Seven Kingdoms, The Princess Problem

Hi everyone! <3

This is Aly the writer/maker person of 7KPP.

Thank you so much for all the nice things you have been saying. You definitely all made my day!

I’ve actually lurked around the CoG forums a lot, but this made me actually make an account to say hi, so thanks for that too!

I debated actually popping in a lot because I don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t talk honestly about the game. Please don’t mind me!

Funny fact: 7KPP actually started as a CoG game! You can still see that in some of the narration in the beginning of the game. Ultimately I decided that the game desperately needed the ability to save and load a lot, so I moved it to Ren’Py. (So yup, it’s on the Ren’Py engine) Which if the hundreds, even thousands of save files people have reported to have is any indication was apparently the right call!

Here’s a link to the big fan made guide that covers just about everything:

But it’s fullllllll of spoilers, so readers beware!

Someone wanted to know how long the game has been in progress I think? About a year. I’m a fast writer, but slow/not so great coder and grumpy editor haha. The art and stats pages were done by other people :slight_smile: I’m hoping it will be finished this year, but depending on how the kickstarter goes/what gets funded it might take longer than that. *crosses fingers for quicker finish time *

Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for playing and spreading the word <3 I super appreciate it! Also if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer!


Can we give you declarations of love also? :smiley:

Considering we have been talking about ships and such, Who would you ship together if you did not have to worry about plot reasons and other stuff?


I think that Ren’Py was very much the right choice for the game. I love the save/load feature as well as the back button. I love most of the artwork too.

Good luck with the kickstarter. When are you planning to have it? Will you be aiming to get the game released on Steam too?

Declarations of love are always welcome! <3 Thank you Wolfsra! (how am I supposed to talk to people here? @their name? Like thank you @Wolfsra ? Sorry for the new girl question!

I ship… MCxEveryone. Which is super convenient hahaha since that’s basically what I get to write. My fav back and forth scenes though are definitely Sassy!MC x Zarad. They make me laugh (at my own jokes because I’m cool like that)

Re: The Kickstarter, I only just started planning it. I took a poll and the majority wanted me to have one, so here I am. I have to figure things out and finish making my videos for it before it’s ready, but hopefully it will be ready in the next month or two. (I almost typed week and about gave myself a heart attack! Bad brain!)

Yes! I’m definitely going to put it up on steam greenlight. It’s been highly requested as it’s one of the easiest ways for international fans to get their hands on it, and the fandom of 7KPP is amazingly global (which is so awesome!)

Speaking of steam, I’ve been hosting a giveaway for some steam games I got a hold of during the super summer sale and there’s still about…9 hours to enter! So if anyone is interested all the info is here:

Re; Non-You Character interaction - considering all the possible variations involved this is one of the most difficult things to program, but one of the most requested, so I’m already planning on adding more from now on. Aside from the picnic and LisleXPenelope, you can get quite a few variations of it at girls night. Or secret hunting. Eavesdropping is good for that!

Thank you all for the very nice welcome <3


If you do @person then it notifies them that you’ve mentioned their name. So we do that.

I know that the inter-character interaction is such a beast to code. I’m actually awed by how much choice and possibilities your game already has. And besides our character is the protagonist, everyone should be focusing on her anyway. She should be shining! All eyes should be on her when she’s in the room. None of this chitterchatter amongst the others. :slight_smile:

I do like bumping into the others scheming.

Good luck to both! I’d love to see this put on Steam. We need more high-quality romance games.

Oh my goodness, welcome! I am impressed beyond belief you managed all this in a single year. Anyone can tell you’ve accomplished an awful lot in just this demo alone. I was just giddy at work today thinking of doing another playthrough when I got home. :blush:

One thing I really appreciate is how each background is cleverly integrated into dialogues. I just completed a widow run, and I loved how Hamin commented he liked her for her conniving personality, not in spite of it. She’s a natural pirate in the making, and I’d never even thought about it! I felt similarly when Emmett discussed growing up in Jiyel with my scholar, sharing this moment of mutual admiration. I also laughed when Prince Jarrod calls the widow a nasty spider, ha! It feels like your character is a person, not a blank slate like most MCs are. And it’s super fun to play as all these different personas! Super curious about the unlockable ones.

[quote=“Aly, post:42, topic:10312”]
Funny fact: 7KPP actually started as a CoG game! You can still see that in some of the narration in the beginning of the game. [/quote]
I DID WONDER. I agree that using Ren’Py was a great call. And the visuals are just breathtaking, particularly when combined with your prose. Can you pass on compliments to the artist? :heart:

Good luck! I definitely intend to donate, and I hope you make this a commercial game. It’s worth paying for.


@Aly I just had to say that I really enjoyed this game! It was way more fun than I thought it’d be! I also didn’t expect to be able to have relationships with other girls so I think I accidentally flirted with Ana.

One thing I was kind’ve disappointed was that we couldn’t try to hook people up. I was so sure that Emmet and Penelope would love each other so that’s why I didn’t romance. Other than that I loved everything!

