The War for the West [Releasing Nov 14]

I don’t know the specifics myself, but that should be it.

@MahatmaDagon, isn’t that weird that during the ‘Bastard Brother’ scene where he attempt to assasinate us, we can’t defend ourselves from him (even with cheats), while we can kill an abyssal spawn and First Knight of Sielccia with a fairly mid-high combat skill?


The element of surprise.

In the other cases you mentioned, the MC was well aware that they would engage in combat.

Uh… Probably? :sweat_smile:

To be fair, you don’t face the Abyssal Spawn alone. Some people die fighting it, and you only win if you have the special sword.

Not to mention that the monster had just arrived on the planet and was still nourishing itself and adapting to its new conditions. Maybe it retreated to the cave in order to do some weird alien hibernation. Traveling through space and entering the atmosphere can be a very traumatic experience.

And about killing the First Knight, I think you need >= 50~60 to win the battle, maybe some good options as well. I’m working under the assumption that the cap of difficulty for most checks in the game is 60 IIRC.

The scene with the bastard brother was one of the firsts that I did, so I’ll most likely change something about it during the final revisions, but it does have a check of 40. I’m not sure what it does, but it is there.


Ah…thats explained it well
And another ‘question’, is that during the Falling Sword quest, i noticed that the ‘Go There Yourself’ choices is gone. Is there any explanation for this? One time i trained my MC to have high combat, only to be disappointed. I think it would be cool for our MC to lead the army her/himself for the first time, maybe giving a boost to morale and skill (and more path to death).

How do you research the sword to not die by it?

Can’t select the Knowledge/Social option, even though using cheats. (Been married, male)

And i get the ‘time_incident not set’ thingy while Jenneth ask me to open the letter.

Might I suggest that we could have a higher population in general.

Send a piece of fallen star to alchemists for study.
They are the one’s who suggest to use lead as material to contain the “dangerous humors” of fallen star.
And subsequently after we get that researched we can have a scabbard made of lead for our Fell sword.

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What exactly was the cataclysm?

Is Morthern Meinstrel the son of Mathias Meinstrel? or was that just an error? as it says that a war erupted between king Morthen Meinstrel and Vytheo in the character creation, but it says that It was Mathias Meinstrel who started the war in the timeline. Was that an error or am i missing something?

I lost the original draft of that scene, and got so mad I decided to remove it from there. I still have it on my annotations to implement that choice, but I’m prioritizing more essential stuff.

Did he spoke about his concoction beforehand? I think this might be happening because, while you pass the skillcheck, you probably didn’t eat too much at the feast/mentioned to him that you weren’t feeling well. I’ll check the files when I get to a computer.

I think this might be related to me updating the files yesterday.

I did some research on population numbers given the amount of people in relation to the size of the land and used some generators, and at the time it felt adequate. I wouldn’t be able to raise it today without having to redo a few of the game’s mechanics and battle tests as well.

There’s a purposeful vagueness about this event, but there are some theological explanations and different versions based on cultural origins. This is related to one of the subjects that can be discussed by people with high Knowledge during the upcoming final scenes.

I think its an error. Mathias was probably the first name I came up with and then decided to change it. I’ll take a look at the files when I manage to get on a computer.


I don’t know, because there was once when I played I was given a population of smaller than 80,000. In the end, I have a relatively small army.

I found a few issues with the final battle I’d like to share.

First, I found archers are very overpowered. You can seemly get away with almost exclusively getting just them(I had them be 3/4 of all the troops I trained, though I suspect you could get away with only training archers). Especially in the siege route, when the enemy does their first attack, if you’ve invested enough into the army(archers) you can possibly kill over 1000 enemy soldiers per volley, which can easily obliterate the entire attacking force which can easily be finished off in the following attack on the walls.

Second, if you actually do kill the enemy army then, you don’t win, it loops into negative numbers. The final attack on the walls was carried out by -600 soldiers. I don’t know if it will be possible in the finished game to beat them before their final attack, but maybe if we do things just right we could? Might be a neat thing.

third, the named characters all die in the battle, even if you have reduced the enemy army to have greatly fewer men than you do. In the final game, will it be possible to save them if we do well in the battle?

Would it be more beneficial to marry a princess of Wents or Danna?

I think it’s basically the same as the Frankish Migration period.

To me, Danna is more beneficial, since Dullis will became an ally to you when Noyedas attack, so it will be easier to defeat them.
But i prefer the Princess of Wents more, since their lore is deeper, and i love them…

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So what is “the road toward lord summit”?, when we will trigger tge event?, sorry just check thos thread again after 2 week.

Danna might be more useful in this game, but who knows what Wents can bring in the next game?


The original number is 116230.

Then one of those equations is selected randomly:
(population * 0.9)
(population * 0.85)
(population * 0.8)
(population * 1.1)
(population * 1.15)

Afterwards, your troops are created by taking 1% of that number and making them into soldiers. According to the research I did at the time, that’s a very optimistic estimative.

Then, depending on your father, you can:
Lose 3000 Population and gain 200 Troops
Gain 500 Population and 50 Troops
Gain 3000 Population

(Keep in mind I’m only referring to changes in Population and Troops)

Then, depending on your origin, you might:
Gain 100 Population
Gain 100 Troops
Lose 1000 Population
Lose 3000 Population

And that’ll be the number of people you’ll have on your province, give or take losses that might occur during playthrough.

Then there’s the “census event”, which gets your current number and updates it by multiplying it by one of the following values randomly:


(Of course, in game those are estimatives. There is no way to tell for sure how many people live in your province.)

Anyway, if you got 80k I think it is because you either god a sequence of bad rolls mixed with consequences for your origins + father or because you played an old version that might have different numbers. Either way, the game should be playable.

How many archers did you have in total?

I started the siege with 3.2k archers(via cheats) and here are my results when firing volleys:

First test:

Second test:

Third test:

Now, there are two things I don’t like about those numbers:

1 - They are repeating themselves too much. From what I’m seeing at the code, there was a typo which was making a few of the results happen more than once. It should be fixed now.

2 - As you reported, they are too big for the most part. Here’s how the math works:

At each fired volley, you will kill a number of enemy troops based on your current number of archers divided between one of those(which is picked randomly):

randomFactor 3
randomFactor 4
randomFactor 5
randomFactor 6
randomFactor 7
randomFactor 7
randomFactor 8
randomFactor 9
randomFactor 10
randomFactor 12
randomFactor 15

Now, in theory you’d need a bit of luck and a fuckton of archers in order to kill that many troops. I currently have no idea how many archers a player should normally have by that part of the game.

Anyway, I did some tweaking to the numbers on the “randomFactor” and I got the following results(again, with 3.2k archers):


They are better, but they’re not perfect yet. The problem with just decreasing the numbers is that it might be unfair to people who don’t have absurd amounts of archers (I consider 500 archers a lot, in theory). Also, if it is a viable choice to “farm” archers(without using cheats and without delaying the invasion by ignoring Noyedas), then I need to be aware of it and give the proper consequence, as you’re saying below.

I think with the latest changes no one will be able to just win the battle by firing a few volleys. I wasn’t able to get negative numbers in any of my tests.

People have questioned that before, I have made some annotations about it. I just don’t want it to be something as easy as “get lots of troops and they’ll live”. I’d rather scale the enemy up, in theory, so as to always present a hard battle, and then add some more other way for players to try to save people in battle.

It’s something that happens after the main epilogues, but its still just the beginning of it.