The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

I was talking about becoming a vampire more in a general way. But I am fine with making it specifically about the detective.

Thus, yes, if there is a possibility for my detective to become a vampire, she would certainly take that chance. Because of several reasons, really. For one, she would have eternity with our charming members of Unit Bravo.
Two, being together with M and make them fall in love with her over and over again.
Three, all the time in the world to read whatever books her heart desires.
Four, being around M and loving them.
Five, do whatever sport she wanted.
Six, Morgan!!
Seven, learn all the languages she hasn’t yet mastered.
Et cetera, et cetera. Don’t forget Morgan.

And if loved ones do not want to be turned, par example Rebecca, then that would be a matter of accepting and making the best of the time they had together. I mean, of course, it would be heart-wrenching, but death is after all only the natural thing to happen. And you simply can’t force someone to want to live for eternity, that would be cruel.

But that is enough about me and my detective.
Tell me why your detective would not want to become a vampire? Because that would mean that you grow old and wrinkly, whilst your lover and best friends (talking about other Unit Bravo members) stay physically young. They would have to watch you die! IT WOULD BREAK THEIR HEARTS!!! It honestly pains me to think about it…

So, do tell, because I love discussing different opinions like this? That is, if you are comfortable talking about it.
Naturally, I am curious about anyone else’s opinion as well. So, please, do share your thoughts about this (or anything else, really) if you want to c:


i’m always ready to share my opinions, especially about fun characterisation questions like this one. My Detectives would be divided about it, I think.

For Keiji, it’d be an extremely difficult choice. He’s… not in the best place, mentally, so the thought of eternal life would scare the shit out of him. The powers would be cool, I guess, but the heightened sensitivity would also be something he’s wary of. All in all, I honestly can’t tell you how the chips would fall for him

Tanwen wouldn’t. She’d be heartbroken at the thought of leaving Nat alone, yes, but Tanwen loves humanity. She loves people, she loves life. To become a vampire, to have to work from the shadows, to have to hurt others to live (which is how she’d view drinking blood, at least if she was the one doing it), it would wreck her. The fact that she’s seen Nat struggle with the same things wouldn’t make her any more likely to do it (and i don’t think Nat would want her to, either)

For Jay… a tentative yes? It’d depend a little on how the conversation comes about, but he’s most likely to think about it with a clear head. If he weighed what he’d leave behind (which is… not much) vs what he’d be gaining, I think vampirism would come out on top for him

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Becaming a vampire would be a big decision I have a hard time seeing my MCs make…but I think most of them would not like the idea much.
Probably the only one who would take it in consideration as a chance would actually be Jade. Becaming a vampire would mean becaming as phisically strong as UB, a big help in her work, plus she would not feel like she is slowing them down or being a constant damsell in distress in need of protection: she would be able to take care, at least for the most part, and better than as a human, of many supernatural baddies. And, most important, she would feel like an actual equal to UB.

She would still have reserves, owever.

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i didn’t say that my detective wouldn’t take the chance to become a vampire! :laughing:

although the thought of being an immortal and living an eternal life is overwhelming, she’d take it because she could never bear the thought of leaving N/A (i still can’t choose between them! :sweat_smile:) and how much it would hurt them.

but if there comes a possibility for the vampires to become human again, i think my detective would (force) try to convince A to take it, as Sera said A wouldn’t want to. but if A would be stubborn about it, oh boy that would be a REALLY BIG problem! he better be prepared for a really long argument and lots of yelling and crying! if he stays determined then i’m afraid that would be the end of their relationship. she would think A doesn’t really love her. she would never understand why A wouldn’t want to be human again. (i guess you could say she’s a bit selfish). she wouldn’t have a problem with N, though. N would take that chance in a heartbeat!

she just doesn’t want anyone (including herself) being left behind, that’s all.

A very large decision to make, especially if they will have children. According to Sera that if a human and a vampire have a child, they will be human so my MC would factor that in.

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what if you had to make that choice before you had kids? if you’re already a vampire, i assume your children will be vampires too?

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F is honestly the dorkiest out of all of them, and I love them. The Prince/Lady of Dorkness.

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For my MCs I think it would also be dependent on their RO.

For Rin’s canon path where she’s with Felix then I think she would probably be more likely to change. I can’t imagine that F would do really well with the idea of losing the MC and F’s feelings would be a big factor for her. But during her N route or even her M route she might be more uncertain since I don’t think either of them would really encourage the idea.

Samir is kinda the same, mostly likely to do it during his A route but maybe not as much with his M route. Though I think for him the idea of losing his loved ones would be much harder. While it’s not unusual to outlive your parents it would be hard to lose Tina, Verda, and, heck, even Douglas. Plus the town itself since, unless the world at large learns of the Supernatural and accepts it, he’d probably have to leave Wayhaven as not to attract suspicion, or if not leave then go into hiding. That would be hard for Samir (and Rin but she wouldn’t admit it…)

Edit: Another important factor would probably be how would turning into a vampire affect their mutation? If it made it useless for Supernaturals and thus made Wayhaven safer because dangerous people wouldn’t be coming after them anymore then both would be a bit more inclinded to do it… but if it was stil useable by other Supernaturals then they’d have to decide if they’d want to spend the rest of forever being hunted down for their blood…


@Mewsly I managed to drag a friend into playing this game with some… gentle persuasion, and they romanced Felix on their first run as he is v much their type, I thought you might appreciate knowing that~ They finished the game last night, just made a new detective for a second playthrough, and now they’re yelling at me because i got them into this game and they’ve got work to do. my job here is done


You are a good friend and have enriched their life! Everyone needs more F in their life! (And the rest of them too, but F most of all! They are a ray of sunshine)


This one… I think this hasn’t been asked before. I’ll try if someone asked this.

Edit: So far, this has not been asked before. I can’t seem to find one. XD Probably because in canon, we will stay human so no one asked. Hahaha

@resuri08 i was actually asking you. i know sera said the detective will not become a vampire in the series

Yes. I know. I meant was “human turned vampire have a child with a vampire question” was not asked to Sera before so I don’t really know the answer for that.

that actually would be a intresting question since vampires in almost all stories are incapable of having children…but there are natural born vampires aparently
so…if you and a vamp play sims wresting can a kid come out of it? more importantly will they be a dhampyr?

I think relative time perception will be the biggest factor for my MCs. I always viewed time perceived as a constant fraction of life lived, for example, 1 month to a 1 year old would feel similar to 1 year to 12 year old. Or 2 years to 24 y/o and 4 years to 48 y/o etc

Now imagine if you’re 250 or even 500. Months turn into weeks, then into days and then into hours, to a point of a blurred absurdity.

-Wait a minute. Why are you wearing these weird pants?
-They’re disco pants, babe, disco!
-But disco died decades ago

So yeah, my chars will be happy with what they have :upside_down_face:


i mean i was asking you what would your detective do if they had a choice to become a vampire, assuming they don’t have kids yet? (you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to :slightly_smiling_face:)
I’m so sorry i wasn’t clear before, English is not my first language. :sweat_smile:

I don’t even know what is, sorry. :sweat_smile:

Oh that question… my MCs might be undecided. All of them want to have kids in the future so they don’t know if this will affect their kids or not. On the other hand, they don’t want their SOs to be lonely if they pass on.

Overall, they are undecided on that matter. XD

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The child would be completely human, nothing supernatural about them…Well, except having a vampire as a parent, of course :smiley:


I was just thinking, do you guys think that the love triangle will have an extra angsty choice at the end in which you can’t choose because you love them both and you end up alone? :thinking:

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…That would be rather hilarious.

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