'The Midnight Bay' Demo

“Silence settles the waters of the midnight bay; death’s hand reaches, bids you stay…”

Death haunts the people of Albach Bay. For fifteen years, ‘The Bay Slasher’ has stalked the streets, preying on victims with no apparent goal or motive. You were seven years old when you witnessed the murder of the Slasher’s first victim—your own father. Impatience swallowed your childhood, desperate to come of age and solve the case that has left the local police department stumped.

You will have your revenge.

  • An urban fantasy/romance IF based in the fictional town of ‘Albach Bay’.
  • Customise your private investigator: choose name, gender, appearance, sexuality, skill set and personality.
  • Play as male, female, or non-binary, trans, straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, as well as aromantic, asexual, or aro-ace.
  • Late 90s setting with limited technology, so be prepared to wait ten minutes for your PC to boot up.
  • My intention is no ‘game over’ screens. There are no wrong answers in this game. A “failure” is just another route.
  • 5 main companions (4 gender selectable) to befriend or romance, each with their own personalities and stories to tell.
  • Collect evidence in your notebook as you search the dilapidated streets and beaches of Albach Bay for clues to finally catch your father’s killer for good.
  • Revenge is best served cold.
  • Rated 17+

The demo is currently sitting at just over 47k words, and I am working hard on the next.

To play the demo, go here: CoGDemos
The best place to reach me with questions is here: https://midnight-bay-if.tumblr.com/
But I will check the forum as often as I can.


I’m enjoying the story so far! I like the the clarity in the voice of the main character. The customizability of the possible responses doesn’t take away from the development of a real player-driven personality.

I do think that perhaps the ROs could be spread out or fleshed out a little more. Perhaps that’s already in the works, but between the three outside operatives, Nerva, and Umbra as our chief RO prospects (at least, that’s what I believed while playing) we have a very short time with each in a rapid-fire salvo.

Also, some typos I found:

This section should perhaps say at a thick strand and seems to have an extra period after barely know.

These four sections appear to be missing pronouns.

These two sections appear to be repeating text.

This section appears to be missing a pronoun and has an extra comma after bothering.

Unless intended to be intentionally suspicious, perhaps local authority should be changed to local authorities.


Really good so far. I did notice that it a paragraph during the diner scene when you get your food.

Thank you so much! I recently changed how the ROs genders were selected, so I’m going to take another look at that coding. Thanks for bringing the typos to my attention, as well :slight_smile:
Each of the ROs is going to feature prominently, so I didn’t feel the need to share too much all at once. This is still very early in the story. Thank you again for the indepth response, though. I’ll work on fixing these errors ASAP.


Pronoun issue should be fixed now. Amazing what missing a small line of code can do, haha.

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Awesome start I’m already super invested in this haha. And I’m playing someone sarcastic who makes jokes for a change xd


Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it :slight_smile:

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I love mystery! Let’s give it a shot.

Here are some notes on how my playthrough went, as well as a couple typos I found.

Some notes

chasing a little snake around the tiny screen seems like the pinnacle of entertainment in comparison.

MC has good taste in games.

There are a bunch of little internal-dialogue lines in this story that are really strong. Like this one:

“Just another way your mind has turned against you.”

Multiple psychological issues being hinted at. That’s a great characteristic for a detective to have!

Being able to choose “people-pleasing” as a penalty (which I did) is pretty ominous. What am I going to be forced to do for the sake of appeasement?
Maybe nothing. Honestly I would probably have picked all the people-pleasing options on my own.

But none of that compares to the most glaring issue of all: your irrevocable, resolute need for revenge.

I love the contrast between the goal and the character I’ve chosen to play.
“I try to be kind whenever possible. I’ve experienced hardship, and I want to lessen the burden on others. I can be a bit of a pushover sometimes. Also if I find the killer, I’m going to stab them in the throat.”

MC describes a feeling of isolation here, which is odd because they’ve said they have friends here. Is it more of a mental isolation because of the revenge quest?

You spin around quickly,

No! This is not how you respond to being tailed!
You have to turn casually, preferably while holding a large newspaper!
I’ll chalk this reaction up to the MC being traumatized.

