by now, lol!)


There’s also the option to summarise the thread, just below the first post. Last I checked, that cuts this topic down from 2500 to a little over a hundred messages, which is a lot more doable (i believe it only shows the most liked/engaged with posts, though i’m not sure how it determines that)

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And the problem’s that most of those liked posts are the unicorn ones :upside_down_face:


aaaahhh i can’t wait to see A get jealous!! :laughing:


Oh wow, so many have shared their opinions! c:

My characters always tended to be a lot like one another, to the extremes (like often choosing the same answers or approaches to situations). So since a few years I just have this one character I insert in every game I play, ha.

But your characters are so different from mine. Well, not in all aspects probably, but certainly in regards to this subject. I can imagine that being ‘not in the best of places’ mentally, would have a big impact in your choice for immortality. I honestly think I would not, in that case.
Drinking blood, however, would not be that much of a bother for my detective. And living from the shadows is a form of living. But I certainly get what you mean. It is a very different lifestyle after all.

@Willow_Felya_G Hah, yes, I think I quite like your detective. Being a damsel in distress is indeed one of my pet peeves.

@Marceline_Reyes I am sorry for my assumptions, I did not mean to offend you.
But then, does that mean you would prefer for your lover to become human instead of the other way around? Your detective becoming a vampire I mean.
And maybe it is a bit selfish, but that is what we all are. I mean, humans want things because they think it is best for themselves, others, the world, out of self-preservation, et cetera. And it is a good thing, in my opinion anyway, that she does not want anyone left behind. That makes for a wonderful partner.
But wait… What?! Has it been officially confirmed that the detective will not have the choice to become a vampire during the series?

@resuri08 Yes, indeed a very big decision, but one my detective would make very easily.
Your MC would first want to have children before becoming a vampire? Or it would not want to become a vampire at all (afterward)?

@Mewsly ‘and, heck, even Douglas’ Wasn’t he supposed to be your son? Hah.
Joking aside, yeah, I do certainly wonder how turning into a vampire would affect their mutation, it is something that I will keep brooding about. For some time anyway
Losing loved ones is always hard. But losing the one you love most… I would not be able to bear it…

@anon8836198 That is such a nice and objective point of view! I really like it! And I would not be surprised if it would actually be the case. I mean, in some ways it would probably be a coping mechanism of the brain, because it would otherwise have an overload of information to constantly have to process.
Hah, and I love your disco pants doodle!


Yes. Sera confirmed that we will be human throughout the series.


…Why, oh why, cruel world…
You even put a smiley thereafter. Do you enjoy to watch me suffer?

Thanks for the fast reply c:

I think it’s neat. We’re a human surrounded by ridiculously powerful supernatural creatures.


I am sorry. DX I don’t enjoy seeing people suffer.

In regards to your question, it depends if having a child when my MC’s a vampire have any complications for the child. XD

Yay! @Seraphinite is back! Congratulations on the game! I personally can’t stop playing! I’m not even joking, I’ve never replayed a game so many times before! Hope we don’t overwhelm you too much!

Though now I’m really curious about this UA heartthrob! I can’t wait to meet them!

And @L_M of course I love my beautiful son, Douglas, but that doesn’t mean my MCs love him as much as I do! (It might be weird if they did…)


Same. I have to have played at least 20+ times so far.

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Welcome back Sera! We’ve been positively losing our minds since you’ve left and honestly I pity whoever has to read through all our insane theories and crazy scenarios :sweat_smile: please don’t judge us too harshly, this is partly your fault you know .



We’re gonna see our vamps a little jealous! I can’t wait to see which one of them pouts :laughing: My bet’s on F.