Short Oil Slick Simulator Game

Hi everyone. I’ve created a very short game for Sub-Q’s environment game jam that starts in 2 days. I ended up making an oil slick management sim, where you are the environmental officer making the decisions on how to manage the clean up. It’s pretty limited in scope due to the 1000 words of prose limit (which is incredibly hard to stick to!), but I’ve fitted in 2 little senarios.

If anyone would like to have a play and tell me what you think I’d be really grateful, however if it sounds too much like a science homework assignment I’ll understand :stuck_out_tongue:

Please tag me below if you’d like the link to the game. (I don’t think I can release via a public link it before it’s entered in the jam.)


I decided to submit it to the jam, so it’s here if anyone is interested :slight_smile: Slicked by Jacic
I have another fantasy themed one, but it’s still 500 words over the limit so it depends on whether I can get it edited down enough to enter in time. (I’m finding 1000 words of prose is super hard to stick to!)

There’s lots of other environment themed games coming into the jam that can be checked out as free to play. There’s a bit over 1 day left for anyone planning to enter before submission close. subQjam 2019 -