“You recognise a couple of the faces through your work, and when they lock eyes with you, their previously passive expressions become scowls.”

Oh no, everyone hates me!
I like that. It makes everything a little more fun.

“You do realise you’ll have to ward of Detective Graves”

“Ward off”?
By the way, my spellcheck pinged both “recognise” and “realise”. A search suggests both of those are British spellings as opposed to “recognize” and “realize”, though, so I guess that’s fine.

You shut your mouth quickly, not wanting to become a topic of gossip amongst the staff.

If the customers’ reactions are anything to go by, it’s way too late for that!

“Don’t look, but you’ve got an admirer checking you out right now.” You instinctively start turning your head. “I said don’t look!”

Ruth’s detective instinct is better than the MC’s! Quit spinning around, dummy!

panting like a bullmastiff on heat.

“In heat”?

Something odd happens here. These two paragraphs appear at the top of the page:

She nods, a wide smile gracing her features. “Of course. Truth be told, I’m just very nosy, so there’s little reason to be too thankful,” she responds jokingly, throwing you a quick wink. “Besides, it would have been terribly uncouth of me to leave such a gem in a state of distress.”

The stranger nods at Ruth before her gaze settles on yours again, almost as if she were magnetised to you. Which is annoying. Can’t she see you don’t wish to talk? “Of course. Truth be told, I’m just very nosy, so there’s not need to be too thankful,” she responds jokingly. “Besides, it would have been terribly uncouth of me to leave such a gem in a state of distress.”

It looks like these were supposed to be one or the other.

This is where a voice reached the MC in their dreams. I really like how the fantasy elements are very gradually being rolled into the plot!

You feel your venom gland readying itself to spit its poison at the disappointingly familiar voice. Rolling your eyes, you turn to confront the pest.

This is another really good line.

Oh crap, I think I might have actually been punished for people-pleasing! It forced me to agree to a dinner date with Lieutenant Creep!
I’d be disappointed if my choice didn’t hurt me somehow, but wow. How pleasantly nasty!

His murder makes even less sense compared to the others. The killer never mutilated your father’s body in the same way, nor was he able to move the body as the killer has done others.

This is where I have to wonder whether the culprit is the same in every murder. Any of these could be a copycat killing. The connecting details are vital here since the victims are apparently unrelated.

An sharp, unfamiliar voice

“A sharp”

Behind her is the most striking person you have ever seen.

It feels a bit soon to claim something like this after meeting a literal succubus the previous night!

You almost trip over a rock in your efforts to calm your breathing. “Pay attention!” And keep your head down, Koel, before it’s size gives us away."

Quote marks are misaligned a bit here. Also “its size”

I like Taj quite a bit. It makes me feel like an idiot since her only character attribute is that she hates me, and I’m drawn to her anyway.
That’s compared to the diner succubus from earlier, where my reaction is “this is a trap. Do not engage.”

But is there one whose heart skips a little at the memory?

It makes things easier, but it still feels like cheating to be able to pick which character has a crush on MC.

“It’s probably nothing, but… do you ever get the sense that someone is too mundane?”

Hey now. You’re hurting my feelings.

“Regardless, we would do well to keep an eye on Charlie, but something tells me it won’t be difficult.”

Yeah, because he’s so bad at being tailed!

with a binder left open beside it containing information and files of a previous victim.

Makes me wonder how many victims there have been. All in this town, I assume…

The contact does some work for an X-rated magazine and has a makeshift dark room in his apartment. They have barely any social skills to speak of, but they are smart and, most importantly, discreet.

The pronoun use swaps from “his” to “they” here

Here’s where I checked to see whether there was a notebook in the stats menu for keeping track of crucial evidence.
There was!

What kind of trouble are you?


I woke up, and I put the telly on

So that’s why you’re using the British spelling. Not a typo, then!

“Sure. I had plans, but I’ll cancel.”

[People-pleasing] No, don’t cancel your plans on my account! I can go to that awful dinner instead, it’s okay! I’m really sorry…

Time passes like this for some time.

The double “time” is a little jarring

“You’re bothering, Charlie.”

Umbra says this twice. I think the comma should be dropped here, unless she’s having trouble forcing the words out.

