The Fifth Horseman: Fear [WIP] (On Hiatus)

It’s pretty interesting, actually!

Pestilence/Plague is more associated with Conquest, despite Death’s name invoking the Greek word for “plague.” But you are right about the color! I think Pestilence being associated with Death or Conquest is ultimately a matter of which you think is better.


Nice touches to the game really like the additions made even if they are small.

Very curious, if the dog isn’t our horse who is it???

I noticed a continuity error, when I first met War and Famine it was while on a walk by myself, yet when reading Famines thoughts he said we met at the apple farm.

Also when meeting Bruce at the pie competition Anya referred to my Male Mc as her sister.

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Okay okay I swear this will be the last time I mess with the files. I added more words :sweat: Did y’all know you could quicktest stuff? That was really handy.

Edit: I realised I added the stat file without meaning to but since it’s there now…

  • I added a bestiary so you’d know more about the creatures you meet along the way.
  • added a section of other characters you’d meet in the future.
  • changed up the relationship part so you’d only see the flirting points when you choose who you want to romance.
  • I plan on giving adding a choice to lock the romance in the future, just gotta figure how to do that, but yeah. That’s pretty much it.

@Just_browsing what happened to who? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@Luciel I’m ngl. I had to look up who the four horsemen were and Wikipedia gave me them. Lol.

@RedRoses oooh wow I did not know that. That is interesting! You’d think I’d do more research when writing but naw hahahah.

@Gamer4 ah thank you! As for your question, I’m afraid is spoilers and you don’t meet famine at the park, only War so that’s weird. If it’s still there could you send a screenshot of the error?


I tested the choices between the apple farm and walking alone I didn’t see famine the next time I walked alone but I did get this after the walk where I met war again

My bad. It should be fixed now, thanks!


Sorry for being the SJW party pooper who can’t take a joke, but I heavily dislike the whole “I identify as potato” thing. It sounds too much like the old transphobic “I identify as attack helicopter” meme. I assume this wasn’t your intention at all, but you might consider that it can easily come across this way.

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Very confused face???

Plague (Pestilence), considered one of the horsemen of apolcaypse, an user answered me saying that pestilence and conquest are associated with eachother (and since both conquest and pestilence are considered the first horsemen you could basicaly say they are the same person) , i made some more digging and the origin of the interpretation is pretty unclear but in one of the “Revelation” quotes after the revelation of the fourth rider it says :

“They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:7–8), Also one of Ezekiel quotes lists them as “sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague.”

but it could be for the riders as a whole or just the fourth rider ( according to wikipedia : “The Greek word for plague is θανάτῳ, which is a variation of Θάνατος, indicating a connection between the Fourth Horseman and plague”)

Also one of the reasons i think it was because of the novel “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez in where he writted that :

“The horseman on the white horse was clad in a showy and barbarous attire. … While his horse continued galloping, he was bending his bow in order to spread pestilence abroad. At his back swung the brass quiver filled with poisoned arrows, containing the germs of all diseases.” Also thats one of the early examples that instead of conquest, pestilence was one of the four horsemen


Sorry for the long reply i just couldnt stop digging info and stating what i found lol

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Sorry for butting in on this, I was taking a look at the passages you mentioned.

The User was right about a blending of Horsemen,but it doesnt seem to be Conquest and Pestilence/Plague


So, plague would be the fourt horseman -but he could also be death, because “καὶ ὁ καθήμενος ἐπάνω αὐτοῦ,ὄνομα αὐτῷ ὁ θάνατος, καὶ ὁ ᾅδης” (loose translation would be “And the one who sits upon it (the pale horse, which is what symbolises desease), his is Death and Hades (?!)”
Θάνατος is death (Πανούκλα (panukla) is plague, in modern greek at least. The θανάτῳ you mentioned before is just archaic grammatical hijinks, so also Death)

Buuuuuut!!! Exciting news, we got both Pestilence/Death AND Conquest in Revelation, which I didn’t know:

“καὶ εἶδον, καὶ ἰδοὺ ἵππος λευκός, καὶ ὁ καθήμενος ἐπ᾿ αὐτὸν ἔχων τόξον· καὶ ἐδόθη αὐτῷ στέφανος, καὶ ἐξῆλθε νικῶν καὶ ἵνα νικήσῃ.”

Rough translation again, because it’s been years since highschool: “And I saw. And here the White Horse, and the one sitting upon it holding a bow. And he was given a crown, and he came a victor and to win.”

So, according to this mess, the OG Horsemen would be Conquest, War, Famine and Death, but Death is also Pestilence. Which in a way would make sense, not sure when or why they were split later on to include Pestilence.

