The Nascent Necromancer

Cool glad to hear it this game cool asf


So the story isnā€™t finished? Bummer. So, Is this going to be an update or a sequel? Really hope it will be a sequel.

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read the first post!

ā€¦I did.

Was merely hoping that this meant another book was incoming. Instead of having to start my playthrough anew.

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would we be finding out more about the mc/yosifs families/history in the dlc? cause ngl that keeps me up at night wondering :sweat_smile:


Yes, the new chapters will have a lot to do with Yosif


I canā€™t wait to fully romance zombie bro!


Wdym romance him??

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Ehm what was so unclear about it? :smirk:


Yosif is gonna be romanceable in Part 2.


Oh I wasnā€™t aware


Samuel I hope everything is good buddy! :smiling_face:


SERIOUSLY?! This is a dream come true :sob: :sob: :sob:
Maybe Iā€™m just a weirdo but I do kinda feel a romantic tension with Yosif in the first book after itā€™s revealed heā€™s not our real brother!
Thank you so much author :pleading_face:


For me it was even before we found out he ainā€™t our bro. :smirk:


Whyā€™re you so based??? :smiling_face_with_tear:
And why do we always agree on the worst possible ROs?!
Thereā€™s that Catalyst guy from Drink Your Villain Juice, Jun from SoH, now Yosif from the Nascent Necromancer (okey bear with me but also the leader, whom I forgot his name, of the guys that hunt us and bro is lowkey :flushed:)
Alright, I gotta go hide in a hole before the others come to judge and question our morality, byebye :laughing:

Oh, btw what do you think about Ib :smirk: from the Remnant 21ā€™s Before the Incident (or was it Accidentā€¦ :sweat_smile:)


I donā€™t know if you know/remember, but in the OG version years back the tension between them felt STRONGER. And they actually kissed :smirk:ā€¦to transfer the powers to MC. I am an unapologetic 'cest shipper from time to time but I actually felt the ick between them.

But now I am amendable to the ship. #TeamYosif :rofl:


The only ick I felt was for Yosifā€™s constant coughing of phlegm but thatā€™s not his fault (well it sort of is) :joy: :joy: :joy:
Never read the OG version, and even if the kiss scene would drive me wild perhaps having a little bit more time and build up to it will make the kiss feel moreā€¦ hmm, whatā€™s the word? Exciting? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Haha dunno if I am based but I was always into wincest and ROs that want to beat me, kill me or just insult me. The weird thing is that in real life I am ace but in games I am a hot mess. Dunno how that is possible but I seem to be roleplaying to the max? I didnā€™t play the last game you mentioned sadly but if the RO is a freak or my bro then you can be sure I would like him. Not even ashamed to admit this. Donā€™t hide @Parasitic_Bread. Be true to yourself. :smirk:


Oh, this might be spoilery but to sumarize Ib heā€™s a bully, like a total psychopath that gets off on ruining other peopleā€™s life and is a mad evil genius. He has an unhealthy fixation on the MC after MC managed to outplay him in the past and now heā€™s become a major demonic villain! Sounds good? :grin:

And honestly being a total unhinged freak for fictional characters is understandable :100: cause letā€™s be real ā€” fictional characters are just much more interesting :laughing: