Somme Trench Questions

Okay, so I read last year’s discussion about IAPs Tell me if I’ve got this right – you write an updated version of your game with the new sidestory, and then anyone who buys the game is given a choice in-game to pay $1 or whatever more for that sidestory or to not pay and continue as-is? What about for people who’ve already purchased the game? When they update to the latest version are they asked to pay more?

My inclination had been to simply add the sidestory to the game and if you’ve already purchased it you get it as an update and if you buy it after the new addition you get it with your purchase. If that’s naive then set me straight.

@Stanlee_Kelly Thanks for that bug report. That sounds like a choicescript thing rather than anything with my coding. I vaguely remember reading people observe that the show stats button can mess with the display. Beats me how to fix that.

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