Edit: Okay , So Deathsilence is not apparently Hades, I read that wrong, Hades -as in the Darkness of the Underworld (spooky)- follows him.

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No wait i writed it wrong im sorry, what i meant was that she said that pestilence is more associated with Conquest, But since pestilence substituted conquest in the modern culture nowadays, i preffered to say they are the same person


Hey, no worries!! It is a bit of a mix-up (in greek we don’t even MENTION Conquest, it’s kinda stuffed in with War, so the lineup here is Famine, Pestilence, War and Death as well). I was just surprised, because until you mentioned it I had never really read the Revelation passages that refer to the Horsemen, nor had I given much thought on the inconsistency of the names. So it was an iteresting start of the day!
Reading it now, though, I’m can’t see where Pestilence really came from in modern interpretation -from what I see in the text, only Death is named, the others are described by their attributes. So Conquest is the Victor (who also came, “for victory”), War brings knives to the people to be used against eachother and Famine “holds scales”, and the whole thing is narrated by a lamb- so if you or anyone has more information on how it came to be, it’d be a very interesting comparison to make!!

Edit: typos will be the death of me.

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To answer the part from where the modern inteprettation of pestilence being one of the four horsemen :
Well from what it seems it originated from the jewish encyclopedia of 1906 in where pestilence is one of horsemen instead of conquest,

but like i said before i also think that the novel by Vicente Blasco helped a lot too since pestilence replaces conquest in his novel, and since they made a movie of his novel in 1921 that was an commercial success earning more than 9.2 millions of dollars and being considered to be the sixth-best-selling silent film of all time, gives me a little feeling that this might have helped on giving the popular culture the idea that Instead of Conquest, War, Famine and Death being the Four Horsemen of apocalypse, The Four Horsemen are actually instead Pestilence, War, Famine and Death

Biblical Answer :
Oh wait i readed it wrong lol, soo in the bible it has a lot of mentions of the end of times in which The Revelations reveal “They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth” this is very unclear since it could be that with all of the four horsemen that means a new plague will come to end the world, OR it could be that Conquest also brings a new plague (im pretty sure that biological warfare existed when the bible was created since they could just throw the bodies of people with plagues inside the castle to make everyone sick and die)


Ohhh, I see!! Well, this now makes more sense, cause I too knew the more popular version (not knowing the sources as well, so thank you for mentioning them!!) and was always wondering where Conquest popped up -I got really curious by what you wrote and that’s what made me look it up, so thank you for that as well!!

I will answer here, so I don’t stake up too much space in the forum, but really I hadn’t even registered the 2 different versions anyway -either would pop up and the thought was just “oh, ok it’s that rider”, because I’m dumb as bricks-, until you guys mentioned it, so, like I said before, it was just a “Oh, shiiiit” moment (and the only reason I bothered checking out Revelation was because Just_Browsing mentioned the passages and got me curious).


You welcome lol

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Me after seeing how brief the potato playthrough was: sad potato noises

This seriously looks intriguing. I can’t wait to read the demo once I’m done with The Luminous Underground!


Im sorry but im not being able to see on how the “i identify as a potato” as transphobic, (not trans and i dont exaclty know on what the trans community thinks is transphobic and what isnt soo what i say might be 100% wrong)

Anyway, its just a silly path there for giggles and it isnt exaclty an “how you identify yourself” and it really is just a joke path where fear never existed and mallus dies by a vegetable


I’ll try to explain this. For the record, I am nonbinary. While I personally didn’t interpret the scene as transphobic, I see where @Hayden_Winter is coming from.

There is a common trend in transphobic memes to say that the poster identifies as something absurd and ridiculous. This, like Kaleylo had originally said, comes from the meme “I sexually identify as an attack helicopter.” It came from a 4chan story making fun of people coming to terms with having non-cis gender identities.

Warning, this spoiler covers a transphobic meme and contains an ableist slur.

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

This is clearly making fun of trans people, and jokes along those lines disguised as “Oh, I’m just being random and making a silly joke” has been used to gaslight nonbinary people who try to call these things what they are: transphobic.

That is not to say that I think that the writer of this game is transphobic. As I said originally, I did not interpret the potato joke as such, and while it isn’t my type of humor, I personally found it completely harmless. I just wanted to bring this up because if another trans person is hurt by this, their feelings are still valid and should be acknowledged, at least to explain this was not the authorial intent, and it’s not right for a cis person to try and say that they are wrong to feel hurt.

I will freely admit to not knowing as much as I’d like about the Horsemen, lol. I had said what I did about Conquest because Wikipedia had mentioned that Pestilence is sometimes used instead of Conquest.


Perfect explanation, thank you very much.

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Personally I saw it as a joke too but see your point can we just ask the moderators to get involved and just let them handle it before it gets out of control

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