I love this a lot! The prose is beautiful and the ending segment is very gripping. You portrayed that atmosphere of trepidation incredibly well. The breathe in, breathe out segments were particularly powerful writing imo.
This is really good! Your writing is absolutely beautiful. The minutes leading to the discovery is a really emotional one; and the fact that MC gets to stand there and screams… T trying to calm you ;_; There are a lot of wonderful details added, and I really love it. Looking forward for more <3
Definitely interesting indeed. Like what you got so far. Don’t know if this has already been asked already but the term “Child of Light” refers to anyone born under the goddess’ light, or certain individuals?
@AAChmielewski Thank you! I’ll do my best to push out an update (to the conclusion of your first encounter with the Nightwalker) by early May. I hope you’ll continue to enjoy the rest of the story!
@Parivir You are too kind It’s high praise coming from a fine author such as you too. Thank you for picking up those bugs and errors as well - I’ll edit them as soon as I am able!
@fuciphagus T just feels helpless that they cannot do anything more than that
@M_Trakar The countdown was a final-edit addition, actually! I’m glad it played out well.
Great question!
The term ‘child of light’ is more of a symbolic name, to refer to anyone who has completed the same Candle Day ceremony the MC has gone through. Essentially, everyone in Sol will be a ‘child of light’ after this procession in their own childhood.
I finally got to read it and, oh boy, did it manage to hook me in. I like the settings, the characters, interactions, the world itself. I’m also fond of your writing style.
I’m going to watch this closely, and I hope it becomes successful because you deserve it!
In all seriousness, I do have the main events planned in my head. Work does steal time I wish I could otherwise have spent on this story, but I’m writing as fast as I can - and whenever I can!
On that, I do have a question. Would you dear readers prefer a smaller update (shorter wait) or larger update (but longer wait)?
A smaller update will only cover up to the conclusion of your first encounter with the Nightwalker. Much of this has already been written, so this may be out by end April.
A larger one will complete the entire prologue, right up to the time skip. I’m awful at estimates but should this option be preferred, I’ll do my best to complete it by mid May!
I’ll try to insert a poll to better compile opinions…
Not so much of rushing I definitely want to push out polished work too! It’s more a question of what amount of content would be best to include in the next update…
…and the consensus seems to be to finish the entire prologue before posting. I’ll work hard to do so then! I’ll aim to push it out by mid-May. A big thanks to all who voted!
We trust you to know when something is “ready” to be pushed to the demo. If you feel something needs more time, then don’t hesitate to take that extra time to do what you feel is needed to be done.
There is no single “right” answer to this, and unless there are other considerations at play, everything is best done at the pace you determine is the best.
Standing at ~8k words, the first half of the planned update is complete! I’ll take a few days to proofread and edit what has been written, before moving on to the next scene.
This scene will introduce a new character- and though not an RO, he will still play an important role in the remainder of the MC’s childhood. Currently, the early-May update still seems achievable - if everything goes well.
The prologue isn’t even finished yet but I’m already hooked! I especially love the ceremony. It invokes a sense of wonder and community so early on. T is a very lovely character as well; I’m already attached to them haha
Thank you for your kind words @boobear_o ! That was exactly the kind of vibe I was trying to create with the ceremony, and I’m glad it was successful
The prologue is turning out to be a lot bigger than my initial plan. As of now (in my drafts), it sits at 25k words with an average of 11k words per playthrough. I’ve three more scenes to go before we call an end to the events in the MC’s younger days, and their adventures as an adult begin!
Total word count: ~32k Word count per playthrough: ~16k
Note: old saves will be broken!
What has been added:
the rest of the prologue, with ~24k words of new content
revamped stats, along with an explanation of them
fixes to grammar and spelling
two achievements, achievable in the current demo
the introduction of a new character - not an RO, but an important one nonetheless
I do hope you enjoy playing! Do let me know what you think too. I also want to share this incredibly beautiful fanart of Tessa and Taran, as envisioned by the lovely and talented @King_Of_Lurking:
Hi, just finished the demo, really interesting, looking forward to earn some skills and be able to fight for myself and take down whoever is responsible for what happened in my village.
Maybe I missed it but I did not see a chapter tittle was the demo only Prologue?