The Vampire Regent [published]

What if I want to be a druggie vampire too? :kissing_heart:

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Nice game men, hope this finish soon

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Oh boy… I’d call this a plot twist. We’ll probably re-design a thing or two about the financial/investment system, and you just pointed out a good spot for a revision. Thanks! (???)

People won’t find any Twilight-esque romance here, but you can definitely spend the rest of your endless nights with someone else. (All risks considered, though.)

Becoming a druggie wouldn’t be that good for your reputation as a leader, but you can hang out with Mad Dave and his trouble-making pals - just don’t let anyone know.

All in all, we’re expecting to come back and finish this game in around 3 months or so. @MahatmaDagon is brushing up on the final version of The War for the West (check it out if you haven’t already) and we will run a short side-project after that.

It’s highly likely that The Vampire Regent will be 100% done by December.


Oh, hell yeah! (As long as it’s not rushed, of course).


how does a vampire become a druggie thats the main question. Would it be like the way many choose to say it works…
Due to it having limited and short effects on your own person, you get your subject super drunk/high and drink from them only abl to get the primary effects and sensation from others bloodstream.

or just intake extreme versions or amounts?

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So, folks…

… this seems like the revamp of the Vampire Regent.

@MahatmaDagon and I revised every single scene written so far and added a lot of content—including the entirety of Chapter 2. I hope you all enjoy it :slight_smile: And please, leave feedback!


I never saw this when it was first out but I’m so here for this.

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I was wandering if this wip was ever coming back. I’m glad it did I look forward to reading what you have so far


Well, well… If any game makes you an vampire or superhuman (villain or hero), count me in. Let’s try this one :sunglasses:


Hey so I think this is a bug. In the poker game for the artifact, even if you win it acts as if you didn’t.

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We’ll look into it :slight_smile: Thanks!

EDIT: Fixed!

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ah, a vampire game is being revamped. idk why i find that funny.


wait, is my MC a regent? if so, it is a wrong pronoun, my MC is a female.


There’s a loop after choosing to ask “what shall happen after seven nights?” when talking to Countess Yamina game keeps putting

“Someone who can do it will take your place.”

A shiver comes down your spine.

“You have seven nights to solve this,” the Countess announces, finally.

If I choose “it shall be done” option.

You deform your bones and mold your flesh into a none. Wings flapping, you rise to the night’s sky and attempt to locate Theresa.

My MC is a merovingian and I chose to go after her in the car

And the clues also keep looping every night and the game doesn’t sort of register that nights are progressing so the thingy on deduction stayed 0 nights since boulevard incident (but Alice does give her scrying results after three nights)

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Thanks for the report.

Yes, the MC in the game is a/the Regent :slight_smile: And it seems that we messed up on the pronoun variable there. We’ll fix it asap!


Thank you for letting us know about these issues. They all seem to be pathway errors.

The clues on the Boltnei Avenue investigation were quite hard to “fine-tune”, as they must show up on the hub after specific periods of time that can overlap. Thanks again for this: we’ll have it fixed!

EDIT: fixed!

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Is there a way to survive the meeting with Russel? I think that’s his name?

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You mean the meeting itself (at the sushi restaurant) or the following events?

At the meeting itself, Russell won’t attack you if you don’t draw your gun.

The following events, however, lead to the fight with Oswald, a hunter. He is a “Physique-based boss”, meaning that most of the checks are Physique-related. There are some pathways you can take if your character isn’t particularly beefy, though:

- If you’re playing a Balkanic, you can transmute to your flight form and bypass this encounter (so far, this is the only way you have of skipping Oswald’s fight)

- If you’re playing a Merovingian, you can use Induction to get some advantage on him

- You can try to pick up the sniper rifle and shoot him

And finally, this is a really easy boss fight if you’re playing a Neshmaal with high Physique. All you have to do then is use Enfever on him.

In the poker scene, if I refuse to sell the artifact I get an endless loop

Also found this (my lineage is Merovingian)


And why my physique is so low? :scream:

Physique: 8
Perception: 28
Manipulation: 44



Thanks for the report!

About this Aznuit error, did you choose a lineage different than that the game had proposed you? Because we believe that this was the problem. The game had suggested that you should be an Aznuit, and then the “Aznuit variable” was activated (and remained so).

But, then, it’s fixed. :slight_smile:

What background choices did you pick? Giving your astronomically high Manipulation, I’d bet that your character is more of a sweet talker than anything else hahah.

We will still implement a “perk system” for the character creation, in which players will have way more options to customize their attributes. For example: if you choose the “Hothead” perk, your character will start out with more Physique points and less Perception points.