Also, I was only able to play as a pirate daughter from Hise, is that normal?

Hi @Shawnheatherly! Thank you so much! I definitely agree! More romance games for everyone!

@SwanMaiden Thank you for the welcome :slight_smile: I’m super glad you are enjoying it! It is planned to be a commercial game, but that’s so that I can afford to keep making games, something I want to do now more than ever! Interacting with people and having them enjoy something I created has been super amazing!

KitsuneGoto I’m glad you are enjoying the game! Don’t worry Ana flirts with everyone first. It’s how she rolls. She accepts rejection gracefully though, so don’t worry.

There will be a chance to help push people into relationships at the end of the game. They are more political than romantic, but you can definitely play matchmaker.

The Pirate/Hise background is the default, everyone can unlock it. The others are unlocked based on the choices you make during the character creation/background section. Right now there are 6 and some are pretty hard to unlock (like the sheltered princess)

But there are guides that will tell you exactly what you need to pick to unlock all the backgrounds.

Thanks again everyone! I don’t know what I lurked for so long, you guys are all so enthusiastic, welcoming, passionate and nice! It’s fun to talk games with you guys <3


:scream: Omg! Really?!



@Aly This definitely should be a commercial game. You’ve clearly got a talent for game-making, and anything that helps you make more of them, and concentrate as much of your time as possible on them, as well as giving you the resources to make the games better, is certainly a win-win situation for everyone. :slight_smile:

Be sure not to underprice your game. Your game’s awesome already. It is worth all the money!


You guys are so nice here :blush:

p.s. I recognize you from all my lurking FairyGodfeather thanks for all your hard/awesome work as a moderator~

:gift_heart:'s for everyone!


Not gonna lie, I thought that was a revolver with the heart. :sweat_smile:

Lurkers unite!

Have you been planning to make a game for a long time or was it a snap decision?

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Haha that would be terrible. You all are so nice I gift you MASS MURDER.

Yay for fellow lurkerness~ And fellow delurkerness too!

Hmm…I always loved interactive stories (aka story-based games) as my favorite of all entertainment things. But I never thought that it was something I would be able to do. I’m not at all skilled at technical stuff, even looking at the most basic code makes my brain bleed and my art skill is literally on par with pre-schoolers (except I can usually color inside the lines) <—Former pre-school teacher, so this is an accurate judgement haha

So instead I was focused on writing books :slight_smile: I got close but not published for a couple years before getting really frustrated that so much of my fate was seemingly in random hands and knowing/hoping that if I could my stuff out there at least someone would like it.

So I had poked around in Ren’py and CoG coding before, but I never got far because I was always too ambitious for my skill level. But wanting to do something that I could actually do and put out on my own combined with frustration with a lot of the conversation going on in gaming where so many people equated challenge with combat when I thought there could be so much more than that.

So I said whatever, I’m just going to take everything I want in a game and put it together and just do it. And for once I just kept on working on it until I was sure I was far enough in that it was going to be a real thing. And then I put out the first demo sure it wasn’t going to even get noticed, but only amazing things have happened since then.

So I guess the moral of the story is if you have a story you want to tell don’t let what you think you should be doing/wisdom stop you? Hahaha. But yeah, 7KPP just came out of a bunch of different frustrations at once :slight_smile:


@FairyGodfeather The point you make about wanting the four of you to hang out- I had the option the third week of having a ‘girl’s night’, so that’s actually entirely possible.

@Aly T_T tears up Your game is beautiful. glomps Thank you so much for something so great! Your vision for everything you wanted in a game is basically the same as everything I’ve wanted in a game, I’m so glad you’ve taken the initiative and given this wonderful game!

Would just like to say that my favorite playthrough so far is the sheltered princess. Somehow I managed to start out with her being very charming and likeable, which has made it my most successful run. But aahh, I cannot decide between all the adorable romantic options! :smiley: Too much fun.

@Aly Welcome to the forum!! We’re excited to have you here :smile: I’m also really glad you did get to see this thread, it’s one of those things where you know your game is good when people love it so much you don’t have to promote it, they do it for you :wink:
Honestly it was entirely selfish. I just wanted more people to talk to about this game.

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Did you see the sheltered princess MC with Emmett? Talking about how they used to play together as children, and how he’ll always look out for her? cuteness overload!! :two_hearts:


I did see that! It’s actually really fun doing Arland!MC x Zarad, I have to say. It’s sweet how he shares information about Constance with you, and seems to genuinely feel for her plight and sympathize with you. It felt honest, and genuine from a character who feigns shallowness. But I also really like Arland!MC x Clarmont! :sweat_smile: It’s just really adorable how he listens to her and acknowledges that she’s likely had it rough being a princess, and not had many confidantes, and it is CUTENESS OVERLOAD. The replay value in this game is incredible.

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It’s 2 am where I am and I have to be up in 4 hours for work but now I have to go to another sheltered princess playthrough

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