Out of all the authors I’ve given feedback to, @JimD is great and was also the first to “like” my WIP when I first started it. Thanks for that!
I love you, @Elena_H, @Gower, @jeantown, @JimD, @ToxicDreams, @Lycoris, @Dae-kalina and Nissa Campbell, author of Heart of the House. Some OG authors that led to me being obsessed with playing interactive fiction.
I love you back, Elsee.
Omg!!! I am now smiling like an idiot.
First I would like to thank @Seraphinite for writing my ultimate favorite (and will always be) IF story, Wayhaven! Thank you so so much for writing such an amazing piece of art, you are the reason why I am so so hooked into CoG right now, if I haven’t stumbled upon your IF I wouldn’t have gotten myself into this community. And I just wanna say that I admire your stories so much, you are a great writer and I won’t deny the fact that you’re stories have had a big impact in me. You are one of my motivations why I also kept on writing my own stories hoping that someday I’ll be able to share it to the world, just as you did. Andddd I kept on playing Wayhaven Book 1 and 2 right now over and over again! I can’t wait for Book 3! I’ll be supporting you always! Love yaaaa
To @JimD , you are such an amazing writer! And I admire you for that! I can’t get enough of your stories coz it is all so amazing, I really can’t put my admiration into words, your stories are-- I dunno-- but it feels like out of this world, I like how you don’t limit the RO’s and how it is open for all genders, to be honest I am not at all comfortable with explicit scenes but you literally made it easy for me to get used to. Thank you so so much! I am looking forward for your next IFs! Sending all my love and support to youuuu! Oh–and I just finish playing Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven Part 4 and it is–as expected–THE BEST! And now I am very keen to know how my MC will handle the situations arising in Part 5 lol. Anyways thank you once againnnnn.
And to @MichaelMaxwell can I just say how much I love your IF Breach:TAJ? goshhh I have never been so hook into thrilling crime novels until Breach:TAJ came! The excitement and the thrill that I feel when the dice is rolling, the relief that washes over me when my choices would turn out to be a completes success. It feels so real-- I never thought I’d be imagining my MC doing such intense fight scenes like that. Anddd I wanted to mention my fav. ROs Rook (damn he’s my kind of man) and Gabriel (he’s mysterious and that’s a turn on for me–lol) thank you for making such great RO’s they’re the reason why it’s not at all doom and gloom, though I still love the fact that the story focuses more on how the MC handles their role as a Raphael and as a Detective(If they ever choose that alignment). Thank you once again! And I am very much looking forward for Breach: CWZ, I have played the demo already and well it intrigues me more now. Again thank you! And I’ll be rooting for you always!
And to @natalia.theodoridou I just finish playing Rent-a-Vice today and I have to say that I am completely speechless, it was a great game, I love the plot, I love the conflicts, I love the choices and I LOVE IT! And I am definitely satisfied with how my MC ended it. There’s no doubt I’ll be playing it again. Thank you for writing such an amazing IF, sending all my love and support to youuuu!
I don’t usually comment on these threads, but I would like to thank @milaswriting the author or golden for creating such an amazing story. Definietly one of my favourite ifs of all time. Its so good! I absolutely adore all the characters and the story.
Aw, thank you so much! I haven’t been on here as much (still writing away!), so this was a lovely surprise to come back to. So glad you’re enjoying my IF <33
Cheers to Paul Wang for creating an awesome series like the infiniverse. It’s been the only series that has really hooked me in with It’s characters, plot and setting as well as the only one so far to take my money haha.
Paul Wang, William Loman, Jim Dattilo, Mike Walter, Adrao, Allen Gies, Michael Maxwell, Lucas Zaper and Morton Newberry are simply the best because I say so. You wouldn’t call me a liar, would you? Oh wait, why does that line sound so familiar?
Thanks Kreg Segall @Gower for the fun adventure in A Midsummer Night’s Choice and for teaching me so much about Shakespeare, Spencer and literature in the process. Loved the gaming, the DLC and the learning!
Thanks @will for the bittersweet Kiss from Death
Lots of amazing authors have been already named but I didn’t see Kevin Gold among them. So: Kevin Gold. Choice of Robots was the first COG title I played and it’s still one of my personal favorites.
Also: Paolo Chikiamco. Because I will rec SLAMMED! until I’m dead.
Thank you to every writer listed in this thread for sharing your creativity with us. Especially to all those of you who suffer through the coding process to make your creations come alive. Some games have literally entertained me for years and I couldn’t be more thankful for all the wonderful stories.
Lately, Devon Connell has really impressed me. I remember I played the first chapter of Fatehaven and thought “meh… not for me.” But I’ve been playing Samurai of Hyuga furiously for the last 3 or 4 weeks. I’m on Chapter 9 of book 2. Thank you for breaking me out of my “i don’t wanna play this” rut.
A grand thanks to @PParrish , for writing my favourite interactive novel. I absolutely adore Mask of the Plague Doctor. The story is wonderful, and the same goes for the general style and atmosphere. The characters, especially Ioco, are wonderful. One can makes one’s own character oh-so-wonderful. I’ve replayed my jovial surgeon Ladislas and my mysterious… conduit… Daqiqi more than once.
Thank you to @AllenGies for writing Tin Star, my all-time favourite piece of interactive fiction of any genre or platform Sometimes I genuinely tear up at how good it is like for real
The single best opening page I have seen in interactive fiction (Concise, beautiful prose that perfectly captures the setting and time period, AND immediately draws you in to the story).
I love stories about the wild west, but I guess I don’t often trust that an author/developer will handle the culture, development, and sensitivities of that time and setting with care, respect, and thought. But Tin Star did all of that, and gave me whole new reasons to love this era, on top of giving us amazingly written characters, suspenseful and entertaining plotlines, and a truly epic achievements & epilogue system that made for one of the most satisfying and complete endings in interactive fiction.
Well this is some fantastic Sunday motivation to get on with writing Hexfinder.
Thank you, @Caronte - I’m delighted you enjoyed it so much. And I love that you’ve played and replayed it for different endings! Makes all that branching coding business feel worthwhile.
I am so looking forward to it. It seems to be right up my alley, too.
My pleasure! I’ve reached several endings, and I found all of them satisfying in one way or another! A friend of mine is very fond of it too; we’ve discussed it quite a lot.