Well that kinda sucks
Can you give us some info about the ROs? Have they already been created or are they in the process?
They’re all still in the process in some form or another. Some of the concepts have foundations at the moment though.
@Basketball_Fanatic Correct me if it’s already in-game (since I haven’t played it yet) but my suggestion would be adding the opportunities to change your race (if there are any) and also adding bloodlines that are accessible to any races but only some races can pick specific bloodlines. Bloodlines can include stuff like Draconic, Demonic, Celestial, Elemental, Undead (with varying types like vampires and ghouls), Griffon, Snake, Beast (also of varying types), Phoenix, etc. This is all a suggestion of course.
It shall be added!
I know its because of combinations but I still feel like you need to scale down. This plus all the other features will make this a coding nightmare, which will take ages to do correctly and then debug each combination. Also the randomized stats will suck with each subsequent playthrough if you dont get the build you want. I know you said its for replayability but I dont think anyone would even play more than 1% of these combinations, so its better if you focus on a fewer number of features
A good RO could be the smart and popular girl who is secretly a yandere for the main character
Buddy believe me people who like role playing get to choose their heritage in there power level and the list goes on taking that choice and making it randomized do not work well and also how fucking farmers and other common heritages know anything about martial art you should take this feature away and put it to suitable heritages like the nobles and monks and soldier and other heritages that I did not find heritage yet because I’m pretty sure in world where cultivation exist normal people will not know about it and I’m sorry if my post sound harsh I do not mean to do that and do not fear about people who pick only the cool heritage and bloodline and how powerful they are always remember masochist exist so there will probably pick the worst heritages and bloodline and power level probably and also it depends on how you do it if you make it so detailed and so immersive then people who always do a power fantasy might try the worst heritages and bloodline so basically the better you make the game and the choices and the story is anything else does not matter
Can I we lose a arm cause I kinda wanna be like Shanks or Sasuke
I am also gonna suggest adding transformation for those forms too, especially the Draconic, Demonic and Celestials for examples. Draconic allowing you to turn into a dragon (based on your element), demons going full demon mode, celestials to archangel form, etc, along with making it where if you’re MC become any of those bloodlines, they get permanent racial appearances like claws, tails, wings, fangs, unique eyes, furs, scales, etc. Maybe even add some or most of those bloodlines as a race option in the character creation. Regarding the ROs, am gonna suggest adding or altering some ROs to where they have those bloodlines if you wanted to.
Mind control technique. Pls pls!!!
Or have a race with hypnotic eyes or something. Or maybe both
2 questions:
- Which is the best trait and heritage?
- Will we be able to customize our appearances and/or names or will they also be randomized?
You will be able to customize your species, name, and appearance
Traits and heritages will unlock differing dialogue options. This is one of the reasons I wish to keep it randomized. So that you can experience new dialogue in every playthrough.
I like to consider Passionate and Slave as the best combination since it can give a real Spartacus uprising feeling to the story.
@Basketball_Fanatic found this:
startup line 80: increasing indent not allowed, expected 0 was 1
is there a cheat option? overpowered MC is what i really love
I just get an immediate error: startup line 80: increasing indent not allowed, expected 0 was 1
Lol game is one page it’s fell like a prank when I play the demo