The Petal Hides the Thorns

@Drazen ok, but its better remember that generalities are dangerous and can create racism and violence. But in a cultural and antropological point of view i cant agree with you more.

I want to know more about the game


I would elaborate more, but since it’s all rough and sketchy I don’t know much more. The MC is Russian, probably female, and she’ll be a part of the KGB, which did have spies in target countries, as an agent. There’ll be all sorts of things. Here’s a little excerpt from Wikipedia (I know, not the most accurate nor my only source, but quick and convenient).

“The KGB classified its spies as agents (intelligence providers) and controllers (intelligence relayers). The false-identity or legend assumed by a USSR-born illegal spy was elaborate, using the life of either a “live double” (participant to the fabrication) or a “dead double” (whose identity is tailored to the spy). The agent then substantiated his or her legend by living it in a foreign country, before emigrating to the target country, thus the sending of US-bound illegal residents via the Soviet embassy in Ottawa, Canada. Tradecraft included stealing and photographing documents, code-names, contacts, targets, and dead letter boxes, and working as a “friend of the cause” or agents provocateur, who would infiltrate the target group to sow dissension, influence policy, and arrange kidnappings and assassinations.”

Your character will have the opportunity to choose their “dead double” or “live double” identity and create their legend. You’ll also be able to create your real identity. The MC will also be under constant surveillance by the KGB.

EDIT: Also, if you DON’T regularly report back to your superiors there will be consequences.

@Drazen, while my command of the English language may not exceed your own, sir, I am perfectly able to recognize most expressions of both sarcasm and contempt just fine. I do *not* need you to helpfully inform me when they are being utilised.

“which would render them far superior in an environment of seduction and persuasion.”
This and many other things in your posts are indications that you hold a very limited view of “acts of charismatic deception” since not every act of seduction is necessarily aimed at the trouser rocket. Remember, this is America and “greed is good” men and women can be seduced in many other ways than with the promise of sex. For example one Bernard Madoff was able to charismatically deceive, dare I say even seduce, a great number of (prominent) men and women for more than thirty years and was thus able to build an empire on a combination of trust and greed of his targets. Would a fictional Bernadette Madoff have had to do different things to reach the same goals and would that perhaps have been (much) more difficult for her to accomplish? Likely so, but exploring the different routes to the same goals is one of the greatest potential strenghts of any COG product.
So in short, superior no, different yes.

Furthermore the “richer and more realistic gameplay” you reserve for the female role would depend entirely on how @Farside chooses to write this game and as such is not something we can even presume to judge right now.

@idonotlikeusernames …And Roxelana was probably more adept at intrigue than Koprulu Mehmed Pasha. An individual counter-example cannot eradicate a claim of averages, merely a claim of absolutes, - which I specified I was not making.

I never said persuasion, or for that matter seduction, was aimed at sexual matters. That was an assumption on your part, and an erroneous one as well for I certainly would not make such a claim.

Certainly, the overall value of the work is dependent upon the skill of @Farside - let us hope she achieves success in this matter. This does not prevent me from giving my opinion of what she should strive towards, since even a veritable masterpiece could be improved.

@Farside You do write in a more feminine way. It’s hard to define what exactly makes it feel like that, but it’s definitely there.

Personally, I never choose to play as a female, but I have no qualms about playing as one if given no choice. Most games are all about suspension of disbelief; can I not believe for one second that I am a female Russian spy? Why, I’d probably have more in common with this character than I do with, say, Kratos, or any other number of testosterone ridden men in games.

If you can create a better game by writing in a female perspective only, well, than do that. If you feel you can create a more interactive game by including both genders, than do that.


That’s partially why I want to have a female-only game. It’s not that I want to exclude people or make some implicit statement about males and females, the feminine and the masculine. It has more to do with myself as a writer, and what I feel my strengths are. Not that I’m trying to limit myself. It’s just I can make a much more awesome game with a female protagonist than a male. If someone wants to pursue the same or similar concept with a male protagonist for their game, I’m certainly not opposed to that. I’m just more comfortable with what I define as “the feminine.” It’s what I like to write. So although a worthy story certainly could be written with a male protagonist, or a protagonist that can be either male or female, that just might not be what I want to write.

@Farside its your story write it what you think is better. I play a lot of games as a male and i dont lost my feminity, whatever think that it is. So guys can play a game like a female, its like never play lara croft or a final fantasy game

I think that’s the problem. There’s so many games with a male perspective that male gamers start demanding it. There are a few that manage female characters, but usually they’re from an older and more familar series (like tomb raider and final fantasy).

You should write what ever you feel comfortable with Farside. It’s your story.

Cool concept. Look forward to you writing it…

Said everything I have to say on writing gender choice into historical CoGs here a few months ago.

But I’d also say to the guys who can’t bear to “play” a woman in a computer game – think about why not. To me, it sounds like you’ve bought into some weird, unnecessarily restrictive vision of masculinity that will keep you from enjoying (at the very least) some pretty great games.

@Farside if the player will be KGB try and watch the CIA v KGB episode of “Deadliest Warrior” and you can see some of the weapons that they used.

The title has me intrigued - - I’m hoping to see a game with a very deep, meaningful and consistent theme :smiley:

Best of Luck!

@Farside dont take this personally, but I will not be playing this. That is not saying I won’t support you. Write what you feel you can do the best. Everyone who wants to argue can go to another topic to whine about it there.


Hey. Don’t worry. Not every game is for every one.

i like the idea of the game and think it can be good and i am okay with playing as a girl if you wish write it girl only

@Theking I believe you are now @Thequeen

Well, I think it sounds fantastic and look forward to playing it when you start this project. And I for one, even though I am male, have no issues with playing as a female. I actually tend to do that a lot in games, probably because I love the idea of a kick-butt woman protagonist. (My first-playthrough true Sheppard is FemShep and my Hawke is also a woman.)

I guess what I am trying to say is, I fall into the group that believes you should write what you feel is appropriate for your story and your strengths.

@Talon5505 i don’t think their was a need to call @Theking Thequeen just because he is willing to play this game.

@Talon5505 the voices are telling me to kill you :slight_smile: