The Elvish Kingdom


Você ver o assoalho branco leitoso com paredes de mármore igualmente brancas, Não havia dúvida de que e um banheiro.

Forgot to translate this LoL.

So female character and all ROs are girls? Like a dream come true :heart_eyes:


The female elf with silver hair was referred as a ‘‘him’’ in the game when it was a she? Also, you mixed up the female and male pronouns in the beginning when the female MC walked in the snow storm. In 1st person they referred themselves as a woman. But in 3rd person the narrator sometimes referred to them as a he/him and in some parts they referred the MC as a she/her. And something that was bothering me was that you used the wrong punctuations. And you capitalized letters that were not meant to be capatalized. You used a comma when there should have been a period. And you capitalized the letters after a comma when there was an adjective.

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