Unless you really would rather wash your hands of the whole affair and go hide in the ice and snow.
And I’m not convinced that “education” has prepared any of us to rule over a dollhouse, let alone a kingdom.
Unless you really would rather wash your hands of the whole affair and go hide in the ice and snow.
And I’m not convinced that “education” has prepared any of us to rule over a dollhouse, let alone a kingdom.
Wait hold up mismanaged family fine sure(some could argue
but kingdom is I feel a false thing to say I mean the people respected him he ruled pretty well from what I could remember (so you know I could be forgetting mentions of mismanagements so correct me if I’m wrong)
And saying the sword was useless and stupid to base your entire kingdom around is stupid is fair I guess but it is also magical so it could be a really good thing to do depending on how magical it is I mean to my knowledge their hasn’t been any super bad kings(again correct me if they did mention bad kings) which in most cases of kingdoms would have happened already plus it did chose the brother who won a huge rebellion and then Continued to keep the kingdom safe
And what do you mean “education” didn’t prepare the character to rule a kingdom I’m assumeing you’re reffering to the major focus on martial education but I personally just assumed that it would be pretty boring to sit thru(reading)classes so the non combat educations are mostly skipped
Assuming this comes over from the original version, the kingdom is in a pretty rough state by the time our father dies. Famine, bad international relations, things like that
This is why my MC grew to quietly resent his parents. Now he does his best to protect all three of his siblings and mediate among them. His love is solely for his brother, sisters, and his edgelord ice prince.
You are, at the time your father dies, years behind your other siblings in an education managed by an at best rather dubiously qualified advisor who doesn’t really seem to take much interest in keeping order in the classroom or having much in the way of information that you couldn’t find on your own in the palace library. I know we only saw one “lesson” but “point to it on a map” does not inspire much confidence. It’d be one thing if it was only for your benefit, but your siblings, who again are years ahead of you at that point, were given the same “lesson.”
Now again this is litteraly my memory from like a year or 2ago so I could be remembering wrong but wasn’t it more of lack of relations not necessarily bad ones minus the whole killing of a lord thing in the beggining of the game
And weren’t the famines like a lack of crop growth or blight or something like that because I don’t think again could be remembering wrong here (I think I may recall a food tax reserve but I think that’s a different game) that they rose the tax or something and it’s not a kingdom could survive multiple years of famine and not be completely devestated to the point where even the royal would starve
Right I mean again maybe I’m remembering wrong and it did mention he increased food tax or something but wasn’t it just lack of crop growth or a blight or something which isn’t really any lord could handle and fix I mean granted he did not handle it well but he is also a wartime lord who didn’t expand the kingdom to my knowledge you know possibly sending the kingdom into a lot of strife if he did so
Also as of writing this I’m realizing unless I’m wrong you only get information of how he rules as you grow up not before and almost your entire life at the point of his death he was being poisoned which could easily explain even is a plot point in his rising paranoia (meaning any tax rises of any kind I’m forgetting could easily be explained by that) in the rewrite so I mean again very old memory’s (of course minus the rewrite) so could be very wrong
Castle food stores has food to pass out, and still have food. Odd.
Famine? Trees and forest along with big deer kinda nullifies a famine. If it was dry and bad, wildlife wouldn’t be abundant. Big deer definitely is an issue with whole famine idea.
Maybe the Kingdom doesn’t know basic crop fundamentals or just bluntly ignores basics. Gotta be ignored if crops a problem. What about meat market then, so cattle/pigs/chicken?
Its honestly a mess and things don’t line up. King taking all the food, makes sense. King doing things on purpose to ruin the youngest childs rein, could make sense. But it also goes against lineage and sword rule then?
Forests and particularly the game in them were traditionally reserved to royalty. In fact, you have the whole song and dance about Clara not being able to accompany you on a hunting trip because she’s not highborn enough.
The game doesn’t specify exactly what is causing food shortages iirc, but there are food shortages, or Richard wouldn’t have reason for his handouts.
I think this is the issue. I think the food is being seized and sold back to the population at prices they cannot afford to pay. Because there seems to be no other reason for the starvation. If the famine is because of a blight, that’s a one year problem and there should be seed stores to ameliorate that (in a well managed kingdom.) If something happens to the seed stores, there should be a noticeable effort to bring seeds (and food) in from allied kingdoms (of which we seem to have one voluntarily and one through force/fear/hostage taking.) But there’s not, there’s just “a famine.” Which points to governmental mismanagement and badly chosen rulers. Then there’s also the whole issue with the intolerant population (the BIGGEST reason I’d just want to wash my hands of the whole affair and leave rather than rule) and the weirdly punitive laws that allow for no grey areas, defense or even legal proceedings and there’s literally nothing in favour (that we’ve seen so far) of keeping the current “let’s let a glowing knife no one can touch or move choose the leader” kind of rule of succession.
Big deer equals abundant vegetation in area. A famine created as Anne pointed out, makes more sense. Famine due to drought, does not make healthy deer viable. I am leaning towards Anne’s idea.
@AnneWest I agree. Also believe it best to just f this mess. Father wasn’t making it sustainable, deliberately screwing his kid over.
It’s not like a drought makes entire forests up and disappear, along with animals who live in them. There is also the matter of timeline – when you hunt the deer the MC is 13. When Richard hands out the supplies, it’s 4-5 years later. We don’t exactly know how well the forests and the game are at this point in time (other than there is apparently still some of it)
That is true its been a bit of time.
I think I would let Richard be King as preferable and leave that mess to him.
He can hate the wive but her kids had nothing to do with it. He probably ruined Richard by making him the golden child expecting everything to be about him which why he had mental breakdown when the king thought we were more worthy
The sword allows the user to access the previous kings memories. If the info is direct and not some sort of riddle it should fairly easy to get a handle of things.
I think the sword isn’t the best at decisions.
Look at daddy dearest.
The (seaside, forested) kingdom has nothing to give a landlocked kingdom for trade purposes. Besides kids. Though might just want the kid anyway, still very unbelievable ‘we’ have nothing to trade.
If that king said, the only thing I want is a royal unity, that changes all of it. Can then ignore lots of issues on got nothing to trade.
Is there something about the MC needing to be the heir/monarch to trigger certain romances? I seem to recall something about that in the first version but I am not sure.
For the son of that one King and most likely Lena.
We are supposed to become ruler regardless this time around. I think.
I think the plan is that the MC will automatically become the ruler for now, and then later on in an update or DLC there will be a second path where you aren’t the ruler, like in the original game. That second path may not happen though
On the topic, I wonder how automatically becoming the ruler will work. Like, what about the MC will be locked in to make any type of player end up earning the crown? Or maybe the game will react differently if we aren’t exactly qualified?