I’ve begun work on a game: Super Star Soccer Striker.
Currently, it’s just finished the most basic coding (the skeleton of the game). I’m looking for people to test it for any bugs/inconsistencies, or for anything that would be nice to add to/remove from the game. Also traditional inform me of any bad grammar, spelling, typos, etc that you find. It generally acts as a text-based variation of FIFA, except in a fictional league, with fictional teams and players I created because I (obviously) don’t have the legal rights to any of the stuff in actual FIFA games.
To play the demo, go here: https://dashingdon.com/play/agentv/soocer/mygame/
Thank you to everyone who has given me any feedback so far. I am creating a list of known issues that should you have brought up for me that I will attend to. My current solutions are in bold.
-More consequences with your character’s SO (break up if the relationship goes too low, marriage if it stays high, etc). Similar consequences for a relationship with the team.
I have created a system where if your relationship with your SO gets high enough, you can marry them, and if it’s low enough they break up with you. I Will likely add more events later.
-Giving the MC more of a personality and make them less of a blank slate to better connect with the reader. This would include more scenes with the MC’s friends, family and SO.
I have added some “character” to the MC early on, and will add more interaction with everyone in the off-season.
-More interaction with other players, both teammates and opponents.
I have given the player a rival, whose stats are also updated. I will add some interactions when the player opposes the team the rival plays for, as well as when you and your rival are on the same team.
-Making which stats do what more clear. ie if you shoot on a header, making it clear that it uses heading not shooting.
Should have added what these stats do early on.
-Possible match rating, the playstyle of particular teams being a factor.
I will attempt to, but will likely be very basic/token due to choice script limitations. I could add in a career game MVPs in order to give this some meaning. Working on making this a thing, depending on successes/failures.
-Adding in a save slot.
Will look into how to do this.
-Making games less interchangeable.
Team names now show in-game, and each team now has a rival that they play in weeks 9 and 18. I will add in dialogue options at the beginning of these games, and could also make a system where events could happen when you change from a team to its rival.
Prompt resets when you check your stats.
Placed a page break with text in between in order to stop this.
More history needed for separate clubs.
Club history, prefered playstyles and rivalries have been added in.
League is too generic
The league has been adjusted to be one that travels the world in a different host country (or set of countries) .each season, letting your player travel the world.
Thanks again to everyone who’s taken the time to test the game and give feedback. I appreciate it.