In short, this is great! A very strong opening with lots of promise.
My favorite ROs, if that’s what they are, are Ruth (she is nice to me) and Taj (I am stupid). I don’t trust the succubus, and Umbra needs major psychological help instead of a relationship.

My intention is no ‘game over’ screens. There are no wrong answers in this game. A “failure” is just another route.

This is going to be tough. Besides being extremely prone to branching, it could lead to some unsatisfying ends. I’ve played a detective game or two where that happened.

But if you can pull it off, it could work really well. Good luck - I’d love to see this one expand!

Wonderful :cowboy_hat_face:

Thank you so much for these very detailed notes; they are so helpful! Sometimes I get so caught up in the bigger picture that the finer details can fall through the cracks. The unfortunate side effect of doing a solo project, I suppose, haha. I’m going to add these to my list of things to correct or add to. Your instincts are pretty sharp, too. You are already picking up on many of the little clues I have dotted around. But, yes, I have a lot of little Britishisms I have to try and keep in check. I don’t want to mute my voice too heavily because I feel it will take away from the characters and setting, but sometimes I find it difficult to toe that line.
Again, thank you! This in-depth response has been so helpful.


I really enjoyed what you have so far. It’s very intriguing and interesting. I’m definitely looking forward to future updates. Thank you for sharing this with us


I don’t think you need to worry about that too much. It’s a fictional city, so the characters can talk basically however you want!


Loving this a lot so far, will be waiting patiently for the next update :slight_smile:


I stumbled over the demo a few times and now I wanted to read it and did…and it’s so awesome!! Gosh, I’m an idiot for not reading it sooner and comment on it… great work, author :heart_eyes::heart:
The characters are fun and mysterious (especially Taj :laughing: kitty, kitty… :laughing:)


Thank you! I’m so glad you were willing to give it a chance :smiley: I’ll keep working hard on the update


I’m so much looking forward to it :smiley: I love Umbra as well, poor soul, I want to hug him and give him cookies <3

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So, in my free time. I’ll browse through the demo site for new updates or titles, and saw this one a few times. I actively avoided it! ((Please let me finish))

Because there was once a demo with a detective, and i didnt fancy it. Dont even know if its still updating, or what ever. And my brain, apparently kept assuming this was that. Running out of demos to try out, i finally clicked on this one, and it fixed that atrocious brain error. :sweat_smile:

Investigation themes happen, but I do like how we aren’t like the stereotypical full on cop, endlessly working away at their desk. But rather a P.I, whom actually seems to have a notable history ((this is always appreciated, since it makes our MC feel more unique)) that we get to see a little of so far in interactions.

No one but the RO’s have only been briefly introduced, and my guess is thats because it takes more to fully introduce them and doesnt want to be hastily done.

One of the first options where we get to pick what the senior saw us as was refreshing with the options, seeming well thought out. Since they all seemed to be ways someone who grieved from loss immensely could develop.

If i can give two suggestions!

  1. You did a great job introducing Rue, Umbra has been done well too so far. You’ve given out tidbits and quirks that make them feel different from other games so far. If you keep doing this, especially with the RO’s. This is gonna be golden, nothing needs to be a massive shock and in your face. The small details can make a great difference.

  2. Keep leaning into that we’re only a P.I, so not everything is easy ((this will go great with your view on the “no game over” thing.)) Failing can just be stumbling onto another path. Maybe have their be some choices, or stuff that have to do with how we act as one, or habits we’ve developed from the job.

Now that I’ve found this, gonna have to keep my eyes on it like a hawk. :sweat_smile:


Thank you so much for taking a chance on something you were unsure you would like and giving this personal project of mine a shot. From the start I knew I didn’t want the MC to be a detective; I wanted the reader to have the freedom to be a bit slyer than that, haha. Not to mention that Alek has been a character from the start of my planning stage—he needed to be the detective.

P.I. was the perfect middle ground, and it will give the reader a little more freedom as to whether they want to be in charge or hand the reins to Selby when everyone comes together. The “no game over” thing is definitely because I want people to roleplay their character more than worry about stat checks.
Anyway, thanks again for taking the time, and I will hopefully have an update ready pretty soon. :slight_smile: