The Sun Chasers (WIP) - Demo Updated 7 May

I’ve been meaning to say this since the Demo first released but I absolutely love it and I’m completely hooked, I can’t wait to see what’s gonna become of this story and how it’s gonna further develop.


What a nice demo, story seems really nice and I look forward to see more of it.
I really preferred the simple time skips (winter turns into spring) as well as ”two year passed”.
Only thing I got a little confused by is if it was two year since the incident or two years from the previous thing happening.

Well written, I enjoyed myself playing it!


I love this so far!


Thanks for the clear suggestion, @Trixan ! I’ve put it down in my edit notes to minimise those timeskips. Reading back, I do realize how some of those can be rephrased in a much clearer manner.

I’ve since completed hand-writing the first interlude, and the plan for the first chapter. Not as much progress as I’d had hoped, but I fear that “writing time” from henceforth will be rather limited ಥ_ಥ

The COVID situation has unfortunately worsened in my country - so much of my time will now be dedicated to work :pensive: but I promise that I am still making progress! Just that it will, likely, take more than a month before the next chapter is fully ready.


Well… this game is glorious.
I’m crying and I love it so much I don’t have words. I honestly didn’t think it would be such an intense start.
I love the pacing, and I think it’s very interesting to have that sort of… I don’t know… fast-forward with timeskips of all the time that has gone by once MC’s hometown has been destroyed. It really adds a unique ambience that I adore.

I also NEED to mention that I despise the “childhood friend romance” trope, and I wasn’t interested in T when reading the OP - not only because of that trope, but also because they didn’t seem like my type of character… And now, after playing, I adore them so much that I guess this game will be one of the VERY VERY FEW exceptions where I do actually go for the childhood friend’s romance. Sooo… congrats on making me feel that way? :rofl:

Some mistakes and other things I've noticed:
  • During the Nightwalker scenes:
    “Blood read eyes never blinking.”
    I assume it’s “blood red eyes”?
  • If selecting to hunt and forage with T:
    “(…)and you occassionally hear them secretly placing bets as to who would emere the winner in that day’s expedition.”
    Should be “as to who would emerge”.
  • I have selected for my character to have golden eyes and red hair, but the stat screen says “Your hair is red, and your eyes are hazel.”
    Can hazel really be considered gold? When I think hazel, I imagine light brown that may lean into green. I kind of imagined an actual gold color, so it’s a bit disappointing :sob: (honestly, it’s not that much of an issue, it’s just that I did imagine the color very differently, basically)
  • When recieving the weapon, the sword and daggers get the same text when it comes to inscribing the blade/s. As such, with the twin blades, the text still talks about a singular blade (“you find your eyes slowly drawn to the blade itself”) - it’s the same for the descriptions of whatever is inscribed.
    On a side note, it would also be nice if for the daggers, MC was able to get one inscribed with their name, and one with T’s. It would make sense, no? :wink:

With that being said, there was ONE thing that bothered me a LOT in the story, and it’s such a minor detail it really shouldn’t have :sweat_smile:
But you know how sometimes one may get stuck up on one small detail and not be able to forget it? Well, that’s me with that!

This is completely subjective and probably just me, really, but I NEED to say it, at least. Please take it with a grain of salt!

So, as established, I love T, and I like my MC too, but…
When answering to T about what is MC doing going into the forest by night (by the start of the story), I’m a bit confused by the rabbit snares option - as in, how it all unfolds.
Considering the setting, the fact it’s a small village and so on, I would think everyone would be in favor of hunting, even with snares, as to get the food everyone needs. It seems cruel to other people to destroy the hunting tools they made and on which the survival of their families may depend? :thinking:
Not to mention, not everyone would have able hunters in their households, and putting snares may be the only way to make do.
I couldn’t help but think “Wow, these two are entitled brats with no empathy for other people! Just wait until you’re too old to hunt with bow and arrow, and we’ll see if you still think that way!”.
I understand the reasoning of not wanting to hurt animals, eh! But I dunno, that mentality really doesn’t sit well with me in this setting. Surely not all people have cattle to kill for meat, after all, and if their other activities were not going well that year, they may NEED to hunt one way or another to eat. I understand MC and T are kids at that point, but again, considering the setting, I still find MC’s reaction weird. And well, if not MC, then at least T should have been the sensible one and told MC their way of thinking is wrong, since they are older.

I kind of wish I could avoid going that path, but since it’s the one that grants perception, which I want to be my MC’s main stat… I wish they went hunting instead, as it would have worked for perception too.
Haha, sorry, I really shouldn’t get SO worked up about that small detail… I really don’t mean to be rude or anything - I was just very mad at the brats during that part. :rofl:

It would be nice if later, if the MC becomes a hunter with T, they’d think back on that (if that path was chosen) and realize how foolish and unsensitive they were.

Oh well, I guess I’ll headcanon it as MC and T going to check on THEIR snares, and MC thinking they “almost” feel sorry for the rabbits, as an equivalent of the currently present almost feeling sorry for the people who put the snares. :sweat_smile:

But really, as I said, don’t mind that detail that much! I was nitpicking! This is only one thing I didn’t like lost in a sea of greatness! :revolving_hearts:


oh, I noticed that too! Especially because later on in the story, T goes to hunt w/ some other hunters, and the MC even has an option to go w/ them too…


Take your time and take care for yourself.

Also highly agree with @Konoi on rabbit point. You do not undermine hunting for a tiny medieval village unless you are an ass. The way of thinking for MC is modern and unbelievable for your setting.


:rofl: I am very flattered, as T is too.

As for the point on rabbit snares - thanks for bringing that up! Reading back, it is a little disjointed with the rest of the story. It just so happened to be one of the first scenes I’d written long ago, and didn’t think on how it may not fit the new ideas I have for this story.

-crying- I’ll kiss goodbye to that scene and rewrite a new one! Again, thank you for highlighting it and I’m very appreciative that you brought it up :blush:


Aww, sorry! :pensive:
At least, I’m sure the new one will be much better, so there’s that?


I feel ya, but new one will be better :wink:


just discovered this today and i’m hooked! eagerly waiting for the next update :slight_smile:

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So In my playthrough I carried T into the next town but the game acts like my MC was the one to get injured.

I thought that I would point that out. :confused:

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That was intentional - you were wholly exhausted after such a feat, and collapsed as a result.

Walking for hours without pause, all the while supporting T’s dead weight is no easy feat indeed. It’s only adrenaline and sheer force of will that kept you going for as long as you managed. So once your brain registered that you’re both finally safe, your body gave in to the exhaustion. Hence that scene where the MC blacks out!


Hi everyone!

I apologize for bringing the unfortunate news that… an update will not be out in the near future :pensive: While I have edited the prologue, and wrote two more scenes that are ready to be added to the demo, the word count of them - and the impact they would have in moving the plot forward - is not substantial enough to warrant an update yet.

Chapter 1 itself is coming along, albeit slowly. I have a full-time teaching job, so quite a lot of my time has been dedicated to that and recovering from dealing with excitable kids. I also hit a snag of a rather extended writing slump >< which I am now thankfully out of!

I hope July proves to be a better month, where my goal is to get at least 50% of Chapter 1 complete. A stretch goal will be to finish writing it entirely by August! Until then, thank you for all those who are still continuing to watch the story. They’re really motivating in driving me to use the little spare time I have to write :relaxed:


I don’t mind the waiting, good luck!

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Of course, take your time! I don’t mind waiting, and I’m sure most people are the same!


the wait is more than worth it, best of luck with the writing! :heart:


What is here is excellent I am very much excited to see more

This is really good!??

There’s a typo on this line

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